Icke & Er - Interlude - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Icke & Er - Interlude

Hoy hay entre los dos
Today there is between us
El pasar de una vida
The passing of a lifetime
El pesar de mis noches
The burden of my nights
El morir de mis días
The dying of my days
Sin saber si aun
Without knowing if you were
Eras mía, eras mía
Still mine, were mine
Hubo un tiempo en que yo
There was a time when I
No quería dar un brazo a torcer
Didn't want to give an arm to twist
Pero el alma entregue porque seas mía
But I gave up my soul because you were mine
Sin saber que hacer
Without knowing what to do
Con tu alegría...
With your joy...
Y tan lejos de mi
And so far from me
Te encontré...
I found you...
A golpe de mirar
In a stroke of luck
A punto de decir que ya no estoy aquí
On the verge of saying I'm not here anymore
Y tan cerca de mi
And so close to me
Yo te halle...
I found you...
Cuando busque sobre mi hombro vacío
When I looked over my empty shoulder
Y encontré tu compañía...
And I found your company...
Cuanto puede alargar tu vida sola...
How long can your lonely life lengthen...
Cuanto dura una noche
How long does one night last
Cuanto pesa dos vidas
How much do two lives weigh
Sin saber que hacer
Without knowing what to do
Si son distintas, si son distintas
If they are different, if they are different
Hubo días en que tu
There were days when you
Diste tu brazo a torcer
Twisted your arm
Te ahogaste en el mar
You drowned in the sea
De mis recuerdos
Of my memories
Sin saber nada...
Without knowing anything...
Y tan lejos de ti
And so far from you
Yo me halle...
I found myself...
Tan solo recordar
Just remembering
A pasos de tus risas
In the footsteps of your laughter
Y frente de tu mirar...
And in front of your gaze...
Y tan cerca de ti
And so close to you
Me encontré...
I found myself...
Al preguntar si aun estaba vivo
When I asked if I was still alive
Y encontré: eras mi vida.
And I found: you were my life.

Авторы: Icke & Er

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