Ikimonogakari - Ikou - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ikimonogakari - Ikou

Let's Go
揺れてる光の中で君に出会った あの日に輝く姿はまぶしくて
I met you on that day when the light was wavering You were dazzling in that shining form
攻め続けていたいから守るつもりもない そんな生き様に僕は魅せられた
Since I always want to be on the offense I have no intention of defending you I was fascinated by that way of life
走り出す日々の中 街の声が聞こえる
Amidst days of running, the city's voices can be heard
怒鳴りつけるような声や 窓を叩く雨音の声や 君を守る声が
The yells, the sounds of rain pounding on windows, and your voice that protects me
Let's go
あるがままに 心のまま しがらみなんて振りほどけば
Just as you are, just as my heart desires If I can let go of all these fetters
今までくすんでた景色が ほら色味を増してく
The scenery that looked dull until now See, it's gaining more colors
振り返らずに 流されずに 心にある地図を信じて
Without looking back and without getting carried away, believe in the map that's in your heart
複雑な理論なんて捨てて 伝えたいことが溢れてく 溢れてく 溢れてく
Forget all these complicated theories I have so much I want to tell you It's overflowing, overflowing, overflowing
共にゴールへと向かう仲間がここにいる 喜び悲しむシーソーゲームで
My comrades who are heading for the goal together with me In the seesaw game of happiness and sadness
ときに悔しさに宿る想い解き放つ そんな瞬間に心が踊った
Sometimes, the thoughts dwelling in frustration are unleashed It's at such moments that my heart dances
期待と不安の中 また何かが始まる
Amidst expectations and uncertainties something else is beginning again
ふと耳を澄ましてみると その音は高らかに響く 今を生きる声で
If you listen closely, that sound resounds loudly It's the voices of those living in the present
Let's go
おもむくまま 飾らぬまま 振り出しにだって戻っても
Just as you are, without any affectations Even if you return to the starting point
何度目のゴールを駆けても また明日が待ってる
No matter how many times you sprint to the finish line, there will always be another tomorrow
怖がらずに あらがわずに 自分のきた道を信じて
Without being afraid and without resisting, believe in the path you've taken
壮大な物語の先に届くだろう 場所が待っている
At the end of that magnificent story is the place that awaits you
Let's go
あるがままに 心のまま しがらみなんて振りほどけば
Just as you are, just as my heart desires If I can let go of all these fetters
今までくすんでた景色が ほら色味を増してく
The scenery that looked dull until now See, it's gaining more colors
振り返らずに 流されずに 心にある地図を信じて
Without looking back and without getting carried away, believe in the map that's in your heart
複雑な理論なんて捨てて 伝えたいことが溢れてく 溢れてく 溢れてく
Forget all these complicated theories I have so much I want to tell you It's overflowing, overflowing, overflowing

Авторы: Hotaka Yamashita

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