Iseo - Aitormena - перевод текста песни на английский

Aitormena - Iseoперевод на английский

Ez dira betiko argi onenak
These are not the most lasting lights
Azken finean gizaki hutsak gara
After all, we are frail human beings
Barearen ostean dator ekaitza
There will be a storm after the bar
Udaberri berririk ez guretzat
No new spring for us
Denboraren aurrera etengabean
Constantly moving forward in time
Ta orain ezin hautsi izan ginana
And now we cannot break what once made us whole
Rutinaren morroiak bihurtu gara
We have become slaves of routine
Laztana lehen baino lehen aska gaitezan
Let's get rid of that laziness as soon as possible
Ohartu gabe arrunt bilakatuta
Becoming ordinary without noticing
Ohartu gabe heldu gara mugara
We have reached the limit without noticing
Mundua hautsi zaiugu gainera
We have shattered the world upon ourselves
Maitia lehen baino lehen aska gaitezan
My darling, let's get rid of it as soon as possible
Ez dakigu non dagoen hoberena
We do not know where the best is
Bila dezagun beste lekuetan
Let's look for it in other places
Bai, zin dagizut ez dizudala inoiz gezurrik esan
Yes, I swear I have never lied to you
Eta zaude ziur ezin izango zaitudala ahaztu inoiz
And be sure that I will never be able to forget you
Aitortzen dut izan zarela ene bizitzaren onena
I admit that you have been the best of my life
Baina orain maitia lehen baino lehen aska gaitzezan
But now, my darling, let's set each other free as soon as possible
Aska gaitezan
Let's set each other free
Aska gaitezan
Let's set each other free

Авторы: Jesus Maria Zabala Ajuriaguerra, Miguel Angel Campos Lopez

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