Jana Kirschner - Umieram - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Jana Kirschner - Umieram

Poplietol si mi hlavu
You've messed with my head
A je celkom márne
And it's completely useless
Odolávať tomu
To fight it
asi nedokážem
I don't think I can anymore
Telo sa mi chveje
My body is shaking
Akoby od zimy
As if from cold
Ale tento pocit
But this feeling
Je predsa celkom iný.
Is very different.
Umieram láskou k tebe
I'm dying from love for you
Ako sa to skončí
How will it end
To naozaj neviem
I really don't know
Umieram a predsa
I'm dying and yet
Je mi krásne
It feels wonderful
Keď sme spolu teraz
When we're together now
Všetko je zas jasné.
Everything is clear again.
Poplietol si mi hlavu
You've messed with my head
Čo sa to stalo
What happened
Stále cítim miesto
I still feel the place
Kde ma srdce hrialo
Where my heart used to be warm
Telo sa mi chveje
My body is shaking
Akoby od zimy
As if from cold
Včera si bol so mnou
Yesterday you were with me
A dnes je so mnou iný.
And today you're with someone else.
Umieram láskou k tebe
I'm dying from love for you
Ako sa to skončí
How will it end
To naozaj neviem
I really don't know
Umieram a predsa
I'm dying and yet
Je mi krásne
It feels wonderful
Keď sme spolu teraz
When we're together now
Všetko je zas jasné.
Everything is clear again.
Umieram láskou k tebe
I'm dying from love for you
Ako sa to skončí
How will it end
To naozaj neviem
I really don't know
Umieram a predsa
I'm dying and yet
Je mi krásne
It feels wonderful
Keď sme spolu teraz
When we're together now
Všetko je zas jasné.
Everything is clear again.
Umieram láskou k tebe
I'm dying from love for you
Ako sa to skončí
How will it end
To naozaj neviem
I really don't know
Umieram a predsa
I'm dying and yet
Je mi krásne
It feels wonderful
Keď sme spolu teraz
When we're together now
Všetko je zas jasné.
Everything is clear again.

Авторы: Jana Kirschner

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