Inkas Mob - A Tus Pies - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Inkas Mob - A Tus Pies

A Tus Pies
At Your Feet
¿Y crees que tu vida está mal
And you think your life is bad
Porque el amor de tu vida ya no te contesta el celular?
Because the love of your life doesn't answer your phone anymore?
Hay gente con una enfermedad terminal
There are people with a terminal illness
Y no los veo por redes sociales publicar
And I don't see them posting on social media
Mamás + papás = paz, ¡escucha!
Moms + dads = peace, listen up!
Felicidad llegará y será mucha
Happiness will come, and there will be a lot of it
Para llegar al destino hay varias rutas
To reach your destination, there are several routes
La vida se va en un segundo, disfruta
Life goes by in a second, enjoy it
No hay que llorar
Don't cry
El mundo está a tus pies
The world is at your feet
Ponte a luchar, ponte a luchar con todo
Fight, fight with everything you've got
No hay que llorar
Don't cry
El mundo está a tus pies
The world is at your feet
Ponte a luchar, ponte a luchar con todo
Fight, fight with everything you've got
Preocúpate en las cosas, men, que de verdad te aportan
Worry about the things, man, that really matter to you
Nada es de color de rosa, men, ¿sabes? La vida es corta
Nothing is rosy, man, you know? Life is short
No pierdas más el tiempo en lo que de verdad no importa
Don't waste any more time on what really doesn't matter
Levanta la cabeza, saca pecho
Lift your head up, stick out your chest
¿Tú qué te crees, que eres el único emproblemado?
What do you think, that you're the only one with problems?
Negro, conozco gente que peor cosas ha pasado
Dude, I know people who have been through worse
Como mi causa Choco, sí, el que vivía en la 10
Like my homie Choco, yeah, the one who lived on 10th
Le mataron a su viejo y lo canearon en un mes
They killed his old man and put him in a can within a month
O como el chino perdió a su vieja a los 13
Or like Chino, he lost his mom at 13
Como mi prima perdió su bebé 6 meses
Like my cousin, she lost her baby at 6 months
O como muchos que el VIH padecen
Or like many who suffer from HIV
Hay que saber que después de cada noche negra amanece
You have to know that after every dark night, the sun rises
Hay chicas violadas, embarazadas
There are girls who have been raped, pregnant
Gente muriendo frío en puno por las heladas
People freezing to death in Puno because of the cold
Y tú, tapadito en tu cama con tu frazada
And you, tucked in your bed with your blanket
Gente sin nada y quejándote por huevadas
People with nothing and you're complaining about bullshit
Agradece por tener dónde caer y qué comer
Be grateful for having a place to sleep and something to eat
Los problemas yo nunca me voy a correr
I'm never going to run from problems
Olvida lo de ayer, busca un nuevo amanecer
Forget about yesterday, look for a new dawn
Aprender es el deber, tienes mucho por hacer
Learning is our duty, you have so much to do
Pero la vida es dura y te va a golpear
But life is hard, and it's going to hit you
No importa, ante esta vaina es que te puedas levantar
It doesn't matter, what matters is that you can get back up in the face of this shit
Por el hecho de fallar el mundo no se va a acabar
The world is not going to end just because you failed
¿Pa' qué llorar? El mundo está a tus pies, ponte a luchar
Why cry? The world is at your feet, get to fighting
No hay que llorar
Don't cry
El mundo está a tus pies
The world is at your feet
Ponte a luchar, ponte a luchar con todo
Fight, fight with everything you've got
No hay que llorar
Don't cry
El mundo está a tus pies
The world is at your feet
Ponte a luchar, ponte a luchar con todo
Fight, fight with everything you've got
Silencio un momento, atento al fragmento que tengo
Silence for a moment, pay attention to the fragment I have
Es cierto un ciento por ciento, por tanto lo suelto lento
It's one hundred percent true, so I release it slowly
Si en contra sopla el viento y sientes que te lleva
If the wind blows against you and you feel like it's taking you away
Afronta con el cuerpo, fuerte, avanza y da pelea
Face it with your body, strong, move forward, and fight
La vida es bella y fea, mala, buena, libre y rea
Life is beautiful and ugly, bad, good, free and real
Es una mujerzuela con escuela de favela
She's a working girl from the favela with schooling
Cadena que reluce seduce a la clientela
A chain that shines seduces the clientele
Y si que vea se lleva el esfuerzo de tu billetera
And if she sees it, she takes the effort of your wallet
Espera, ¿pasas por el peor momento?
Wait, are you going through the worst time?
Calle que enseña cauna y buena si no estás muerto
A street that teaches you shit and good if you're not dead
Se lucha por sustento, se intenta vivir contento
You fight for sustenance, you try to live happily
Por eso aun amaneciendo siempre será un nuevo intento
That's why even when dawn breaks, it will always be a new attempt
Jamás tu vida será fatal, man, créelo, no miento
Your life will never be fatal, man, believe me, I'm not lying
Peores se esperan a asaltar a un turista en el centro
Worse things are expected to rob a tourist downtown
Peor es la venta de drogas para alcanzar alimento
Worse is selling drugs to get food
Peor es ser inocente y estar adentro
Worse is being innocent and being locked up
Así que saca el pecho y levante la frente
So stick out your chest and raise your head
Acepte sus errores, arréglelo, sea consciente
Accept your mistakes, fix it, be aware
Siga de frente quién sabe de repente
Keep going straight ahead, who knows, maybe suddenly
Más adelante lo visite la suerte
Luck will visit you later on
Siga de frente, quién sabe de repente
Keep going straight ahead, who knows, maybe suddenly
Más adelante lo visite la suerte
Luck will visit you later on
Sea consciente
Be aware
Siga de frente, siga de frente
Keep going straight ahead, keep going straight ahead
No hay que llorar
Don't cry
El mundo está a tus pies
The world is at your feet
Ponte a luchar, ponte a luchar con todo
Fight, fight with everything you've got
No hay que llorar
Don't cry
El mundo está a tus pies
The world is at your feet
Ponte a luchar, ponte a luchar con todo
Fight, fight with everything you've got
Lo que no sabes que vivir con Hugo Chávez
What you don't know is what it's like to live with Hugo Chávez
Haciendo cole cuatro horas pa' comprar pañales
Standing in line for four hours to buy diapers
No hay recursos en los hospitales
There are no resources in hospitals
Niños no estudian porque no tiene en casa los materiales
Children don't study because they don't have the materials at home
Pasa ya adelante, dime cómo le he hecho, bola
Come on, tell me how I've done it, dude
Dime cómo cambio las cosas aquí en mi zona
Tell me how to change things here in my zone
Tengo cinco panas muertos por la pistola
I have five friends dead by the gun
Y tengo otros panas en canas por culpa de las drogas
And I have other friends in jail because of drugs
Háblale negro, dímelo pana cura
Talk to me, dude, tell me, buddy cure
Háblale Pancho, Dios te cuide en las alturas
Talk to me, Pancho, God keep you in the heights
Otros viven felices por su corrupción
Others live happily because of their corruption
Otros se están muriendo de hambre en su colchón
Others are starving to death on their mattress
Mientras otros estúpidos gritan: ¡viva la revolución!
While other stupid people shout: Long live the revolution!
Yo en lo personal propongo que vivan su momento
Personally, I suggest that they live their moment
Por eso despreocúpate, vive contento
So don't worry, live happily
De cualquier manera recorre la vida por tu pena
Either way, go through life for your pain
Aprovéchala, quiérela, apréciala en altos y bajos
Take advantage of it, love it, appreciate it through the ups and downs
Así vivas tranquilo o pases trabajo
Whether you live peacefully or you're working hard
Así seas hombre de mansiones u hombre de barrio
Whether you're a man of mansions or a man of the streets
Solo valora lo que ves a diario
Just appreciate what you see every day
Y sobre todo da gracias por el aire que respiras cada día
And above all, give thanks for the air you breathe every day
Construye tu camino con base y armonía
Build your path with foundation and harmony
Construye tu camino con base y armonía
Build your path with foundation and harmony
Ten en cuenta que
Keep in mind that
No hay que llorar
Don't cry
El mundo está a tus pies
The world is at your feet
Ponte a luchar, ponte a luchar con todo
Fight, fight with everything you've got
No hay que llorar
Don't cry
El mundo está a tus pies
The world is at your feet
Ponte a luchar, ponte a luchar con todo
Fight, fight with everything you've got

Авторы: Gino Montaldo Goncalves, Llurens Gil Olivari, Luigi Garcia Chiok, Welker Quiroz Torres

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