Iara Rennó - Macunaíma - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Iara Rennó - Macunaíma

No fundo do mato-virgem nasceu Macunaíma
In the depths of the virgin forest, Macunaíma was born
Era preto retinto e filho do medo da noite
He was pitch black and the son of the fear of the night
No fundo do mato-virgem nasceu Macunaíma
In the depths of the virgin forest, Macunaíma was born
Era preto retinto e filho do medo da noite
He was pitch black and the son of the fear of the night
Houve um momento em que o silêncio foi tão grande
There was a moment when the silence was so great
Escutando o murmurejo do Uraricoera
Listening to the murmur of the Uraricoera
Que a índia tapanhumas pariu uma criança feia
That the Tapanhumas Indian gave birth to an ugly child
Macunaíma na meninice fez coisas de sarapantar
Macunaíma even in his infancy did things to startle
De primeiro passou mais de seis anos não falando, não, não, não
Firstly, he spent more than six years not speaking, no, no, no
E si o incitavam a falar exclamava:
And if they urged him to speak, he would exclaim:
Ai! Que preguiça! E não dizia mais nada
Ha! What laziness! And he would say no more
Ficava no canto da maloca, trepado no jirau de paxiúba
He would stay in the corner of the malocca, perched on the paxiúba platform
Espiando o trabalho dos outros e principalmente os dois manos que tinha
Spying on the work of others and especially the two brothers he had
Maanapê, velhinho e Jiguê, na força de homem
Maanapê, the old man, and Jiguê, in the strength of manhood
E o divertimento dele era decepar cabeça de saúva
And his amusement was to decapitate leaf-cutting ants
Pouca saúde, muita saúva, os males do Brasil são
Poor health, lots of leaf-cutting ants, these are the ills of Brazil
Vivia deitado mas si punha os olhos em dinheiro
He lived lying down but if he laid eyes on money
Macunaíma dandava pra ganhar vintém
Macunaíma would walk to earn a penny
Acuti pita canhém
Agouti peccary squirrel
No mucambo si alguma cunhatã
In the hut, if any young woman
Se aproximava dele pra fazer festinha
Were to approach him to have a little fun
Macunaíma punha a mão nas graças dela, cunhatã se afastava
Macunaíma would put his hand on her charms, the young woman would move away
Nos machos cuspia na cara
In the men, he would spit in their faces
Porém respeitava os velhos
However, he respected the elders
E freqüentava com aplicação
And he would diligently attend
A murua a poracê o toré o bacorocô a cucuicogue
The murua, the poracê, the toré, the bacorocô, the cucuicogue
Todas essas danças religiosas da tribo
All those religious dances of the tribe
A murua a poracê o toré o bacorocô a cucuicogue
The murua, the poracê, the toré, the bacorocô, the cucuicogue
Todas essas danças religiosas da tribo
All those religious dances of the tribe
No fundo do mato-virgem nasceu Macunaíma
In the depths of the virgin forest, Macunaíma was born
Era preto retinto e filho do medo da noite
He was pitch black and the son of the fear of the night
No fundo do mato-virgem nasceu Macunaíma
In the depths of the virgin forest, Macunaíma was born
Era preto retinto e filho do medo da noite
He was pitch black and the son of the fear of the night

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