Hu Xia feat. Li Yugang - 將進酒 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hu Xia feat. Li Yugang - 將進酒

Bring In the Wine
君不見 黃河之水天上來
My lady, have you not seen the Yellow River descend from the heavens?
It rushes to the sea without ever returning.
君不見 高堂明鏡悲白髮
My lady, do you not see the white hairs in the bright mirror in the grand hall?
In the morning, the hair was as green as silk; by evening, it became as white as snow.
人生得意須盡歡 莫使金樽空對月
When life is pleasurable, one must enjoy it to the fullest; do not let the golden goblet remain empty under the moon.
天生我材必有用 千金散盡還復來
I was born with talents that must be used; even if thousands of gold pieces are spent, they will come back again.
烹羊宰牛且為樂 會須一飲三百杯
We will boil mutton and slaughter an ox and make merry; we must drink at least three hundred cups at this gathering.
岑夫子 丹丘生 將進酒 杯莫停
Master Cen Fuzi and Immortal Danqiu, please bring in the wine; let the cups not remain empty.
與君歌一曲 請君為我傾耳聽
Let me sing you a song; please listen attentively for me.
鐘鼓饌玉不足貴 但願長醉不復醒
Bells, drums, and jade delicacies are not valuable; I only wish to remain drunk and never wake up.
君不見 黃河之水天上來
My lady, have you not seen the Yellow River descend from the heavens?
It rushes to the sea without ever returning.
君不見 高堂明鏡悲白髮
My lady, do you not see the white hairs in the bright mirror in the grand hall?
In the morning, the hair was as green as silk; by evening, it became as white as snow.
人生得意須盡歡 莫使金樽空對月
When life is pleasurable, one must enjoy it to the fullest; do not let the golden goblet remain empty under the moon.
天生我材必有用 千金散盡還復來
I was born with talents that must be used; even if thousands of gold pieces are spent, they will come back again.
古來聖賢皆寂寞 惟有飲者留其名
Throughout history, the sages and wise have all been lonely; only those who drink leave their names behind.
陳王昔時宴平樂 斗酒十千恣欢谑
In ancient times, King Chen hosted a banquet at Ping Le Palace, where he spent ten thousand coins on wine and enjoyed himself.
主人何為言少錢 徑須沽取對君酌
Host, why do you worry about the cost? Just get more wine and pour me a drink.
五花馬 千金裘 呼兒將出換美酒
My piebald horse and thousand-gold fur coat, call my son to sell them and buy more wine.
五花馬 千金裘 呼兒將出換美酒
My piebald horse and thousand-gold fur coat, call my son to sell them and buy more wine.
與爾同銷萬古愁 與爾同銷萬古愁
With you, I will dispel the sorrows of ten thousand ages; with you, I will dispel the sorrows of ten thousand ages.
與君歌一曲 請君為我傾耳聽
Let me sing you a song; please listen attentively for me.
鐘鼓饌玉不足貴 但願長醉不復醒
Bells, drums, and jade delicacies are not valuable; I only wish to remain drunk and never wake up.

Авторы: 唐潮, 李白, 楊曉磊blues

Hu Xia feat. Li Yugang - 拾 - Single
拾 - Single
дата релиза

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