Iker Plan feat. Diego Teksuo - Atlas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Iker Plan feat. Diego Teksuo - Atlas

A veces hacerle frente es como ver la cara oculta de la luna
Sometimes facing it is like seeing the dark side of the moon,
Pero con determinación encontrarás las respuestas a tus dudas
But with determination you'll find the answers to your doubts.
He visto el miedo de la gente al viajar en tren
I've seen people's fear when traveling by train,
Ver agachar cabezas cuando no va bien
Seeing heads bow when things aren't going well,
Vivir en la utopía de una vida como rehén
Living in the utopia of a life as a hostage,
Resignarse a soñar con frutos del edén
Resigning themselves to dreaming of the fruits of Eden.
El cambio propio, mirando a la altura en tu puesto
Personal change, looking up from your position,
Nadie esta por encima
No one is above,
No eres mejor que el resto y si eres de esos, te detesto
You're not better than the rest, and if you are one of those, I detest you.
No es tarde para darte cuenta que no eres perfecto
It's not too late to realize that you're not perfect.
Humanos muchos, personas pocas, defectos cientos
Many humans, few people, hundreds of flaws,
Veneno en su boca, no hay que fiarse
Poison in their mouths, you can't trust them,
Ni de una sombra propia mantente fuerte como una roca
Not even your own shadow, stay strong like a rock.
En esta vida todos creen ser libres
In this life everyone thinks they are free,
No despiertan de su letargo viven en "Matrix"
They don't wake up from their lethargy, they live in "The Matrix".
Como tortugas y liebres, pobre de ellos
Like turtles and hares, poor them,
Sabed que valéis tanto
Know that you are worth so much.
Yo no pare de luchar jamás
I never stopped fighting,
Me han expulsado tantas veces por defender la verdad
I have been expelled so many times for defending the truth.
Mis comienzos, siempre me sentí especial
My beginnings, I always felt special,
Tuve personalidad
I had personality,
He repartido a aquellos que se propasaban hasta dejar mis manos
I have fought those who crossed me until my hands were
Empapadas en sangre me han partido la cara y después me he levantado
Covered in blood, they've broken my face and afterwards I got up.
Porque cuanto más te caes tu valor se hace más grande
Because the more you fall, the greater your value becomes,
Nunca dejé a la burla alzarse ante el débil
I never let mockery rise before the weak,
Ni en tercera ni en primera persona (Persona)
Neither in the third nor first person (Person),
Subestimado desde que era un crío
Underestimated since I was a child,
Diferente, no encajé ni de broma (broma)
Different, I didn't fit in, not even as a joke (Joke).
Harto y cansado del bullying de tontos mantened la esperanza
Sick and tired of fools' bullying, keep hope,
Que esto se acaba pronto no perdáis la fe
This will end soon, don't lose faith.
Preguntándose el "cómo" cuando os miren por encima del hombro
Wondering "how" when they look down on you,
Rise up don′t let the fear take place
Rise up don′t let the fear take place,
Just pick up the pieces of the broken youth
Just pick up the pieces of the broken youth,
Rise up don't let the fear take over
Rise up don't let the fear take over,
Hold the wheel and drive through your mistakes
Hold the wheel and drive through your mistakes.
Aun hay gente que no tolera nada, no conocen, rechazan, son plagas
There are still people who don't tolerate anything, they don't know, they reject, they are plagues.
Cómo va a avanzar el mundo si unos son objetos de burla
How is the world going to advance if some are objects of ridicule,
De ataques y pedradas condiciones sexuales en el aire
Of attacks and stonings, sexual conditions in the air,
Miradas de asco, y el asco es creer que esto pase
Looks of disgust, and the disgust is believing that this happens,
Que la homofobia se embale
That homophobia is rampant,
Faltas de respeto que no merece nadie
Lack of respect that no one deserves.
He sentido miedo al esperarla en casa
I felt scared waiting for her at home
Mientras era de noche y volvía acosada
While it was night and she was coming back harassed.
Secuelas mentales que no arregla un
Mental consequences that a
Libro y te preguntas ¿por qué coño pasa?
Book doesn't fix and you wonder why the hell does it happen?
Que no hay nada peor que dar un abrazo llorando y que te explique
That there is nothing worse than giving a hug crying and that she explains
Cómo la tocaban y que la prensa del día
How they touched her and that the press of the day
Siguiente lo cuente como si fuera una chorrada
Next will tell it as if it were nonsense.
El maquillaje no tapa un ojo sangrando
Makeup doesn't cover a bleeding eye,
Y con la lluvia se destapa ese morado
And with the rain that bruise is uncovered.
Nadie tiene derecho a echar tu puerta abajo y golpearte
No one has the right to break down your door and hit you,
Dejarte temblando
Leaving you shaking.
Pide ayuda, no aguantes soportando porque se te hace tarde
Ask for help, don't put up with it because you're running out of time.
No te estás valorando tantas noches con
You are not valuing yourself so many nights with a
Cuchillo en mano y en la ventana gritando
Knife in hand and screaming at the window.
Mundos podrido también hay para ellos
Rotten worlds also exist for them,
He pertenecido a un grupo minoritario
I have belonged to a minority group,
He soportado el maltrato por estar
I have endured abuse for being
Enamorado tantas cosas que olvidan los años
In love, so many things that years forget,
Bonitas rosas que clavan espinos
Beautiful roses that prick thorns,
Y aguantas los cortes, desnudo
And you endure the cuts, naked.
La calle llena de gente vacía
The street full of empty people,
No ayuda al no ser damisela en apuros
It doesn't help by not being a damsel in distress.
Rise up don′t let the fear take place
Rise up don′t let the fear take place,
Just pick up the pieces of the broken youth
Just pick up the pieces of the broken youth,
Rise up don't let the fear take over
Rise up don't let the fear take over,
Hold the wheel and drive through your mistakes
Hold the wheel and drive through your mistakes.
Superioridad latente levanta la ciudad
Latent superiority lifts the city,
Un abuso de poder demuestra debilidad
Abuse of power demonstrates weakness,
No hay perdón, si hay dolor, fuerzas se seguridad
There is no forgiveness, if there is pain, security forces,
Nos retienen en jaulas, temen su fragilidad
They keep us in cages, they fear their fragility.
No es el único dolor, el abuso policial, qué decir del maltrato animal
It is not the only pain, police abuse, what about animal abuse,
Con cada cornada que para ese torero
With each goring that stops that bullfighter
Que proclama más sensación de rechazo
That proclaims more feeling of rejection.
Cultura lo llaman adultos
Adults call it culture,
Personas mayores insensibles niños
Insensitive elderly people, children
Educados con el daño, libertad, flexible
Educated with damage, freedom, flexible,
Unos sobreprotegidos y otros libres, niños reos que se vuelven cisnes
Some overprotected and others free, child inmates who become swans.
Defiende valores honestos por
Defend honest values, by
Siempre no dejes abusar a nadie de gente
Always, don't let anyone abuse people,
Dementes hay siempre, locuras latentes
There are always crazy people, latent follies,
Ya madurarán y verán lo que sienten
They will mature and see what they feel.
Las fobias incitan al odio de algunos lo desconocido precede listos
Phobias incite hatred in some, the unknown precedes clever people
De turno aplaca tus actos al mofarte de todos no busques los fallos
On duty, appease your actions by mocking everyone, don't look for flaws
Ajenos al tuyo Homofobia, xenofobia, "gordofobia"
Alien to yours, homophobia, xenophobia, "fatphobia,"
Todo está en tu cabeza, algunos tienen
It's all in your head, some have
Pensar-fobia ven un prado verde y no ven su maleza
Think-phobia, they see a green meadow and don't see its weeds.
No dejes que nadie frene tus sueños predica el ejemplo y
Don't let anyone stop your dreams, set an example and
Alza la cabeza, no esperes a mañana te pillará por sorpresa
Raise your head, don't wait for tomorrow, it will catch you by surprise,
Envenenado, no eres dulce frambuesa
Poisoned, you are not a sweet raspberry.
Acepta tu vida y también la del resto, resta al odio
Accept your life and also that of the rest, rest to hate,
Multiplica buenos gestos acepta tus miedos
Multiply good gestures, accept your fears,
Convive con ellos supera tus metas, vive el momento
Live with them, exceed your goals, live the moment.
Rise up don't let the fear take place
Rise up don't let the fear take place,
Just pick up the pieces of the broken youth
Just pick up the pieces of the broken youth,
Rise up don′t let the fear take over
Rise up don′t let the fear take over,
Hold the wheel and drive through your mistakes
Hold the wheel and drive through your mistakes.

Авторы: Iker Plan

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