Inspira - Al meu davant - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Inspira - Al meu davant

Al meu davant
Al meu davant
Quan de cop la vida
When suddenly life
Ens fa entendre la partida
Makes us understand the game
Que per dins jugàvem
That we played inside
Mentre ens inventàvem
While we were inventing
I tantes històries
And so many stories
I altres que ens esperen
And others that await us
De les nits sense final
From the nights without end
Les que no s'acaben mai, aaah
Those that never end, aaah
Quants detalls observes
How many details you observe
Des de la mirada immensa
From that immense glance
La que et deixa veure
The one that lets you see
Com segueix tota l'escena, aaaah
How the whole scene follows, aaaah
I de sobte ens hem trobat
And suddenly we found ourselves
Abraçant els canvis
Embracing the changes
I ara sabrem on trobar
And now we will know where to find
Tot l'alè que ens calgui
All the breath we need
Tot l'alè que ens calgui
All the breath we need
Tot l'alè que ens calgui
All the breath we need
Que ens calgui
That we need
Ara has arribat per fer-ho tot
Now you have arrived to do it all
Més clar que abans
Clearer than before
Quan no eres al meu davant
When you weren't in front of me

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