Ira! - Nasci em 62 - Demo Tape - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ira! - Nasci em 62 - Demo Tape

Nasci em 62 - Demo Tape
I Was Born in '62 - Demo Tape
Existe un sucio plan para adueñarse de la vida
There's a dirty plan to take control of our lives
Y se joderán
And they'll fail
Viven alucinando con dominar nuestros días
They live for the fantasy of dominating our days
Y no lo lograran
But they'll never succeed
Quieren tenerlo todo y convertirlo en porquería
They want to have it all and turn it into garbage
En su suciedad
Their filth
Intentan convencernos de estúpidas fantasías
They try to convince us of stupid fantasies
Y quien les creerá
And who will believe them?
Me sublevo a esta mierda que no cuenten con mi vida
I rebel against this shit, they can't count on my life
Que nunca la tendrán
They'll never have it
No crean que a su guerra entregare mis alegrías
Don't think I'll surrender my happiness to their war
Y mi dignidad
And my dignity
Fracasaste con tu plan te quedaste sin salida
You have failed with your plan, you are out of options
Debes escapar
You need to escape
Mejor búscate un idiota que te crea tus mentiras
Better find an idiot who'll believe your lies
A el le engañaras
You'll fool them
Es un sucio plan, es un sucio plan(bis2)
It's a dirty plan, it's a dirty plan(twice)
Inventan filosofías, religiones, teorías
They invent philosophies, religions, theories
Diseñan políticas, modelos de economía
They design policies, economic models
Y la vida
And life
Privatizan, decomisan todo es de sus compañías
They privatize, they seize, everything belongs to their companies
They monopolize
Actifican sus discursos y transmiten sus noticias
They activate their speeches and transmit their so-called news
Little lies
Me rebelo a tu basura me opongo a lo que me digas
I rebel against your garbage, I oppose everything you say
Nunca sera verdad
You will never be right
No queremos hacer parte del mundo que tu querías
We don't want to be part of the world you wanted
De una infamia
Of an infamy
Creías que era muy fácil pero perdiste el control
You thought it would be a breeze, but you lost control
Y el boomerang volvió
And the boomerang came back
Mejor robare un vestido de bufón o de doctor
Better steal a jester's or doctor's gown
Me engañaras mejor
You'll fool me better

Авторы: Edgard Scandurra

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