JAMBINO - Can't Wait (feat. Bassagong, oygli & Paloalto) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни JAMBINO - Can't Wait (feat. Bassagong, oygli & Paloalto)

Can't Wait (feat. Bassagong, oygli & Paloalto)
Can't Wait (feat. Bassagong, oygli & Paloalto)
Call me 911 문제아냐
Call me 911, I'm trouble, girl.
Virus도 발등에 fire yo
Virus at my feet, fire, yo.
부리나케 뛰어 모자랄 판에
Rushing around, not enough time, baby.
지켜 스타일로 걸어
But I walk my own path, always.
까먹었지 까만 암흑도
Haven't forgotten the black darkness, sweetheart.
옷에 묻은 빨간 소스
The red sauce on my clothes.
날이 밝았어도 기다릴 시간이 없어 맨발로 나갔어
Even though it's daylight, I don't have time to wait, ran out barefoot, just for you.
우위 가려 가며 쫄았던
The guy who used to cower, comparing himself, darling,
그건 바로
That was me.
운이 아닌 증명해서 한탕한 또한
The one who made it big, proving it wasn't just luck, that's me too, babe.
아픈 데를 찔러봤지
Poked at the sore spots, honey,
아픈지도조차 모를 때까지
Until I couldn't even feel the pain.
그때는 시간이 너무 많았지
Back then, time felt endless, sugar.
일인지 내발은 까맣지
For some reason, my feet were always black.
에이 근데 여전히 can't wait
But hey, still can't wait, beautiful.
우린 앞을 모르고 그건 두렵게 땜에
We don't know the future, and that's scary, that's why.
오예 죽을 때까지 can't wait
Oh yeah, can't wait 'til I die, sweetheart.
우린 어제 돼봤고 그건 무섭기 땜에
We've been yesterday, and that's terrifying, that's why.
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait, precious?
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait, darling?
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait, honey?
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait, sugar?
죽어가 죽어가 죽어가
I'm dying, dying, dying
드루와바 드루와바 드루와바
Come on in, come on in, come on in
콤마 콤마 콤마 콤마 쉬자 콤마
Comma, comma, comma, comma, let's rest a bit, comma
몰라 이젠 몰라 드루와바
I don't know, I don't know anything anymore, come on in
Come on in, everybody
Layback 빈백에다 베개
Layback on the beanbag with a pillow
내일 옵션은 yeah yeah
Do it tomorrow, why do it today yeah yeah
매일 Uncle Snoop처럼
Do it everyday, like Uncle Snoop
가끔 나빠 친구야 mayday
Sometimes it's bad, my friend, mayday
어지러운 서울시 매번 저울질 huh
Dizzy Seoul city, I'm always weighing things huh
뭔가를 쏟지
I'm spilling something
Aye call me motherfucker
Aye call me motherfucker
집중하고 후회는 없어
Focus and no regrets
몰라 도피 멀리 째버려 머리 깨져서
I don't know, escape, far away, screw it, my head's broken
이거 mood 바꾼다
Look, I'm changing the mood
내비둬 조금 많이 헤퍼
Leave me alone, I'm a little loose when I rest
Oh what's happenin'?
Oh what's happenin'?
Okay 지켜 capital
Okay, protect my capital
방해 휴식
Don't bother me, rest
귀찮은 새끼들 뭐라 뭐라 하는
These annoying bastards are saying something
그건 빼고 알아 motherfucker
Everyone knows that except you, motherfucker
그래서 우린 여유 미뤄 whoa
So we postpone all leisure whoa
천천히 차례를 기다려
I'm slowly waiting my turn
멍청아 내가 만든 노래나 틀고 기다려
You idiot, just play my songs and wait
그래 너가 뭔가 안다면
Yeah, if you know something
Oygli 스탠스 터프
Oygli stance tough
그래 그리 uncool
Why, what's so uncool
가시덤불 속에 어케 내가 humble
How can I be humble in the thorns
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait
죽어가 죽어가 죽어가
I'm dying, dying, dying
드루와바 드루와바 드루와바
Come on in, come on in, come on in
콤마 콤마 콤마 콤마 쉬자 콤마
Comma, comma, comma, comma, let's rest a bit, comma
몰라 이젠 몰라 드루와바
I don't know, I don't know anything anymore, come on in
Come on in, everybody
쫓겨 다니네 took a lot of pills
Being chased around, took a lot of pills
녹아버린 정신이 죽어가는데
Your melted mind is dying
그건 아니래
But they say it's not
뭐가 아닌 건데 대체
What's not
불편한 세상이 우릴 묶어버리네
This uncomfortable world is tying us up
우린 다른데
We are different
듣질 않기 땜에 주파수 둘로 나뉘네
Because we don't listen, the frequency is divided into two
죽어라 싸우네
Fighting to the death
Feels like who the fuck are you
Feels like who the fuck are you
모두 분노의 질주
Everyone's fast and furious
뜨거운 쿨함의 연극
Oh, the hot play of coolness
부글부글 불안이 엄습
Bubbling anxiety creeps in
그런 두려움에 짓눌려 잠을 재워버린 집중력
Concentration put to sleep, crushed by that fear
주변은 분주하지 시끄러워
The surroundings are busy, noisy
와중에 하고 싶은 찾는 것도 힘들어
It's hard to find what I want to do in the meantime
팔을 벌리고 외쳐봐
Spread your arms and shout
진짜 자유가
Real freedom
뭔지를 나로 느끼는 순간
The moment you feel what it is to be truly yourself
우주가 나고 내가 우주야
The universe is me and I am the universe
Can't wait 우리가 하나가 되는 바로 그날
Can't wait for the day we become one
어떡해 I can't wait
How can I wait
부엉이 라이프 VS 굿 라이프
Owl life VS Good life
어떡하면 좋아 죽겠네
I don't know what to do, I'm so happy
선택 장애 악세사리
Choice paralysis, my accessory
평생 차고 자도 녹스네 yeah
It doesn't melt even if I wear it all my life yeah
아무거나 하나 초이스해
Choose anything
And then do it
그냥 어떡하기는
Just do it, what's there to do
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait
어뜨케 I can't wait
How can I wait
죽어가 죽어가 죽어가
I'm dying, dying, dying
드루와바 드루와바 드루와바
Come on in, come on in, come on in
콤마 콤마 콤마 콤마 쉬자 콤마
Comma, comma, comma, comma, let's rest a bit, comma
몰라 이젠 몰라 드루와바
I don't know, I don't know anything anymore, come on in
Come on in, everybody

Авторы: Bassagong, Crdl, Jambino, Oygli, Paloalto

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