Insane feat. Nartok & Malik Ros - Jelangkung (feat. Nartok & Malik Ros) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Insane feat. Nartok & Malik Ros - Jelangkung (feat. Nartok & Malik Ros)

Jelangkung (feat. Nartok & Malik Ros)
Jelangkung (feat. Nartok & Malik Ros)
Ye, ye, biasa aja kali, bos
Yo, just chill, man
Ngomong kaya pra-menopause
Talking like you're pre-menopausal
Ku udah pegang banyak kartu
I hold many cards
Awas ku bisa langsung ekspos
Careful, I might expose them all
Yo, aku tau semua nawaitumu
Yo, I know your intentions
Aku dah cape, jangan ketemu (No, no)
I'm tired, let's not meet (No, no)
Gak usah ke rumah, gak usah namu
Don't come to my house, don't visit
Ku mau beli Amer di warung jamu (Amer)
I wanna buy Amer at the jamu stall (Amer)
Jadi penyakit kalo ada duit (Ah-ha)
Money turns you into a disease (Ah-ha)
Langsung bijak, langsung bikin twit
Suddenly wise, tweeting with ease
Kalo duitnya tinggal sedikit
When your money's running low
Langsung branding, "Aku orangnya introvert" (Bullshit!)
You start branding yourself as "introverted" (Bullshit!)
Omong kosong kayak
Nonsense like
"Aku nakal cuma sama kamu ya" (Ah-ha)
"I'm only naughty with you" (Ah-ha)
Awas korban nge-spill bikin thread
Watch out, a victim might spill the tea in a thread
Langsung heboh dunia maya (Ha-ha-ha)
And the whole internet will be in a frenzy (Ha-ha-ha)
Ya, jaga bicara apa yang terucap (No)
Yeah, watch your words, what you say (No)
Inget, kita bukan Aa Utap (No)
Remember, we're not Aa Utap (No)
Agak dijaga sedikit alim (Yeah)
Be a little bit more pious (Yeah)
Sapa senyum seperti Aa Gym (Samlekum)
Smile like Aa Gym (Peace be upon you)
Udahlah, aku udah muak
Enough, I'm fed up
Pintu tertutup, kau ku tolak (Oh-ho)
Door's closed, you're rejected (Oh-ho)
Kau teriak, "Mikum, mikum, Mamang"
You scream, "Mikum, mikum, Mamang"
Ku jawab, "Pulang, pulang, pulang!" (Ah, yeah)
I reply, "Go home, go home, go home!" (Ah, yeah)
Udah terlatih jadi benalu (Oh-oh)
You're trained to be a parasite (Oh-oh)
Mental minta-minta, mana pernah tau malu
Mentality of begging, never knowing shame
Bisa tiba-tiba kau ada di depan pintu
You suddenly appear at my door
Yang aku mau tanyakan, kau orang apa jelangkung?
What I wanna ask is, are you a human or a jelangkung?
Jual latar belakang
Selling your background story
Paling depan minta harga kawan
Always asking for friends' prices
Ente bukan preman, ente ngaku teman
You're not a thug, you claim to be a friend
Tapi dompet orang rajin ente tawan (Fuck that shit!)
But you're always holding people's wallets hostage (Fuck that shit!)
Mikum, abang-abang
Mikum, brothers
Misi, Malik datang
Mission, Malik has arrived
Adat timur lepas sandal
Eastern custom, take off your sandals
Sebelum masuk rumah orang
Before entering someone's house
Pinjami api minta di korek si
Borrowing a lighter, asking for a spark
Pegang kartu Ace macam aku Luffy
Holding an Ace card like I'm Luffy
Berlaga bodoh ketuk meja dua kali
Playing dumb, tapping the table twice
Poker face flat, hah, sorry
Poker face flat, hah, sorry
Hey, tunggu drop ya?
Hey, waiting for the drop, huh?
Maaf itu bukan cara saya
Sorry, that's not my way
Still XXL saat era makin ketat
Still XXL in this era of tight fits
Ga harus ada "skrrt" atau "turn in up"
Don't need "skrrt" or "turn it up"
Choose your weapon, better double check
Choose your weapon, better double check
Fuck yo' number if you got no impact
Fuck yo' number if you got no impact
Too much pop culture, too much melodine effect
Too much pop culture, too much melodine effect
This game it's a bitch, protect you neck
This game it's a bitch, protect your neck
Bagaimana paham damai jika kau tau rusuh?
How can you understand peace if you only know chaos?
Bagaimana paham kawan jika kau tak punya musuh?
How can you understand friends if you have no enemies?
Siapa yang menanam? Siapa yang mengunduh?
Who plants? Who downloads?
Tapi dalam fakta kita hanya makan buah jatuh
But in reality, we only eat fallen fruit
Yang tak jauh dari pohon bilamana tak ada kali
That's not far from the tree if there's no river
Berarti harus paham bagaimana cara membagi
Means you gotta understand how to share
Menambahkan garam, hati-hati naik tensi
Adding salt, careful with the rising tension
Kurang-kurangi sebelum mejamu bertambah kursi (Ah, yeah)
Reduce it before your table gets more chairs (Ah, yeah)
Udah terlatih jadi benalu (Oh-oh)
You're trained to be a parasite (Oh-oh)
Mental minta-minta, mana pernah tau malu
Mentality of begging, never knowing shame
Bisa tiba-tiba kau ada di depan pintu
You suddenly appear at my door
Yang aku mau tanyakan, kau orang apa jelangkung?
What I wanna ask is, are you a human or a jelangkung?
Jual latar belakang
Selling your background story
Paling depan minta harga kawan
Always asking for friends' prices
Ente bukan preman, ente ngaku teman
You're not a thug, you claim to be a friend
Tapi dompet orang rajin ente tawan (Fuck that shit!)
But you're always holding people's wallets hostage (Fuck that shit!)
Aku tak akan perhitungan
I won't be petty
Tapi setidaknya kau pahamilah etika
But at least understand ethics
Ketika minta tolong sama orang malah kau bertingkah
When asking for help, you act entitled
Tolong sadar, apa ini setimpal?
Please realize, is this fair?
Dan ketimbang kaki sebelahku semakin pincang
And rather than my leg getting more limp
Aku mungkin lebih baik pindah
I might be better off moving
Sebelum punggung hancur karena ketiban
Before my back breaks from the burden

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