Jc La Nevula feat. The Big Sanchez - RIP Pequeño Demente - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jc La Nevula feat. The Big Sanchez - RIP Pequeño Demente

RIP Pequeño Demente
RIP Pequeño Demente
Mi loco yo nisiquiera tube el valor de acercarmele a tu mama
My crazy, I didn’t even have the courage to get close to your mom,
Por que yo dije que no te iba a llora y que tampoco te iba ver metido en esa caja
because I said I wasn't gonna cry for you and that I wasn't gonna see you stuck in that box.
Y me parte el arma tener que ver tu familia de esa manera
And it breaks my soul to have to see your family like this,
Y que yo ati nunca te triste ni te vi llorando, loco
and that I never saw you sad or crying, crazy.
Por eso dije que nunca te iva a ver ahi metio′
That's why I said I was never gonna see you stuck in there.
Lo tuyo era venir para el estudio joderme y que te de la computadora pa' escuchar musica
You were supposed to come to the studio, fuck with me, and let me give you the computer to listen to music,
Y yo tenia que mandarte pa la parada porque te querias quedar sentao to′ el tiempo
and I had to send you to the bus stop because you wanted to stay sitting all the time.
Tu eras un chamaquito alegre papa
You were a happy kid, dad,
Y yo solo quiero que tu gente te recuerde con esto que dice así
and I just want your people to remember you with these words:
Y si me muero no quiero que nadie llore ni se lamente
And if I die, I don't want anyone to cry or lament.
No quiero que le de mente
I don't want them to worry about it
Y griten a los cuatro vientos que se oiga mi gente
and shout to the four winds so that my people can hear:
"Viva el pequeño de mente"
"Long live the small-minded one!"
Y no me lloren que yo no me fui
And don't cry for me because I'm not gone.
Quiero que me recuerden brincando
I want them to remember me jumping around,
El mismo loco que andaba por ahi
the same crazy guy who walked around
Con su sonrisa la gente alegrando y yo
making people happy with his smile, and I
Ahora toy en el cielo con papa Dios
am now in heaven with Father God
En el lugar que el me dio
in the place that he gave me.
Y cuando cientan que yo le hago falta
And when they feel like they need me,
Cierren los ojos y recuerden mi voz
close your eyes and remember my voice.
Ya, ya, ya
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
El pequeño
The little one,
Jc la nevula ft The big Sanchez
Jc la nevula ft. The Big Sanchez,
Ya lo que se quedan pa la otra vuelta
those who stay are left for the next round.
Me da nostalgia cuando te busco y no te encuentro
It gives me nostalgia when I look for you and can't find you.
Soliamos escribir canciones en tu apocentro
We used to write songs in your apocenter.
Cuando entro en mi mente y veo y tu alama vuela
When I go into my mind and I see your soul flying,
Dejaste un vacio imenso que no ocupara cualquiera
you left an immense void that no one else can fill,
Y que no ay manera de sacar este dolor pa' fuera
and there’s no way to get this pain out.
Tu no sabe lo que aria peque pa' que volviera y si supiera como me
You don't know what I would do, little one, for you to come back, and if you knew how much
Duele tu partida y me dan ganas de quemar el motor que te dejo sin vida
your departure hurts me and makes me want to burn the engine that took your life.
No ay ma salida pa′ el dolor que estoi sintiendo por que se clavo en
There’s no way out for the pain that I’m feeling because it's stuck in
Mi pecho y ma pa′ dentro se va undiendo y me ha detrosado el alma por
my chest and sinking further and further in, and it has shattered my soul because
Que por que te vivia disiendo que lo congiera con calma que no
why did I keep telling you to take it easy, to not
Siguiera corriendo y ahora estoy sufriendo por tu tragico accidente
keep running, and now I’m suffering because of your tragic accident.
Me dejo sin palabras esa noticia de repente y mi rap no va ser igual
That news left me speechless, suddenly, and my rap won't be the same
Si no estas cantando al frente pero te recordaremos como el pequeño
if you're not singing in front, but we will remember you as the small-minded one.
De mente tu ere un valiente y viviras en mi memoria rapiando metite
You were brave and you will live in my memory, rapping, get in here.
Para en tu corta trayectoria un chamaquito bacano purina y
For your short career, a cool kid, purina and
Sanahoria que descances en paz y que Dios te tenga en gloria
carrot, may you rest in peace and may God keep you in glory.
Y la victoria la conseguire en tu nombre tu eras un pequeño con un
And I will achieve victory in your name; you were a little one with a
Corazon enorme cuando tu cantabas temblaban hasta los hombres me hace
huge heart. When you sang, even men trembled. I miss you
Falta con tu muerte yo no toy conforme Alexandra, Aguatin y Keila
with your death. I’m not okay with it. Alexandra, Aguatin, and Keila
Mella miran pal ciero buscando tu rostro en las estrellas buscando
Mella look at the sky, searching for your face in the stars, looking for
Huella pa volver a verte y el power bloke de nuevo quieren tenert
a trace to see you again, and the power block want to have you back,
Y lamentablemente alzaste tu vuelo vete tranquilo que con tu ayuda
and unfortunately you took your flight. Go peacefully because with your help
Puedo hacerlo tu ere mi haz bajo la manga para cada
I can do it. You were my ace up my sleeve for every
Duelo y lo que yo cante aqui tu lo cantes en el cielo
duel, and whatever I sing here, you sing it in heaven.
La vida nos da y tambien nos quita
Life gives us and also takes from us,
Pero ati te quito todo en un segundo
but it took everything from you in a second.
Este dolor pequeño a mi nadie me lo quita
This pain, little one, no one can take it away from me.
Dimele a dios que tu hace falta en este mundo bro
Tell God that we need you in this world, bro.
La vida nos y tambien nos quita, pero a ti te quito todo en un segundo
Life gives us and also takes from us, but it took everything from you in a second.
Este dolor pequeño no ay quien lo resista
This pain, little one, no one can withstand it.
Dimele a Dios que tu hace falta en este mundo
Tell God that we need you in this world.
RIP (El Pequeño de Mente)
RIP (The Small-Minded One)
Y si me muero no quiero que nadie llore ni se lamente no quiero que
And if I die, I don't want anyone to cry or lament. I don't want them to
Le de mente y griten a los cuatro viento que
worry about it and shout to the four winds so that
Se oiga mi gente viva el pequeño de mente...
my people can hear, long live the small-minded one…
Y no me lloren que yo no me fui,
And don't cry for me because I'm not gone.
Quiero que me recuerden brincando, el mismo loco que andaba por ay
I want them to remember me jumping around, the same crazy guy who walked around
Con su sonrrisa la gente alegrando y
making people happy with his smile, and
Yo ahora toy en el cielo con papa Dio
I am now in heaven with Father God
En el lugar que el me dio
in the place that he gave me.
Y cuando sientan que yo le hago falta
And when they feel like they need me,
Cierren los ojos y recuerden mi voz
close your eyes and remember my voice.
Pequeño mi hermano no sabes cuanto te queremos
Pequeño, my brother, you don't know how much we love you.
No sabes todo lo que yo eh llorado por ti
You don't know how much I have cried for you.
No sabes el dolor que le dejaste a mi mama
You don't know the pain you left my mom with.
Ella te quiere mucho, te extraña
She loves you so much, she misses you,
Te piensa, te sueña, mirando tu foto, tus videos
thinks about you, dreams about you, looking at your picture, your videos.
Perdoname por todos los malos momento que pasamos juntos
Forgive me for all the bad times we had together,
Por todos los problemas, la pelea, papi aunque no se vea te estraña
for all the problems, the fights, daddy, even if it doesn't seem like it, he misses you.
Le dolio tu partida odain aqui mirando tu foto con jugensy
He was hurt by your departure, Odain, here, looking at your picture with Jugensy,
Alexandra, vVirginia yo tu hermano que te queremos te recordaremos por
Alexandra, Virginia, I, your brother, we love you, we will remember you
Siempre, espero que tu nos cuides desde el cielo
forever. I hope you take care of us from heaven.
Tu eres un angel y que Dios te tenga en gloria
You are an angel and may God keep you in glory.
Bueno mi loco me dejaste solo pero yo toy claro que desde el cielo tu
Well, my crazy, you left me alone, but I know that from heaven you
A mi me esta baquiando y sabe lo que yo estoy haciendo lo Malo y lo
are backing me up, and you know what I'm doing, the bad and the
Bueno ya tu sabe a cualta que tu era mi segundero
good. You already know, man, that you were my right-hand man,
Que nunca me dejava solo pero yo voy a seguir ya tu sabe quiero
that you never left me alone, but I'm gonna keep going. You already know I want to
Mandarte este beso con mi hermanito The Big Sanchez
send you this kiss with my little brother The Big Sanchez,
Dique hablando tu sabe siempre te
saying, you know, I will always
Recordare mi hermano pequeño de parte de Jeral
remember you, my little brother, from Jeral.
Yo no tengo palabras para poder decir el dolor que yo ciento por la
I have no words to express the pain I feel because of the
Forma en que nos dejaste
way you left us.
Tu dejaste un vacio en cada uno de nuestros corazones
You left a void in each of our hearts.
Yo quiero que sepas que te recordaremos por siempre
I want you to know that we will remember you forever,
Una persona alegre que hacia reir a todo el que necesitaba una
a cheerful person who made everyone laugh who needed a
Sonrisa en su rostro
smile on their face.
Tenemos nuestra conciencia de que tu te fuiste en carne pero en
We are aware that you left in flesh, but in
Espíritu y alma tu siempre estaras con cada
spirit and soul you will always be with each
Uno de nosotros RIP Miguelito el pequeño de mente
one of us. RIP Miguelito, the Small-Minded One.
Klk, klk
Klk, klk,
Cuales son donde tan
what’s up, where are they at?
Y si me muero no quiero que nadie llore ni se lamente no quiero que
And if I die, I don't want anyone to cry or lament. I don't want them to
Le de mente y griten a los 4 vientos que
worry about it and shout to the four winds so that
Se oiga mi gente viva el Pequeño de mente
my people can hear, long live the Small-Minded One.
Y no me lloren que yo no me fui
And don't cry for me because I'm not gone.
Quiero que me recuerden brincando
I want them to remember me jumping around,
El mismo loco que andava por ay
the same crazy guy who walked around
Con su sonrisa la gente alegrando
making people happy with his smile,
Y yo ahora toy en el cielo con papa Dio
and I am now in heaven with Father God
En el lugar que el me dio
in the place that he gave me.
Y cuando sientan que yo le hago falta
And when they feel like they need me,
Cierren los ojos y recuerden mi voz
close your eyes and remember my voice.

Авторы: Jc La Nevula

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