Jaa9 & OnklP - Glir Forbi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jaa9 & OnklP - Glir Forbi

Glir Forbi
Passing By
Før var jeg selvsentrert og innadvendt
I used to be self-centered and introverted
For faen, jeg er fortsatt selvsentrert og innadvendt,
Hell, I'm still self-centered and introverted,
ikke tro den vinden er vendt
So don't think the wind has changed
Jeg bare roa ned og tatt det chill når ting har hendt
I just calmed down and chilled out when things happened
Og plutselig ser man verden glir forbi og ting er glemt
And suddenly you see the world passing by and things are forgotten
Forsvinner hit og dit med hvert sitt talent
Disappearing here and there, each with their own talent
Det virker som alle har en plan for hvor dem skal hen
It seems like everyone has a plan for where they're going
Og jeg er 27 år og fortsatt like langt vei
And I'm 27 years old and still just as far along
Står enda stille til jeg finner meg noe interessant, og nei
Still standing still until I find something interesting, and no
Tror ikke at dere tenker langsiktig
I don't believe you guys are thinking that long term
Valgte retningen VK2 og gjorde valget riktig
Chose the direction on VK2 and made the right choice
Inntil videre sitter jeg her jeg sitter, ass.
For now I'm sitting here where I'm sitting, man.
Skål til alle de som sitter fast
Cheers to all those who are stuck
Du ser dem har hus, du ser dem har bil
You see they have a house, you see they have a car
Du ser dem bare glir forbi
You just see them passing by
Du kan se de har jobb, og at de aldri har fri
You can see they have a job, and that they never have time off
Du ser dem bare glir forbi
You just see them passing by
Du ser dem har kids, du kan se dem har et liv
You see they have kids, you can see they have a life
Du kan se dem bare glir forbi
You can just see them passing by
Du kan se de har alt, det vi driter i
You can see they have everything, what we don't care about
At vi lar dem bare gli
That we just let them slip away
Jeg bare sitter her og følger med verden
I just sit here and watch the world
Er fem og tyve år og men føler meg som 16
I'm twenty-five years old and feel like I'm 16
Åpner øya og får realiteten i fleisen,
Opening my eyes and getting reality in the face,
Jeg burde vært oppe i toppen,
I should be at the top,
Er ikke halveis opp i heisen
I'm not even halfway up the elevator
Fortsatt gråe hår for mor og far,
Still gray hair for mom and dad,
Dem kan ikke tro jeg gjør det samme jeg gjorde da
They can't believe I'm doing the same thing now that I did then
Kunne vært skolesmart, men var ikke skoleglad
Could have been book smart, but wasn't school happy
I stedet tok jeg tak i saker som jeg gjorde bra.
Instead, I took hold of things I did well.
Tja. Jeg ender ikke opp som en av dem
Well. I'm not going to end up like one of them
Kids og masse gjeld og honda 91-modell
Kids and a lot of debt and a 91 model Honda
Bakerst i lokalet, ser alle som blir gamle
At the back of the room, watching everyone get old
En 95 kommer ikke tale
A 95 is out of the question
Du ser dem har hus, du ser dem har bil
You see they have a house, you see they have a car
Du ser dem bare glir forbi
You just see them passing by
Du kan se de har jobb, og at de aldri har fri
You can see they have a job, and that they never have time off
Du ser dem bare glir forbi
You just see them passing by
Du ser dem har kids, du kan se dem har et liv
You see they have kids, you can see they have a life
Du kan se dem bare glir forbi
You can just see them passing by
Du kan se de har alt, det vi driter i
You can see they have everything, what we don't care about
At vi lar dem bare gli
That we just let them slip away
For hverdagen er rolig om man selv er det
Because everyday life is calm if you are
Suksess det er visst ingen garanti for velvære
Success is apparently no guarantee of well-being
Skal også finne oss en vei og når vi får tid,
We'll also find a way to go when we get the time,
Men inntil da ser vi heller bare verden glir forbi
But until then we just watch the world go by
Utdannelse det burde jeg tatt, mens du er ferdig med skolen
I should have gotten an education while you were done with school
Gammel og underbetalt, ey yo det kunne vært smart
Old and underpaid, ey yo that could have been smart
Og ta seg tid og bare skli som vi og sitte og smile
And take your time and just slide like us and sit and smile
Og se alle de som glir forbi
And watch all those who pass by
Du ser dem har hus, du ser dem har bil
You see they have a house, you see they have a car
Du ser dem bare glir forbi
You just see them passing by
Du kan se de har jobb, og at de aldri har fri
You can see they have a job, and that they never have time off
Du ser dem bare glir forbi
You just see them passing by
Du ser dem har kids, du kan se dem har et liv
You see they have kids, you can see they have a life
Du kan se dem bare glir forbi
You can just see them passing by
Du kan se de har alt, det vi driter i
You can see they have everything, what we don't care about
Shit vi lar dem bare...
Shit we just let them...
Du ser dem har hus, du ser dem har bil
You see they have a house, you see they have a car
Du ser dem bare glir forbi
You just see them passing by
Du kan se de har jobb, og at de aldri har fri
You can see they have a job, and that they never have time off
Du ser dem bare glir forbi
You just see them passing by
Du ser dem har kids, du kan se dem har et liv
You see they have kids, you can see they have a life
Du kan se dem bare glir forbi
You can just see them passing by
Du kan se de har alt, det vi driter i
You can see they have everything, what we don't care about
Vi lar dem bare
We just let them
Vi lar dem bare...
We just let them...

Авторы: Mats Lie Skaare, Paal Toeien, Johnny Engdal Silseth

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