Iwan Fals - Belalang Tua - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Iwan Fals - Belalang Tua

Belalang Tua
Old Grasshopper
Belalang tua di ujung daun
An old grasshopper on the tip of a leaf,
Warnanya kuning kecokelat-cokelatan
His color is yellow and brownish-brown.
Badannya bergoyang ditiup angin
His body sways in the wind,
Mulutnya terus saja mengunyah
His mouth keeps chewing.
Tak kenyang-kenyang
Never satisfied.
Sudut mata kananku tak sengaja
The corner of my right eye accidentally
Melihat belalang tua yang rakus
Sees the greedy old grasshopper.
Sambil menghisap dalam rokokku
While inhaling my cigarette,
Kutulis syair tentang hati yang khawatir
I write a poem about a worried heart.
Sebab menyaksikan akhir dari kerakusan
For witnessing the end of the gluttony,
Belalang tua yang tak kenyang-kenyang
The old grasshopper who is never satisfied.
Seperti sadar kuperhatikan
As if aware that I was watching,
Ia berhenti mengunyah
He stopped chewing.
Kepalanya mendongak ke atas
His head looked up,
Matanya melotot melihatku tak senang
His eyes glared at me in displeasure.
Kakinya mencengkeram daun
His legs gripped the leaf,
Empat di depan dua di belakang
Four in front, two in back,
Bergerigi tajam
Sharp and serrated.
Sungutnya masih gagah menusuk langit
His whiskers still pierced the sky,
Berfungsi sebagai radar
Acting as a radar.
Belalang tua masih saja melihat marah ke arahku
The old grasshopper still looked angrily at me,
Aku menjadi grogi dibuatnya
I became nervous because of it.
Aku tak tahu apa yang dipikirkan
I don't know what he was thinking,
Tiba-tiba angin berhenti mendesir
Suddenly the wind stopped blowing,
Daun pun berhenti bergoyang
The leaves stopped swaying.
Walau hampir habis daun tak jadi patah
Although almost gone, the leaf did not break,
Belalang yang serakah berhenti mengunyah
The greedy grasshopper stopped chewing.
Kisah belalang tua di ujung daun
The story of the old grasshopper on the tip of the leaf,
Yang hampir jatuh tetapi tak jatuh
Who almost fell but did not.
Kisah belalang tua yang berhenti mengunyah
The story of the old grasshopper who stopped chewing,
Sebab kubilang tak kenyang-kenyang
Because I said he was never satisfied.
Kisah belalang tua di ujung daun
The story of the old grasshopper on the tip of the leaf,
Yang kakinya berjumlah enam
Whose legs numbered six,
Kisah belalang tua yang berhenti mengunyah
The story of the old grasshopper who stopped chewing,
Sebab kubilang kamu serakah
Because I said you were greedy.
Belalang tua di ujung daun
Old grasshopper on the tip of the leaf,
Dengan tenang meninggalkan harta karun
Calmly leaving a treasure,
Warnanya hijau kehitam-hitaman
Its color green and blackish,
Berserat berlendir
Fibrous and slimy,
Bulat lonjong sebesar biji kapas
Round and oblong, as big as a cotton seed.
Angin yang berhenti mendesir
The wind stopped blowing,
Digantikan hujan rintik-rintik
Replaced by a light rain.
Aku yang menulis syair tentang hati yang khawatir
I, who wrote a poem about a worried heart,
Tak tahu kapan kisah ini akan berakhir
Do not know when this story will end.
Kisah belalang tua di ujung daun
The story of the old grasshopper on the tip of the leaf,
Yang hampir jatuh tetapi tak jatuh
Who almost fell but did not.
Kisah belalang tua yang berhenti mengunyah
The story of the old grasshopper who stopped chewing,
Sebab kubilang tak kenyang-kenyang
Because I said he was never satisfied.
Kisah belalang tua di ujung daun
The story of the old grasshopper on the tip of the leaf,
Yang kakinya berjumlah enam
Whose legs numbered six,
Kisah belalang tua yang berhenti mengunyah
The story of the old grasshopper who stopped chewing,
Sebab kubilang kamu serakah
Because I said you were greedy.

Авторы: Iwan Fals

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