ImpiécÃ
vogliu
la
musa,
per
fanne
duie
casone
mi
ritrovu
indu
le
podgje,
e
di
moru
in
Albitrone,
ne
so
triste
e
scunsulatu,
chi
ghjè
mortu
Filicone,
My
muse
is
sad
and
lonely,
so
I'll
sing
her
two
new
songs,
I'm
high
up
in
the
hills,
near
the
village
of
Albitrone,
I'm
sad
and
disconsolate,
for
Filicone
is
dead,
Quand'elli
la
sentaranu,
i
cacciadori
in
casinca,
ch'ellu
hé
mortu
Filicone,
a
u
pede
d'una
listinca,
n'hè
mortu
bell'onoratun
c'u
un
cignale
capu
capu,
l'aghju
fattu
un
cimeteriu,
tuttu
cintu
a
muraglione,
nunda
ch'è
di
maestranza,
ci
anghju
qualchi
pataccone,
senza
conta
l'altru
restu,
è
po
tutte
le
curone,
senza
conta
l'altru
restu,
è
po
tutte
le
curone.
When
the
hunters
hear
this,
in
the
forests
of
Casinca,
that
Filicone
is
dead,
at
the
foot
of
a
holm
oak,
he
died
with
great
honor,
by
the
tusk
of
a
boar,
built
him
a
cemetery,
surrounded
by
a
wall,
nothing
is
too
beautiful
for
him,
if
have
a
few
coins,
not
counting
the
rest,
and
then
all
the
wreaths,
not
counting
the
rest,
and
then
all
the
wreaths.