Ical Mosh - Gari Dan Picagari - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ical Mosh - Gari Dan Picagari

Gari Dan Picagari
Car and Syringe
Hard Hittaz Gang
Hard Hittaz Gang
Aku belum buta apa lagi bisu
I'm not blind, nor am I dumb
Aku berontak bila aku rasa perlu
I'll rebel when I feel like it
Bagi yang emosi boleh sediakan tisu
For those who are emotional, have some tissues ready
Ini bukan cerita Black
This is not a story of Black
Hawk Down, Mogadishu
Hawk Down, Mogadishu
Tatkala orang orang macam aku digari
When people like me get arrested
Tak buat salah tapi tetap kami dicari
We didn't do anything wrong, but we're still being sought
Fuck the up!
Fuck the up!
Mereka banyak makan bersuap
They bribe a lot
Kerja hanya suku hari
Work only a few hours a day
Lebih banyak menguap
Yawn a lot more
So, Rest In Piss pada kaki kencing
So, Rest In Piss to the pissing legs
Sistem kau cipta tak seimbang
The system you created is unbalanced
Even simbol dacing, hancing
Even symbols of justice and power, are hypocritical
Aku taknak jadi anjing suruhan
I will not be a dog on a leash
Aku masih ada Tuhan
I still have God
Dan, sementara di jalanan
And, while on the streets
Jarum suntikan bergelimpangan
Used syringes are scattered
Ramai dari kalangan aku
Many of my people
Tewas di persimpangan
Die at intersections
Akibat desakan, hidup semakin tertekan
Due to pressures, life gets more depressing
Sabar kawan, aku faham apa kau rasakan
Be patient my friend, I understand what you're going through
Salam pada kawan yang
Greetings to my friend who
Sedang lena di lorong
Is sleeping in the alley
Kau bukan sengaja
You didn't do it on purpose
Aku tahu kau tak bohong
I know you're not lying
Kau jerit pada Tuhan
You cry out to God
Tapi mungkin Tuhan tak tolong
But maybe God won't help
Hanya tunggu masa untuk
Just waiting for the time to
Jasad kau disorong
Push your body away
Bukan mudah...
Not easy...
Untuk hidup dalam dunia topengan
To live in a world of masks
Kau bukan sampah
You are not trash
Macam yang sering dikatakan
As they often say
Mereka yang berjubah
Those who wear robes
Tak semestinya mulia
Are not necessarily noble
So biar kita jadi kita
So let us be ourselves
Bro, persetankan mereka
Bro, fuck them
Penjenayah yang sebenar di parlimen
The real criminals are in parliament
Pakai coat, pakai tie,
Wearing coats, wearing ties,
Tabur janji manis hanya di mulut
Making sweet promises, but only in their mouths
Si cibai
The assholes
Demokrasi. demo crazy
Democracy, demo crazy
Kita dijajah oleh penjajah kuku besi
We are colonized by iron-fisted colonizers
Sebab tu makin ramai jadi hamba picagari
That's why more and more people become slaves to syringes
Tekanan dengan hidup
Pressure with life
Taraf hidup makin tinggi
The standard of living is getting higher
Kita manusia, kau dan aku sama
We are human, you and I are the same
Cuma keadaan kadang buat kau terpaksa
It's just that sometimes circumstances force you
Biar orang anggap kita sampah
Let people think we're trash
Sumpah, biar mereka lebih ramai jumlah
I swear, let them be more in number
Sembah, aku takkan mungkin rebah
Worship, I will never fall
Bangkit untuk orang mereka anggap sakit
Rise up for those they consider sick
Dan, sementara di jalanan
And, while on the streets
Jarum suntikan bergelimpangan
Used syringes are scattered
Ramai dari kalangan aku
Many of my people
Tewas di persimpangan
Die at intersections
Akibat desakan, hidup semakin tertekan
Due to pressures, life gets more depressing
Sabar kawan, aku faham apa kau rasakan
Be patient my friend, I understand what you're going through
Salam pada kawan yang
Greetings to my friend who
Sedang lena di lorong
Is sleeping in the alley
Kau bukan sengaja
You didn't do it on purpose
Aku tahu kau tak bohong
I know you're not lying
Kau jerit pada Tuhan
You cry out to God
Tapi mungkin Tuhan tak tolong
But maybe God won't help
Hanya tunggu masa untuk
Just waiting for the time to
Jasad kau disorong
Push your body away
Bukan mudah,
Not easy,
Untuk hidup dalam dunia topengan
To live in a world of masks
Kau bukan sampah,
You are not trash,
Macam yang sering dikatakan
As they often say
Mereka yang berjubah
Those who wear robes
Tak semestinya mulia
Are not necessarily noble
So biar kita jadi kita
So let us be ourselves
Bro, persetankan mereka
Bro, fuck them

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