Vi facenu un surrisu
/ e posanu una cria/ in lu so paradisu
/ ci manca qualchissia. s invatanu l amore
/ e sere senza cena
/ una lacrima corre
/ s addurmentanu a pena. vi piglianu a manu
/ li si pare di tene
/ un frisgiu di veranu
/ un filucciu d avvene
. a soia a furtuna
/ s he frusta in la memoria
/ e solu un chjar di luna
/ apacia la so storia
. vi dicenu i secreti
/ ch elli portanu in core
/ si facenu discreti /quand ellu ci vole a more
. un ghjornu si ne vanu /nisunu l accumpagna
/ qualla a cuntaranu
/ a soia a cuccagna
. e noi un li sentimu
/ e noi un li vidimu
/ e noi chi ne dimmu
/ di quelli chi un anu a nimu
/ quelli chi un anu a nimu
/ quelli chi un a nimu
We give them a smile
/ and put a cry
/ in their paradise
/ someone is missing. They invite love
/ and nights without dinner
/ a tear runs
/ they fall asleep with difficulty. They take you by the hand
/ you feel like holding
/ a summer breeze
/ a thread of joy. Fate is the storm
/ she frustrates the memory
/ and only a ray of moonlight
/ soothes her story. They tell you the secrets
/ they carry in their hearts
/ they become discreet
/ when she wants love. One day they leave
/ no one accompanies them
/ they will tell
/ it's a paradise. And we don't hear them
/ and we don't see them
/ and we, what do we say
/ of those who don't have anyone
/ those who don't have anyone
/ those who don't have to. Anyone
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