Iluminatik - Fuman Marihuana - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Iluminatik - Fuman Marihuana

Fuman Marihuana
Smoke Marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Rithm know, for the weed man blood
Rithm know, for the weed man blood
Yo sigo fumando lo que llaman María-ia
I keep smoking what they call Mary Jane
Unos ni la conocen pero es necesaria
Some don't even know her, but she is necessary
Al menos para mí, yo necesito weed
At least for me, I need weed
Dámela a mí, para que me pueda servir
Give it to me, so it can serve me
Si no me voy a ir
If not, I'm going to leave
Y si no la tengo a veces te la pido vía bong
And if I don't have it sometimes I ask for it via bong
Por las mañanas fumo mientras oigo vici bong
In the mornings I smoke while I listen to vici bong
De punta, punta, se muere la que se junta
From tip, tip, the one that joins dies
Neta sí, sueño como génesis
Really yes, I dream like genesis
Fumo en tubo pcb para que así quede yo satisfecho
I smoke in pcb tube so that I am satisfied
Que el humo se quede en el pecho
Let the smoke stay in my chest
Si poncho yo lo tengo malhecho
If I get high I have it badly done
Por eso la yerba que tengo mejor energizar la echo
That's why the weed I have, it's better to energize it
Fumar, luego pásamelo, voces en mi cerebelo
Smoke, then pass it to me, voices in my cerebellum
Que dicen que yo me atice, suba al avión y no aterrice
That they say that I get stoned, get on the plane and don't land
No es un pedo metal (no)
It's not a metal fart (no)
Para es normal
It's normal for me
La Mari guay no se llama Black el junkie igual
Mari guay is not called Black the junkie the same
Empatizo, que es lo que yo dramatizo
I empathize, which is what I dramatize
Para solo es un aviso de lo que voz me dijo
For me it's just a warning of what you told me
Que no me atizo
That I don't get high
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
No puedes imaginar lo que yo siento al no fumar
You can't imagine what I feel when I don't smoke
Necesito más, dame si traes
I need more, give me if you bring
Producto de yerbas son estas lines
Product of herbs are these lines
Desesperado para fumar, así yo soy
Desperate to smoke, that's how I am
Prefiero mota que cualquier pinche joins
I prefer weed than any fucking joints
Pero me gusta igual, ¿Pa' que discriminar?
But I like it the same, why discriminate?
Saca la tuya y yo la mía y vamos a fumar
Take yours out and I'll take mine out and we'll smoke
Pa' ponchar el par
To punch the pair
Luego para darle
Then to give it
Y luego
And then
Y luego
And then
Y si se acaba otro y otro y luego
And if another one runs out and another and then
Que rico se vive la vida cuando estás arriba
How rich life is lived when you are up
Porque la chifa rifa, rifa, rifa, saca fifa
Because the chifa rifles, rifles, rifles, take out fifa
Porque la party no es lo mismo si no hay marihuana
Because the party is not the same if there is no marijuana
Es la droga perfecta, no requiere mucha lana
It's the perfect drug, it doesn't require a lot of money
Me levanto de cama
I get out of bed
Un toque me aliviana
A touch relieves me
Mis padres no lo saben
My parents don't know
Si no ya estaría en cana
If not, I would already be in jail
La vida la vivo gracias a toque
I live life thanks to touch
Las voces me dicen que me calle y que me aloque
The voices tell me to shut up and freak out
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuman marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuman marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Y hablo, en mis pulmones mientras hablo
And I speak, into my lungs as I speak
Y cuando estoy alone
And when I'm alone
De pronto me prendo un blon
Suddenly I light a blon
¿De dónde son el toque son, son?
Where are the touch are from, are they?
Faltó el ibón y vamos con el don
The ibon was missing and we go with the don
Vete por el cantón, es una tradición
Go through the canton, it's a tradition
No falta el puto que nunca quiere sacar
There is always the fucker who never wants to take out
Esos a la chingada, por lo visto no quieren fumar
Those to the chingada, apparently they don't want to smoke
El vato grupie con el chupie tupie, novi pa' fumar
The groupie dude with the chupie tupie, girlfriend to smoke
Sacar, ponchar, fumar
Take out, punch, smoke
En ese orden a loquear
In that order to freak out
Así se hace la rutina fina kamikaze
This is how the fine kamikaze routine is done
Espere, bañe, fuma, guate fuma y pase
Wait, bathe, smoke, guate smoke and pass
Se deteriora la chola
The chola deteriorates
Hay que hacer otro ya va siendo hora
We have to do another one, it's time
El blaqui guano decora, si se la deja se la fuma toda
The blaqui guano decorates, if you leave it, you smoke it all
Y los que te acompañan pero no fuman
And those who accompany you but don't smoke
No les hagas caso, pero les llega el vayaso
Don't listen to them, but the urge comes to them
Acompañado de su respectivo borregaso
Accompanied by its respective borregaso
Mira, ¿Para qué la mota? ¿Para qué alucina?
Look, what's the weed for? What is it hallucinating for?
Para que la vida se pase fina
So that life goes by fine
Suena la grifa, la pipa que se cocina
The grifa sounds, the pipe that is cooking
Neuronas extermina para romper la rutina
Exterminate neurons to break the routine
¿Para qué penicilina?
What for penicillin?
Meri y ahí he mi medicina
Mary and there I have my medicine
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana
Fuma marihuana, fuma marihuana
Smoke marijuana, smoke marijuana

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