Ibrica Jusić - Trubač Sa Seine - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ibrica Jusić - Trubač Sa Seine

Trubač Sa Seine
Trumpeter of the Seine
Moja je soba tako jadno mala
My room is awfully small
Ja ne bih u njoj izdrzati mog'o.
I couldn't bear to stay inside it
Da mi oci ne sanjaju budne
If my eyes didn't dream when they're awake
Al' ne ropcem, sudbini velim: hvala;
But I don't complain, I say thank you to fate
Sto mojoj bijedi cudan sjaj je dala,
That it gave my misery a strange glow
I moje patnje nisu uzaludne.
And that my suffering is not in vain.
Danas sam opet ruco samo caj
Today I again had only tea for breakfast
Al' vlazna blagost sja u mome oku.
But a moist sensuality shines in my gaze.
Ja opet mislim na svoj rodni kraj
I again think of my native land
I ceznja preobrazava mi javu:
And longing transforms my reality:
Sa Quaija mjesto Seine cujem Savu
From the Quai instead of the Seine I hear the Sava's flow
I Tuskanac mi sumi iz aleja.
And the Tuskanac whispers to me from the alleys.
Na domovini dvostruka je sjena:
On my homeland a double shadow rests
Baca je Pesta, baca je Bec.
Cast by Budapest, cast by Paris.
Ona je sva u crno zavijena
She's all wrapped in black
Ne cuje, majko, niko tvoju rijec!
She can't hear your voice, Mother!
Sumori, dise more, tece Drava,
The marshlands hum, the Drava flows
A izmedju njih jedna zemlja spava.
And in between them a country sleeps.
Pod vedrim nebom slobodnog Pariza
Under the open skies of free Paris
Koliko puta tuga me je srela
How many times has sadness met me
U vrevi Etoillea, Saint-Michelea!
In the whirl of the Etoile, the Saint-Michel!
O Boze, tu treba biti jak.
Oh God, here you must be strong.
U tome svjetlu jos me vise boli
In that light the thick darkness
Rodene moje grude gusti mrak.
Over my native soil pains me even more.
Udisem Pariz, smjelim bijegom spasih
I breathe Paris, I save my bold flight
Slobodnu dusu, ali ja sam sin,
My free soul, but I'm a son,
A mojoj majci sve su sjede vlasi.
And my mother's hair is turning gray.
Ja zene nemam, a ni druga nemam.
I have no wife, nor any other friend.
Sto jos imadoh? Samo jezik svoj
What else did I have? Just my language
U koji zivot svoga srca spremam.
Into which I weave the life of my heart.
Zanosi, misli, ritmovi i rime!
Enthusiasm, thoughts, rhythms and rhymes!
Ja bezimen u bezimenu mnostvu
I, nameless in the faceless crowd
Daleko negdje sebi sticem ime
Far somewhere forge my name
I muku mucim samca-dezertera,
And suffer the torment of a lone deserter
Sto zabranjenu domovinu sanja
Who dreams of his forbidden homeland
Na hartiji, u potezima pera.
On paper, in the strokes of a pen.
Pero, ta mala, ta obicna stvar
A pen, that small, ordinary thing
A kako ziva, kako puna snage.
But how alive, how full of power.
Kad iz njeg' tece novih rijeci car
When a new king of words flows from it
Omamljuje me kao govor drage.
It intoxicates me like a lover's speech.
Sva utjeha je u tom malom peru:
All my comfort lies in that little pen:
I sja i grije i vraca mi vjeru.
It shines and warms and restores my faith.
O Hrvatska, o moja domovino,
Oh Croatia, oh my homeland,
Ti moja majko, ti moja davnino
You my mother, you my past
Ti porobljeni, oteti mi kraju!
You enslaved, stolen piece of mine!
Gle, jadni dezerter ti daje dar,
See, a poor deserter gives you a gift,
Bogatiji no kraljevi ga daju
Richer than kings give
I sav je ljubav, pobuna i zar.
And it's all love, rebellion and fire.
Ja skoro prosjak duh slobode sirim
I, a near beggar, spread the spirit of freedom
Pa i nem'o na svom grobu svijecu
So even though there's no candle on my grave
Ja necu, necu da se smirim.
I won't, I won't calm down.
K'o svjezi vjetar u sparinu pirim,
I blow like a fresh wind into the heat,
A kada umor svlada duse lijene,
And when tiredness overcomes lazy souls,
Na otpor trubim, ja trubac sa Seine!
I sound the trumpet of resistance, I, the trumpeter of the Seine!
Sto mi je placa? Mrznja gmizavaca
What is my reward? Hatred of vile creatures
Sto svoje blato lijepe o moj glas
Who pour their mud on my voice
Al' ja pred licem doma stojim vedar
But before the face of my homeland I stand serene
Za hljeb slobode prilazem svoj klas.
And offer my ear of corn for the bread of freedom.
Zar nije zlatan i bogat i jedar...
Isn't it golden and rich and healthy...
Zar nije zlatan i bogat i jedar...
Isn't it golden and rich and healthy...

Авторы: Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Dobrisa Cesaric, Stjepan Stipica Kalogjera, Ibrahim - Ibrica Jusiä†, Dobriå a Cesariä†

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