Iwan Fals - Kisah Sepeda Motorku - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Iwan Fals - Kisah Sepeda Motorku

Kisah Sepeda Motorku
Story of My Motorcycle
Hei, bapak kopral saya datang mau lapor
Hey, Corporal Sir, I've come here to report
Tadi malam waktu saya sedang molor
Last night while I was asleep
Telah kehilangan sepeda motor
I found out that my motorcycle was stolen
Di rumah teman saya yang bermata bolor
From my friend's house who has bulging eyes
Baik anak muda kuterima laporanmu
Alright, young man, I'll take your report
Tapi mengapa kau lapor hari sudah bedug lohor
But why are you reporting this now, it's almost noon
Juga kenapa kau lapor
And why are you reporting
Kok hanya pakai celana kolor
Wearing only boxer shorts
Tunggu saja sebulan nanti bapak beri kabar
Just wait for a month, I'll give you an update
Sekarang engkau boleh pulang
Now you may go home
Lama kutunggu kabar dari bapak kopral
I've been waiting for a long time for news from Corporal Sir
Kenapa nggak nongol-nongol sehingga gua dongkol
Why hasn't he shown up, it makes me furious
Lalu aku pergi menuju kantor polisi
Then I decided to go to the police station
Tapi nggak jadi sebab kabel listrik perut saya korsleting
But I didn't because my stomach electricity was short-circuiting
Oh, kiranya saya lupa setor tadi pagi
Oh, I almost forgot, this morning I forgot to check in
Terpaksa sore hari saya baru pergi
I had no choice but to go in the afternoon
Ternyata sepeda motor ada di garasi
It turned out that my motorcycle was there at the garage
Kantor polisi
Of the police station
Sudah tak beraki, sudah tak berlampu
It had no muffler, no lamp
Tutup tangki hilang, kaca spion kok melayang
The gas tank lid was gone, the side mirror was hanging
Dia bilang waktu diketemukan sudah demikian
That's how it was found, he said
Memang tak beraki kok
Indeed it had no muffler, alright
Memang tak berlampu kok
Indeed it had no lamp, alright
Tutup tangki hilang
The gas tank lid was gone
Kaca spion kok melayang
The side mirror was hanging
Bolehkah motor ini saya bawa pulang bapak kopral?
May I take this motorcycle home, Corporal Sir?
Oh, tentu saja boleh engkau bawa pulang
Oh, of course you can take it home
Asal engkau tahu diri
As long as you know yourself
Mbok terima kasih
Thank you very much

Авторы: Iwan Fals

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