Dodge the shit, dodge the banana, beware of the Romani lurking around the corner
Vedätä jopa kääntessä monarkkii, tääl rikokset laittaa sut joraa
Pull one even when you're wasted, you can dance to the crimes around here
Hipit tulee taas kakstuhatkuuskyt luvul, mitä teen mun bossin puvul
The hippies will return again in the two-thousand-sixty-sixth year, what will I do with my boss's suit?
Ei oo mitää sanomist mu muijan suvul, mä vaa kulumal kulun, oon veriappelsiini, syntisenä syntynyt mut oon jo turtunu paheisiini, yleisin niist on alaoven rynkytys
I have nothing to say on my brother-in-law's family, I just keep going, I'm a blood orange, born a sinner but I'm already numb to my own vices, the most common one is banging on the bathroom door
Ei oo olemassa vastikkeetont kiitosta, tääki o ryppyne, otin sen kerjäläisen kiposta
There's no such thing as a thank you with no strings attached, this one's wrinkled too, I took it from the beggar's bowl
Arvaa oliko yksin pasi, oliko ahtaalla Anssi, ikean pöydällä pakka ja lasi, juomapasianssi
Guess if Pasi was alone, was Anssi in a tight spot, there was a deck and a glass on the IKEA table, drinking solitaire
Salli mut saara, päin vittua asianhaara, sä läikyt ku laava, päin vittuu on asianhaara
Forgive me, Saara, it's a fucked up situation, you're dripping like lava, it's a fucked up situation
Mä oon nihkee ku tyttös hivi, suomiräppi piireis se ykkösnimi
I'm as stingy as a girl's HIV, the number one in Finnish rap circles
En omii huolia rimmaa, vaihtoehto koti, luoti tai linnaa
I don't rhyme my own worries, the alternatives are home, a bullet, or prison
Oon sohva siikli, futiskentälle Lidli, must tulis Ned Flanders
- didly, usko ku Ripley
I'm a couch potato, Lidl in the football field, I'd turn into Ned Flanders
- didly, trust me like Ripley
Oon taaimpaan hidas täs maailman tilas on varmaa hassuu uskoo et kaikki muuttuu kullaks ku Midas
I'm the slowest in the world, it's probably absurd to believe that everything turns to gold like Midas
Mont julkasuu mut himas aina likast, kertoo prioriteeteist vedän verhon sun etee ku olisin rikas
Mont published me, but it's always dirty at home, it tells me about priorities, I close the curtain on you as if I were rich
Mä en kaipaa naapurii mul on aita pihas, jos mä saan musiikist morkkiksen lainaa haitarias
I don't need neighbors, I have a fence in my yard, if I can get a loan from a moneylender, I'll buy an accordion