Jana Kirschner - Struny - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jana Kirschner - Struny

Odmalička som vždy bola
Since childhood, I've always been
Bola iná, bola iná
Been different, been different
Nebola to moja vina
It wasn't my fault
Moja vina, moja vina
My fault, my fault
Nosila som v sebe niečo
I carried something within me
V sebe niečo, v sebe niečo
Within me, within me
A to niečo bolo iné ako všetko
And that something was different from everything
Ako všetko, ako všetko
From everything, from everything
Citíla som v sebe struny
I felt strings within me
V sebe struny, v sebe struny
Within me, within me
A tie struny vo mne hrali ako luny
And those strings played within me like moons
Ako luny, ako luny
Like moons, like moons
Citíla som v sebe zvony
I felt bells within me
V sebe zvony, v sebe zvony
Within me, within me
A tie zvony vo mne bili ako hromy
And those bells rang within me like thunder
Ako hromy, ako hromy
Like thunder, like thunder
Podaj že mu podaj
Give him, oh give him
Rúčku tvoju bielu
Your white hand
Keď príde nedeľa
When Sunday comes
Príde si on po ňu
He will come for it
Podaj že mu podaj
Give him, oh give him
Tvoje svieže dlane
Your fresh palms
Keď príde nedeľa
When Sunday comes
Vezme ťa za ne
He will take you by them
Od malička som vždy bola
Since childhood, I've always been
Bola divá, bola divá
Been wild, been wild
Pýtali sa ľudia: Čia?
People asked: Whose?
Si ty čia?
Are you whose?
Si ty čia?
Are you whose?
Nosila som v sebe tóny
I carried tones within me
V sebe tóny, v sebe tóny
Within me, within me
A tie tóny vo mne rástli ako struny
And those tones grew within me like strings
Ako struny, ako struny (spievali, spievali vo mne, spievali vo mne)
Like strings, like strings (they sang, they sang within me, they sang within me)
Nebola to moja vina (ako vietor na horách, slnko na dunách)
It wasn't my fault (like the wind in the mountains, the sun on the dunes)
Moja vina, moja vina, moja vina, moja vina
My fault, my fault, my fault, my fault
(vtáci v korunách, spievali vo mne v tých ranných hmlách)
(birds in the crowns, they sang within me in those morning mists)

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