JPelirrojo feat. Cris Moné - Mil canciones - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни JPelirrojo feat. Cris Moné - Mil canciones

Mil canciones
Thousand songs
Te hice mil canciones y no te gustó ninguna
I wrote you a thousand songs and you didn't like any of them
Mirabas al sol mientras te bajé la luna
You looked at the sun while I brought you the moon
Tengo mil perdidas, pero no hay ninguna tuya
I have a thousand losses, but none of them are yours
No hay ninguna, no hay ninguna tuya
There are none, none of them are yours
Te hice mil canciones y no te gustó ninguna
I wrote you a thousand songs and you didn't like any of them
Mirabas al sol mientras te bajé la luna
You looked at the sun while I brought you the moon
Tengo mil perdidas, pero no hay ninguna tuya
I have a thousand losses, but none of them are yours
No hay ninguna, no hay ninguna tuya
There are none, none of them are yours
Si tuviese que quererte seguiría sin hacerlo
If I had to love you, I would continue without doing it
No de nuevo, no, se pasó tu tiempo
Not again, no, your time has passed
Si el tiempo es oro yo me hice pobre por ti
If time is gold, I made myself poor for you
Hay más amor en un Martini, hay más en un maniquí
There's more love in a Martini, there's more in a mannequin
Me haría el harakiri antes de volver contigo
I would commit harakiri before going back to you
Hay más honor que en el dolor del amor mal correspondido
There is more honor than in the pain of unrequited love
Si no hay testigo, yo no lo necesito
If there is no witness, I don't need it
Cualquier condena es buena mientras no sea contigo
Any sentence is good as long as it's not with you
Te digo que no es que no crea en ti
I'm telling you it's not that I don't believe in you
Es que no creo en si estoy contigo porque fui
It's that I don't believe in myself if I'm with you because I was
El reflejo de tu ego, de tu inseguridad
The reflection of your ego, of your insecurity
Siempre disfrazada entre tanta falsa humildad
Always disguised among so much false humility
Me puedes engañar a y al mundo entero
You can deceive me and the whole world
Me puedes engañar a mí, no es algo nuevo
You can deceive me, it's not something new
Pero por dentro sabes cuál es la verdad
But inside you know what the truth is
Nunca me quisiste porque no sabes amar
You never loved me because you don't know how to love
Te hice mil canciones y no te gustó ninguna
I wrote you a thousand songs and you didn't like any of them
Mirabas al sol mientras te bajé la luna
You looked at the sun while I brought you the moon
Tengo mil perdidas, pero no hay ninguna tuya
I have a thousand losses, but none of them are yours
No hay ninguna, no hay ninguna tuya
There are none, none of them are yours
Te hice mil canciones y no te gustó ninguna
I wrote you a thousand songs and you didn't like any of them
Mirabas al sol mientras te bajé la luna
You looked at the sun while I brought you the moon
Tengo mil perdidas, pero no hay ninguna tuya
I have a thousand losses, but none of them are yours
No hay ninguna, no hay ninguna tuya
There are none, none of them are yours
Me duele pensar en to' lo que mentiste
It hurts to think about all the lies you told
La cruda verdad es que pa' ti fui un chiste
The harsh truth is that I was a joke to you
Qué pena me da saber que me perdiste
I'm so sorry to know that you lost me
Ahora estás triste, así lo quisiste
Now you are sad, you wanted it that way
Me quema el sabor del beso que me diste
The taste of the kiss you gave me burns me
Prefiero el dolor a to' lo que me hiciste
I prefer the pain to everything you did to me
Te falta valor, a no me quisiste
You lack courage, you didn't love me
Me llenaste de grises, entera me jodiste
You filled me with grays, you fucked me whole
No, márchate y deja que me marche
No, go away and let me go
Te escribo mil canciones pa' borrarte
I'm writing you a thousand songs to erase you
Pa' vomitar to' aquello que me arde
To vomit everything that burns me
Pa' deshacerme de ti y de tus males
To get rid of you and your evils
Te escribo mil canciones pa' borrarte
I'm writing you a thousand songs to erase you
Te juro que no habrá segunda parte
I swear there will be no second part
Lo siento, amor mío, me fallaste
I'm sorry, my love, you failed me
Me fallaste
You failed me
Te hice mil canciones y no te gustó ninguna
I wrote you a thousand songs and you didn't like any of them
Mirabas al sol mientras te bajé la luna
You looked at the sun while I brought you the moon
Tengo mil perdidas, pero no hay ninguna tuya
I have a thousand losses, but none of them are yours
No hay ninguna, no hay ninguna tuya
There are none, none of them are yours
Te hice mil canciones y no te gustó ninguna
I wrote you a thousand songs and you didn't like any of them
Mirabas al sol mientras te bajé la luna
You looked at the sun while I brought you the moon
Tengo mil perdidas, pero no hay ninguna tuya
I have a thousand losses, but none of them are yours
No hay ninguna, no hay ninguna tuya
There are none, none of them are yours

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