Imron - Плохая девушка - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Imron - Плохая девушка

Плохая девушка
Bad Girl
Qorayib yo'qolar yuzi,
I often lose my face,
Tunning quchog'ida bedor yuraman.
I wander awake in the embrace of the night.
Bir qiz bor dunyoning eng yomon qizi,
There is a girl - the worst girl in the world,
Men shu yomon qizni yaxshi ko'raman.
I love this bad girl.
Yoniga boraman, kuyib boraman,
I go near her, I burn,
Dunyoni chekkaga surib boraman.
I push the world away.
Yomonligin bilib turib boraman,
Knowing her evil, I go,
Men shu yomon qizni yaxshi ko'raman.
I love this bad girl.
Kuyga soldim go'zal yuzini,
I put her beautiful face in the fire,
Jamolini yaxshi ko'raman.
I love her beauty.
Ko'rgim kelar moviy ko'zini,
I want to see her blue eyes,
Shu yomonni yaxshi ko'raman.
I love this nasty one.
O'zi ham qarshimda qotadi har kun,
She herself bursts against me every day,
Mendan kechib, menga qaytadi har kun.
Leaves me, returns to me every day.
Hatto yomonligin aytadi har kun,
Even says her evil every day,
Men shu yomon qizni yaxshi ko'raman.
I love this bad girl.
Ovoza qilay deb baxshilar bilsin,
Let them know that I will make a noise,
Tish-tirnog'i bilan qarshilar bilsin,
Let them know with their teeth and nails,
Menga nima, hamma yaxshilar bilsin:
What is it to me, let all the good people know:
Men shu yomon qizni yaxshi ko'raman.
I love this bad girl.
Kuyga soldim go'zal yuzini,
I put her beautiful face in the fire,
Jamolini yaxshi ko'raman.
I love her beauty.
Ko'rgim kelar moviy ko'zini,
I want to see her blue eyes,
Shu yomonni yaxshi ko'raman. (+)
I love this nasty one. (+)

Авторы: oybek tuhtayev

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