Jake La Furia feat. Alessio La Profunda Melodia - El Party - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jake La Furia feat. Alessio La Profunda Melodia - El Party

El Party
The Party
La profunda
The profound
Sulla maglietta c'è scritto: "Stasera faccio la brava"
On your shirt it says, "Tonight I'm being good"
Ma avranno già chiuso la disco quando dirai: "Vado a casa"
But they'll have already closed the club when you say, "I'm going home"
È sabato, hai i tacchi, che tanto a un metro da qui
It's Saturday, you're in heels, which only a meter away
Cantando bevilo bevilo, guardi ed è lunedì
Singing drink it, drink it, you look and it's Monday
E tu sei in piscina alla luce di luna
And you're in the pool in the moonlight
Nuda, vestita soltanto di schiuma
Naked, clothed only in foam
L'acqua riscalda e la pelle che fuma
The water heats up and the skin that smokes
Bacia qualcuno che porta fortuna
Kiss someone who brings good luck
E ti rimetti i tacchi ed i jeans
And you put on your heels and jeans again
E intanto pensi che forse
And meanwhile you think that maybe
Quel tipo sembra Jay Z
That guy looks like Jay Z
E tu ti senti Beyoncé
And you feel like Beyoncé
E pensi: "Tanto fa niente, tanto fa niente"
And you think, "So what, so what"
El party esta caliente
The party is hot
Que lo bailes esto a mi gente
That you dance this to my people
Que esto no va a terminar
That this is not going to end
Esto acaba de empezar
This has just begun
El party esta caliente
The party is hot
El party esta caliente
The party is hot
Que lo bailes esto a mi gente
That you dance this to my people
Que esto no va a terminar
That this is not going to end
Esto acaba de empezar
This has just begun
El party esta caliente
The party is hot
Siamo così in aria che vedo le stelle da qui
We're so up in the air that I can see the stars from here
New era sembra una corona da king
New era looks like a king's crown
Dj, metti Hotline Bling
DJ, put on Hotline Bling
Fammi una foto che bevo dal vaso dei Ming
Take a picture of me drinking from the Ming vase
E quando ti chiamo tu girala e passami il fuego
And when I call you, turn around and pass me the fire
Poi piano e andiamo, incastriamoci come i lego
Then slowly we go, let's fit together like Legos
E poi facciamo sempre il mattino
And then we always do it in the morning
E poi la colazione da Tiffany
And then breakfast at Tiffany's
Poi quando tocchi il cuscino
Then when you touch the pillow
C'hai quel fischio fisso nei timpani
You have that constant whistling in your eardrums
E stai tra le onde, vita da bomber
And you're among the waves, a bomber's life
Vale la pena per sempre
It's worth it forever
Chissà se qualcuno si pente
Who knows if anyone regrets it
Chissà cosa pensa la gente
Who knows what people think
E pensi: "Tanto fa niente, tanto fa niente"
And you think, "So what, so what"
El party esta caliente
The party is hot
Que lo bailes esto a mi gente
That you dance this to my people
Que esto no va a terminar
That this is not going to end
Esto acaba de empezar
This has just begun
El party esta caliente
The party is hot
El party esta caliente
The party is hot
Que lo bailes esto a mi gente
That you dance this to my people
Que esto no va a terminar
That this is not going to end
Esto acaba de empezar
This has just begun
El party esta caliente
The party is hot
Que bien me siento cuándo me miras
How good I feel when you look at me
Te ves tan linda que pareces de mentira
You look so beautiful that you seem like a lie
Yo quiero verte bailar y como mueves tu cuerpo
I want to see you dance and how you move your body
Para no dejar de soñar mientras me lo haces bebiendo
So that I can keep dreaming while I drink it with you
Riempi e buttalo giù fin quando non ne puoi più
Fill it up and throw it down until you can't drink anymore
Stasera non guido, mi scasso se guiderai tu
I'm not driving tonight, I'm scared if you drive
Stasera non guido, mi scasso se guiderai tu
I'm not driving tonight, I'm scared if you drive
Stasera non guido, mi scasso se guiderai tu
I'm not driving tonight, I'm scared if you drive
E pensi: "Tanto fa niente, tanto fa niente"
And you think, "So what, so what"
El party esta caliente
The party is hot
Que lo bailes esto a mi gente
That you dance this to my people
Que esto no va a terminar
That this is not going to end
Esto acaba de empezar
This has just begun
El party esta caliente
The party is hot
El party esta caliente
The party is hot
Que lo bailes esto a mi gente
That you dance this to my people
Que esto no va a terminar
That this is not going to end
Esto acaba de empezar
This has just begun
El party esta caliente
The party is hot

Авторы: Francesco Vigorelli, Marco Zangirolami, Massimiliano Dagani, Alessio Ambrogio D'Urso

Jake La Furia feat. Alessio La Profunda Melodia - El Party
El Party
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