Ibrica Jusić - Mačka - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ibrica Jusić - Mačka

U gradu nije važno ime
Your name has no importance here
U praznoj sobi, kaže prica
Inside the empty room, the story is told
I u sred ljeta, u sred zime
In the middle of summer, the middle of winter
Ja vidim tužnoga mladica
I can see the melancholy young man
On živi sam i k'o zanesen
He lives alone and he's like a dreamer
U svome svijetu od papira
In his world of paper
A vani sunce, kiša, jesen
Outside the sun, rain, autumn
A vani vergl nesto svira
Outside the heat is currently whistling
No jednog dana sum kraj vrata
But one day I am near the door
To netko neznan uci zeli
That a stranger wants to enter
U njegov život poput tata
In his life like a thief
Da njegovu samocu dijeli
To share his loneliness
A vani zima, vani snjezi
Outside it's winter, outside there's snow
I pored praga macka lezi
And near the doorstep a cat lies
On pruza ruke k'o da sanja
He extends his hands as if in a dream
A vani zora, svijetlost danja
Outside dawn breaks, the world is getting light
No u tom casu, u tom trenu
But in that moment, in that instant
Pred sobom vidje nagu ženu
In front of him, he sees a naked woman
I on joj rece, budi moja
And he tells her, be mine
A ona kaze, ja sam tvoja
And she says, I am yours
I sve sto ima mladic skupi
And everything that the young man has, he collects
I stavi trgovcu na vagu
And puts it on the scales for the merchant
Da prstenje od zlata kupi
To buy a ring of gold
I haljinu za svoju dragu
And a dress for his darling
Da, zlato zeli, al' ne haje
Yes, he wants the gold, but he doesn't mind
Za skromnu halju sto joj daje
For the modest dress that he gives her
I tuzni mladic svako veće
And the sad young man, every evening
U novu kradju opet krece
Sets out on a new robbery
Jer on je zeli, on je ljubi
For he wants her, he loves her
I volio bi da je mazi
And he would like to be able to pamper her
A zna da svoju ljubav gubi
But he knows that he is losing his love
Bez darova i ruku praznih
Without presents and empty-handed
I rijesi sada, još ove noći
And he now resolves, even this night
U zadnju kradju on će poci
To set out on his last robbery
I u zoru se mladic vrati
And at dawn the young man returns
Da strasnim novcem ljubav plati
To pay for love with the stolen money
I donese joj dragi kamen
And he brings her a precious stone
U svijetu najveći od sviju
The largest of all in the world
U kom se kao jedan plamen
In which, like a flame
Sve vatre ovog svijeta kriju
All the fires of this world are hidden
I vidje, žena ruke pruza
And I saw, the woman extends her hands
I ljubi kamen kao muza
And kisses the stone like a muse
I kao sto njega nikad nije
And as he has never done
Uz tijelo hladan kamen grije
The cold stone warms his body
I dok se njemu lice grci
And while his face distorts
U sobu udje mis i trci
A thought enters the room and runs
I kao macka skoci žena
And like a cat the woman jumps
Na plijen se baci istog trena
She throws herself on the prey at once
I stigne ga, a njeni zubi
And she reaches him, and her teeth
Već traže meso koje pece
Already seek the flesh that burns
I zeni koju mladic ljubi
And the woman whom the young man loves
Sa kuta usne krv potece
Blood flows from the corner of her mouth
U strahu maldic oči sklopi
In fear the young man closes his eyes
Te strasne slike neka odu
Let the terrible images pass
On vidje ladju sto se topi
He sees a ship that sinks
I svoju ljubav na tom brodu
And his love on that ship
A kada opet nadje snage
And when he finds strength again
On digne vjedje, zene nema
He raises his eyelids, the woman is gone
I tada mjesto svoje drage
And then at the place of his sweetheart
On vidje macku kako drijema
He sees a cat dozing
Kroz prozor udje svijetlost danja
Light of day enters through the window
On pruza ruke k'o da sanja
He extends his hands as if in a dream
Sad opet samo macku ima
Now he only has the cat again
A vani studen, snijeg i zima
Outside it's cold, snow and winter

Авторы: Pero Gotovac, Zvonimir Golob, Zvonirmir Golob

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