Ice Paper - 地獄變相 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ice Paper - 地獄變相

Inferno: Visions of Hell
有人嚮往光明 有人崇拜黑暗
Some long for the light, while others worship darkness
有人只影獨行 有人多多益善
Some walk alone, while others seek companionship
思想還未成型 就急著游向對岸
Thoughts still forming, yet desperate to reach the other side
我們面目猙獰 親手釘上板的罪犯
We, with our distorted faces, guilty of nailing ourselves to the cross
I recall us reaching out from the abyss
Forcibly pulling him down (why)
My purpose in this game
Was not merely to add fuel to the flames (why)
So many things I once disregarded
But this is not one of them (why)
Blame me for revealing my position
撕開我的防備 令我變得狼狽
Tearing down my defenses and leaving me vulnerable
昨天又 diss 了誰(who)
Who did you diss yesterday (who)
Who did you offend today (who)
Who will you wrongly blame tomorrow (who)
How can you stand out from the crowd
時刻保持飢餓 又要時刻保持理智
Always hungry, yet always rational
像是空洞騎士 根本沒有必要將你敵視
Like the Hollow Knight, there's no need to see you as an enemy
You and I live within this corrupt system
Though our paces may differ
但是沒有關係 只要能夠喘息
But it matters not, as long as we can breathe
給我一點時間 就在天亮之前
Give me a moment, before dawn's first light
放下所有仇恨責怪 所有謾罵抵賴
Let go of all the hatred, blame, insults, and denials
所有看不慣的 所有懶得賺的
All that we despise and refuse to earn
換成泛濫的愛 但是依舊
Replace them with an overflow of love, but still
有人嚮往光明 有人崇拜黑暗
Some long for the light, while others worship darkness
有人只影獨行 有人多多益善
Some walk alone, while others seek companionship
思想還未成型 就急著游向對岸
Thoughts still forming, yet desperate to reach the other side
我們面目猙獰 親手釘上板的罪犯
We, with our distorted faces, guilty of nailing ourselves to the cross
有人嚮往光明 有人崇拜黑暗
Some long for the light, while others worship darkness
有人只影獨行 有人多多益善
Some walk alone, while others seek companionship
思想還未成型 就急著游向對岸
Thoughts still forming, yet desperate to reach the other side
我們面目猙獰 親手釘上板的罪犯
We, with our distorted faces, guilty of nailing ourselves to the cross
我們把那一桶汽油 全澆在蝙蝠身上
We pour that bucket of gasoline, all over the bat
點了根火柴後濕潤 的空氣都變得好燙
After lighting the match, the humid air scalds
圍觀的小丑都看呆了 忘記了熱烈鼓掌
The watching clowns are stunned, forgetting to applaud
美曰其名為了和平 為了要揭露真相
All in the name of peace, to expose the truth
象牙的馬桶里塞滿黃金 沒人會覺得臟
An ivory toilet, filled with gold, no one thinks it's filth
河裡撿鑽石的奴隸 誰來教他如何反抗
The slave finding diamonds in the river, who will teach him to rebel
死了以後隨便扔到 荒郊野外無處安葬
After death, carelessly discarded, buried nowhere in the wilderness
明明事不關己 還要高高掛起的我
Though the matter was none of my concern, I stood aloof
Why have I begun to use violence
I am becoming violent
I am getting used to violence
I have long hated violence
The masses still protect me
Solving problems with violence
Only to create new problems
This truly makes no sense
"This truly makes no sense!"

Авторы: Ice Paper

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