Hugo Toxxx - Nikdys Nebyl - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hugo Toxxx - Nikdys Nebyl

Nikdys Nebyl
Nikdys Nebyl
Tvůj byznys neni můj byznys
Your business is not my business
Takže sorry, pokud nemáš pro chips mý, zmiz
So please, if you don't have my chips, go away
Píšu na svůj bitchlist
I'm going to put you on my bitch list
Ježíš Kristus nejsi
You're not Jesus Christ
Nemusíme hrát nic, si hmyz
We don't have to play anything, you're a bug
Beru spray, fireflame
I'm taking the spray, fireflame
Ty máš stres
You're stressed out
Když dám bars
When I give a bar
Furt čekáš
You keep waiting
Jestli shodim tvůj nick
If I drop your nickname
Změň si jméno, pro si jenom krys (krysa)
Change your name, to me you're just a rat (rat)
Rybí hnus, syfilis
Fishy disgust, syphilis
Kape ti z duše hnis
Pus dripping from your soul
Si lhář, vobkládáš
You're a liar, you're lying
Vysáváš svý boys
You suck your boys
Nevěří ti nikdo
Nobody believes you
Každej ví, že si toy
Everybody knows you're a toy
Studio smrdí opicí, feťáctvim
The studio smells like monkeys, addicts
Zoufalství, povrchnost
Despair, superficiality
Teče dírou ze zdí
Leaking through a hole in the wall
Tvoje ex
Your ex
nenávidí, proč?
Hates you, why?
Ty to víš
You know why
Seš dementní
You're retarded
Lezeš do všech píč
You crawl into every pussy
Sereš si do huby
You shit in your mouth
Kdykoliv, kdekoliv
Whenever, wherever
Spolykal's hoven tolik
You've swallowed so much shit
Že nemůžeš nic jíst
You can't eat anything
Zmrd snaživej
Try-hard bastard
Blbej šprt prašivej
Dumb nerd pig
Chodíš do práce jak Kolben
You go to work like Kolben
Dělat nejhorší beats
Making the worst beats
Nikdys nebyl dope
You were never dope
Smějou se ti, ou, ou
They laugh at you, oh, oh
Žádnej joke, nechoď ven
No joke, don't go out
Někdo by moh' zbít
Someone might beat you up
Nikdy's nebyl Ice T, nebyl Ice T
You were never Ice T, you were never Ice T
Nikdy's nebyl Pimp C, nebyl's Pimp C
You were never Pimp C, you were never Pimp C
Nikdy's nebyl Chuck D, nikdy's nebyl Chuck D
You were never Chuck D, you were never Chuck D
Nikdy's nebyl Eazy-E, nikdy's nebyl Eazy-E
You were never Eazy-E, you were never Eazy-E
Chce se mi blít
I feel like throwing up
Když mi pouštíš svý beats
When you play me your beats
Nedáš líp
You can't get any better
Chcíp si dávno
Go die a long time ago
Zalez deep
Get buried deep
Nejsi street
You're not street
Nedám feat
I'm not gonna give you a feature
Tobě, ani nikomu z vás psích hoven
Not you, not any of you pieces of dog shit
Vylezu na Říp
I'm going to the top of Říp
Nevidím vás víc
I can't see you anymore
Bylo pár chvil, kdys byl fresh, je to pryč
There were a few moments when you were fresh, but it's over
Nejsme team, neni vibe
We're not a team, there's no vibe
Co teď s tím, musím jít
What do I do now, I have to go
Dejchat vzduch, znovu žít
Breathe fresh air, live again
Suchou větev jsem uříz
I cut off the dry branch
Sundal chain
Took off the chain
Ulít ven
Took a leak outside
Roztrh klec
Broke out of the cage
Urval síť
Tore down the net
Nikdy's nebyl Ice T, nebyl Ice T
You were never Ice T, you were never Ice T
Nikdy's nebyl Pimp C, nebyl's Pimp C
You were never Pimp C, you were never Pimp C
Nikdy's nebyl Chuck D, nikdy's nebyl Chuck D
You were never Chuck D, you were never Chuck D
Nikdy's nebyl Eazy-E, nikdy's nebyl Eazy-E
You were never Eazy-E, you were never Eazy-E
Nikdy's nebyl Ice T, nebyl Ice T
You were never Ice T, you were never Ice T
Nikdy's nebyl Pimp C, nebyl's Pimp C
You were never Pimp C, you were never Pimp C
Nikdy's nebyl Chuck D, nikdy's nebyl Chuck D
You were never Chuck D, you were never Chuck D
Nikdy's nebyl Eazy-E, nikdys nebyl Eazy-E
You were never Eazy-E, you were never Eazy-E

Авторы: Hugo Toxxx, Voodoo Voodoo

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