Iwan Fals - Dajal Net - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Iwan Fals - Dajal Net

Dajal Net
Cyber Demon
Aku kecanduan internet
I'm addicted to the internet
Twiter, Fesbuk, dan Mbah Google
Twitter, Facebook, and Mr. Google
Belum lagi Yutub dan you ssstt
Not to mention YouTube and you ssshh
Lalu situs-situs lainnya
And then the other sites
Bangun tidur tidur lagi
Wake up and go back to sleep
Mencet sana mencet sini
Click here and click there
Sudah nggak peduli lagi
I don't care anymore
Dengan yang lain
With the others
Kerjaan berantakan
Work's a mess
Kewajiban melayang
Obligations flying away
Sakit pinggang, leher, dan mata
Sore back, neck, and eyes
Duh, kasihan deh aku
Oh, I feel sorry for myself
Ketawa-ketawa sendiri
Laughing at myself
Sedih, sedih, sedih sendiri
Sad, sad, sad by myself
Marah-marah, marah sendiri
Angry, angry, angry by myself
Ya sendiri
Yes by myself
Gila kok bisa seperti ini ya
Crazy how is this possible
Drakula pulsa cekikikan
Dracula's credit giggling
Sambil menyedot darah pelanggan
While sucking the blood of its customers
Dan darahku yang pas-pasan
And my blood that's just enough
Memang teman semakin banyak
Indeed friends are increasingly many
Teman yang sama-sama gendeng
Friends who are equally crazy
Internet dekatkan yang jauh
Internet brings the far near
Internet menjauhkan yang dekat
Internet distances the near
Otakku kutitipkan di situ
I leave my brain there
Jadi malas mengingat malas belajar
So lazy to remember, lazy to learn
Toh, semuanya ada di situ
After all, everything is there
Ayo, mau tanya apa ayo
Come on, what do you want to ask
Tinggal klik
Just click
Mbah Google bisa menjawabnya
Mr. Google can answer it
Sama seperti yang lain
Same as the others
Hobiku jadi suka nunduk
My hobby has become stooping
Di halte, di pasar, di rumah ibadah
At the bus stop, in the market, in the house of worship
Di rumah sakit, di sekolah
In the hospital, at school
Bahkan di sidang parlemen pun
Even in the parliamentary hearings
Orang-orang pada menunduk
People are stooping
Oh, ilmu padi rupanya
Oh, the wisdom of rice apparently
Semakin berisi semakin merunduk
The more it contains, the more it droops
Informasi dalam hitungan detik
Information in seconds
Berita tinggal pilih aje
News just pick it
Semua orang jadi pandai nyontek
Everyone becomes good at cheating
Ya nyontek
Yes cheating
Teknologi komunikasi
Communication technology
Kok jadi tak bisa komunikasi
Why can't I communicate
Lha sudah pada tahu semua 'kan
Because everyone knows everything
Orang jadi malas berbicara
People become lazy to talk
Ketawa-ketawa nggak jelas
Laughing for no reason
Sedih-sedih sedih nggak jelas
Sad, sad, sad for no reason
Marah-marah marah nggak jelas
Angry, angry angry for no reason
Nggak jelas
No reason
Semua kesedot ke layar itu
All sucked into that screen
Layar peradaban
Civilization screen
Yang sudah dijanjikan
That has been promised
Seperti Dajal dengan matanya yang satu itu
Like the Dajal with its one eye
Semuanya pergi menuju ke situ
All go there

Авторы: Virgiawan Listanto

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