IDK - Voi nu ma fentati (feat. Alberto Grasu) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни IDK - Voi nu ma fentati (feat. Alberto Grasu)

Voi nu ma fentati (feat. Alberto Grasu)
Voi Don't Tempt Me (feat. Alberto Grasu)
(Nu va mai haladeati huh)
(Don't get too excited, honey)
(Nu va mai haladeati huh)
(Don't get too excited, baby)
Pizde imi dau mesaje sa vedem cum facem
These hoes text me, want to see how we do
Hai sa fim pe bune,de ce ne prefacem?
Let's be real, why are we pretending?
A vorbit aiurea de mine,acum zace
She talked trash about me, now she's hurting
Si curva ta proasta nu ma lasa in pace
And your stupid whore won't leave me alone
Am un frate in spate gata sa atace
I got a homie behind me, ready to attack
O dau la o parte ca nu i eficace
I push her away, she's not effective
Mi e dor de nevastă-ta ma intreb ce-o face
I miss your wife, I wonder what she's up to
Ii e dor de mine se intreaba ce-o face? (Huh)
She misses me too, she wonders what I'm up to? (Huh)
Sa vedem care-i treaba
Let's see what the deal is
Sunt plin de sange stai sa imi sterg pata
I'm covered in blood, let me wipe the stain
Vorbesti de designer da porti numai Kappa
You talk about designer but you only wear Kappa
Si a ta ma intreaba ce faci IDK?
And your girl asks me, what are you doing IDK?
Ce faci IDK?
What are you doing IDK?
Nu bag tarfe in seama asta m-a invatat tata
I don't pay attention to skanks, my dad taught me that
A vorbit aiurea isi primeste rasplata
She talked shit, now she's getting what she deserves
Cine dracu-i asta nu-l stie nici strada
Who the hell is this guy? Even the street doesn't know him
Huh pistoale
Huh, guns
Gloante in aer ei vorbesc de arme
Bullets in the air, they talk about weapons
Huh betoane
Huh, concrete
Se jura pe frati da îl fura cat poate
He swears by his brothers, but he steals from them as much as he can
Huh pe coate
Huh, on their knees
Toti in noroaie e care pe care
Everyone in the mud, it's a free-for-all
Ma vede si moare
He sees me and he dies
Cantati pentru voi nu mai cantati de foame
You sing for yourselves, you don't sing to survive anymore
Iesim in strada pe seara pizde in brigada le strigam cumnate
We go out on the street in the evening, hoes in a squad, we call them sisters-in-law
Va dati trepari,va filmati cu masini da aveti flow si versuri furate
You pretend to be something you're not, you film yourself with cars, but you have stolen flow and lyrics
Am trecut prin multe in viata fraieri m au turnat fara loialitate
I've been through a lot in my life, these losers snitched on me, no loyalty
Iti dai fratia pe lovele vrajeala la scara nu vorbi de fapte
You trade your brotherhood for money, bullshit on a grand scale, don't talk about deeds
Alberto Grasu pentru astea tratament
Alberto Grasu for the treatment of these fools
Imi zice ca ii e rau,pentru ea medicament
She tells me she's feeling bad, for her, medicine
Ma pis pe orice fraier o numesc amuzament
I piss on any fool, I call it amusement
Astia vorbesc de bataie pana devin violent
These guys talk about violence until they become violent
Pana devin violent
Until they become violent
Fac banii cand dorm astia dau faliment
I make money in my sleep, these guys go bankrupt
Imi zice ca ii e foame pentru ea sunt aliment
She tells me she's hungry, for her, I'm food
Fac fix ce ma taie capu ca n am regulament
I do whatever I want because I don't have any rules
Repeta oleaca am uitat ce ziceati
Repeat a little, I forgot what you were saying
Am facut doua mii in timp ce voi vorbeati
I made two thousand while you were talking
Daca nu eram eu nu stiati sa cantati
If it weren't for me, you wouldn't know how to sing
Daca nu eram eu nu va mai haladeati
If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be so excited anymore
Nu va mai haladeati
Don't get excited
Nu va mai haladeati
Don't get too excited
Daca nu eram eu nu stiati sa cantati
If it weren't for me, you wouldn't know how to sing
Daca nu eram eu nu va mai haladeati
If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be so excited anymore
N am ce sa le fac daca sunt suparati
I can't help it if they're pissed off
Stau pe loc si fac bani voi trebuie sa alergati
I stay put and make money, you need to hustle
Se vede pe ei ca sunt de-ăia ratati
You can see on their faces that they're losers
Am o minte de aur voi nu ma fentati
I have a golden mind, you don't tempt me
Voi nu ma fentati
You don't tempt me
Voi nu ma fentati
You don't tempt me
Voi nu ma fentati
You don't tempt me
Am o minte de aur voi nu ma fentati
I have a golden mind, you don't tempt me

Авторы: Romeo Glass, Nedelcu Stefan

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