Iwan Fals - Tikus-tikus kantor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Iwan Fals - Tikus-tikus kantor

Tikus-tikus kantor
Office Rats
Kisah usang tikus-tikus kantor
An old tale of office rats
Yang suka berenang di sungai yang kotor
Who love to swim in a dirty river
Kisah usang tikus-tikus berdasi
An old tale of suit-and-tie rats
Yang suka ingkar janji lalu sembunyi
Who love to break promises and then hide
Di balik meja teman sekerja
Behind the desks of their colleagues
Di dalam lemari dari baja
Inside steel cabinets
Kucing datang cepat ganti muka
When the cat comes, they quickly change their faces
Segera menjelma bagai tak tercela
And immediately transform as if they were blameless
Masa bodoh hilang harga diri
They don't care about losing their dignity
Asal tak terbukti ah tentu sikat lagi
As long as they're not caught, oh, of course, they'll do it again
Tikus-tikus tak kenal kenyang
Rats who never get full
Rakus, rakus, bukan kepalang
Greedy, greedy, beyond belief
Otak tikus memang bukan otak udang
The brains of rats are not the brains of shrimp
Kucing datang tikus menghilang
When the cat comes, the rats disappear
Kucing-kucing yang kerjanya molor
Cats who sleep on the job
Tak ingat tikus kantor datang menteror
Don't remember the office rats coming to terrorize
Cerdik, licik, tikus bertingkah tengik
Clever, cunning, the rats act like jerks
Mungkin karena sang kucing pura-pura mendelik
Maybe because the cat pretends to glare
Tikus tahu sang kucing lapar
The rats know that the cat is hungry
Kasih roti jalan pun lancar
Give him bread and the path is clear
Memang sial sang tikus teramat pintar
It's really unfortunate that the rats are so smart
Atau mungkin si kucing yang kurang ditatar
Or maybe it's the cat who hasn't been trained enough
Tikus-tikus tak kenal kenyang
Rats who never get full
Rakus, rakus, bukan kepalang
Greedy, greedy, beyond belief
Otak tikus memang bukan otak udang
The brains of rats are not the brains of shrimp
Kucing datang tikus menghilang
When the cat comes, the rats disappear

Авторы: Iwan Fals

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