Idoli - Ime Da Da - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Idoli - Ime Da Da

Ime Da Da
Name Yes Yes
Bolje veceras nemoj da dodjes
Better tonight you don't come over
Veceras zovem telefonom
Tonight I'm calling on the phone
Razmestam stvari jer
Moving things around because
Bice tu
She will be here
Sve sto se sprema
Everything that's being prepared
Jednom ce doci
Will arrive one day
I njeno ime
And her name
Jednom ce doci
Will arrive one day
Senke su blize
Shadows are closer
Od svakog sna
Than any dream
Zato bolje veceras nemoj doci
That's why better tonight you don't come over
Veceras volim telefonom
Tonight I'm loving on the phone
Veceras ime da da
Tonight say yes to a name
Ime da
Say yes
Oko mene mahom su ljudi
Around me people are waving
I ja se divim
And I'm in awe
Lice mi tone
My face sinks
Do Jadrana
To the Adriatic sea
Sve ce doci
Everything will come
Sve ce proci
Everything will go
Samo nemoj ti
Just don't be there
Oci su zive i more klizi
Eyes are alive and the sea is calling
Dok njeno ime ne ispece
Until her name is burned into my mind
Sum noci
Night mist
Pesma cempresa
Cypress song
Vidim automobil
I see a car
I kud cu poci
And where will I go
Ko svaka stvar
Like everything else
Sve ce proci
Everything will pass
Elektricitet zanosan
Kad vidim telo
When I see a body
Kad vidim more
When I see the sea
Kad vidim ime
When I see a name
Ime da da
Say yes to a name
Elektricitet zanosan
Bolje veceras nemoj doci
Better tonight you don't come over
Jer moje je vece u
Because mine is already in
Tam-tam ritmu
Tam-tam rhythm
Veceras ime da da
Tonight say yes to a name
Ime da
Say yes
Sve ce doci
Everything will come
Sve ce proci
Everything will go
Samo nemoj ti
Just don't be there
Bolje veceras nemoj da dodjes
Better tonight you don't come over
Veceras bice svetlo plavo
Tonight the light will be blue
Sum vala
Wave mist
Pesma cempresa
Cypress song
Sve sto se sprema
Everything that's being prepared
Jednom ce doci
Will arrive one day
I tvoje ime
And your name
Jednom ce doci
Will arrive one day
Razmestam stvari
Moving things around
Jer bice tu
Because she will be here
Sve ce doci
Everything will come
Sve ce proci
Everything will go
Samo nemoj ti
Just don't be there
Sve ce proci
Everything will go
Sve ce doci
Everything will come
Samo nemoj ti
Just don't be there

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