JOKER - Summer Breeze - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни JOKER - Summer Breeze

Summer Breeze
Summer Breeze
فراق بجد مش بتاع عمرو وتامر ده
Our separation is not a simple thing like that of Amr and Tamer
أصعب إحساس اللى بالنسباله تانى أصعب إحساس سهل
The most difficult feeling is what is easy compared to the other most difficult feeling
مفيش ألم ميتر ، فـ اللى حاسه مبيتقاسش
There is no meter for sorrow, so the one who feels it cannot be measured
هتاخد نبذة لما المنوم آخره معاك تتاوب بس
You will get a little idea when your anesthetics start to wear off, just hold on
مش أنا اللى حوا تمشى تيك أواى وتنتبهله
I'm not the one who will let you go away and then not pay attention to you
الأوردر وصل متأخر فـ أعذرينى مش هستلمه
The order was delivered late, so excuse me, I will not receive it
دى مش سلمى الجزء التالت كل ريشة ولونها
This is not part three of Salma, each pen and its color
إسم أقوى فكرة إسمك هى فى مستوى جمهورها
The name of the strongest idea is your name which is at the level of its audience
مـ الواقع للموناليزا مشهدين فى الفيلم
From reality to the Mona Lisa, two scenes in the movie
بأى منطق أحتليتوا حوالى تلتين مساحة التتر
According to what logic have you occupied approximately two-thirds of the credits space?
اللى مات فى البير آخر أمل فى إنك تنضفى
The one who died in the cistern is my last hope for you to become clean
مفيش حاجه من ريحتك هتردلى نور عين إنطفت
Nothing of your scent will return to me the light of an eye that has faded away
إقلبها بينا ، هما مش محتاجيننا فى المدينة
Let's turn it upside down, they don't need us in the city
هنموت فين غير على طريق الهربانين من الحقيقة
Where will we die if not on the path of those who run from the truth?
مش بس هما ضدى ، لأ ، دول هما والظروف
Not only are they against me, no, but they and my circumstances are
آدى الغار ، وآدى الكفار ، مفيش أمل ييجى عنكبوت
Here is the cave, and here are the infidels. There is no hope for a spider to come.
مش هبذل جهد فى الحفاظ عليكى إنتى إطلاقا
I will not put in any effort to keep you, not at all
علاقتى بيكى بتقف فى ميعاد إنتهاء الباقة
My relationship with you stops when the time of the package ends
مش بفاجئك فى النهاية بكون المغذى فشنك
I do not surprise you in the end, I become the nourishing poison
أقيم من اعلى رواية ، بس اليونيفورم ترنج
I write from the top of a novel, but my uniform is a tracksuit
الفقر فقر القيمة وأنتوا أغنى ناس بالفقر
Poverty is poverty of value and you are the richest people in poverty
كفى الميديا شرفا نجلا والحصان وحلمى بكر
Enough honor for the media, Najla and the horse and Helmy Bakr
رغم كونهم حاولوا يهدمونى وكونى كنت سايبهم
Although they tried to destroy me and although I left them alone
لصعوبة إنكار معجزة ، تعبانى بلع تعابينهم
Because it is difficult to deny a miracle, I am tired of swallowing their serpents
مش بيحبوا اللى بقدمه ، دول بيحبوا اللى بيكدبوا
They do not like what I offer, they like what is false
مش هيعمل ليا ألبوم صدر دينا بيكسبه
An album that Dina releases will not make it for me
المايلة أنا مش هعدلها ، لأ ، مش هتساعدونى أعدلها
I will not correct the crooked one, no, you will not help me correct it
لو نوح دلوقتى بنى السفينة مفيش طوفان هيشيلها
If Noah built the ark now, there would be no flood to carry it
إنطقى بدل مانتى ساكتة ، ليه بعجز بدرى ؟
Start talking instead of being silent. Why am I failing early?
بشيل ضرب اللى جريوا ليه ، ما تسيبينى -أجرى-
I carry the beating of those who ran to me, don't leave me alone -running-
معقوله صدفة إنها بالمعنيين دول بالذات!؟
Could this coincidence have these two meanings in particular!?
يا تبقى باقى الجملة ، يا تبقى رد على السؤال!؟
Either you are the rest of the sentence, or you are the answer to the question!?
الفضل لعقلى مش لعقلك ياللى كتبت الكلمة
The credit goes to my mind, not to your mind that wrote the word
فهمت من الخيميائى حاجات باولو كويلو مش فاهمها
I understood from the alchemist things that Paulo Coelho does not understand
لطريق الصح بهدى ومهدى رغم بدايتى الفاسدة
Towards the path of truth, guided by Mahdi and Huda, despite my corrupt beginning
إبن الخطاب كان رايح يقتل الرسول أسلم
Ibn al-Khattab was on his way to kill the Messenger, then he converted to Islam

Авторы: Leonn, 日比野裕史

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