Ivana Wong feat. Hins Cheung - 擁抱一個人 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ivana Wong feat. Hins Cheung - 擁抱一個人

Holding Someone Close
靜得 蜜蜂飛過
It's so quiet, the honeybees are buzzing by
靜得 樹枝交錯 似唱歌
It's so quiet, the branches of the trees are rustling like a song
也許 破曉太長 沉悶太多 獨個經過
Maybe the dawn is too long, there's too much silence, I'm walking alone
天生的孤獨就如必經宿命 得不到一位好友聽我心聲
My natural loneliness is like an inevitable fate, I can't find a friend to listen to my heart
歡呼的天地突然這麼安靜 誰能叫我世界繁盛
The lively world suddenly became so quiet, who can make my world vibrant
讓我擁抱一個人 明日我再歡樂 會替我興奮
Let me hold someone close, tomorrow I'll be joyful again, someone who will be happy for me
明日假使傷了心 也可向我慰問當作惻隱
Tomorrow if my heart is broken, I can also seek your comfort as a sign of compassion
讓我擁抱一個人 陪伴我到天亮 逃出幽閉小鎮
Let me hold someone close, be with me until dawn, escape this isolated little town
跟著天使合唱 聽得見 和弘那份吸引
Follow the angels' chorus, hear Hehong's charm
A good sister suddenly recognized each other
Thanks to Hinzai listening to my heart
Singing with good brothers naturally breaks the silence
Accompanying me to see the meteor shower
讓(你)我擁抱一個人 明日你再歡樂 我替你興奮
Let me hold someone close, tomorrow you'll be joyful again, I'll be happy for you
明日假使傷了心 也可向你慰問 要你開心
Tomorrow if your heart is broken, I can also seek your comfort, to make you happy
讓(我)你不再一個人 陪伴你到天亮 逃出幽閉小鎮
Let me no longer be alone, be with you until dawn, escape this isolated little town
一直跟你合唱 聽得見
Always sing with you, hear
Hehong's charm
為你推個摩天輪 同伴老友出力
Pushing a Ferris wheel for you, old friends doing their best
那怕有幾重 扮個鬼臉的笑容 放鬆
No matter how heavy, making a grimace, relax

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