A hluboce se omluvili lidem, kteří kdysi žili divoce,
And deeply apologized to people who once lived wildly
Až se tě někdo zeptá:
Until someone asks you:
"Kdy a kde se stala ta revoluce, či byla po ruce,
"When and where did that revolution happen, or was it at hand,
Či se jen domluvili,
Or did they just agree,
Nebo že by za všechno mohla evoluce,
Or could it be that evolution was responsible,
Divoký lidi šeptaj..."
Wild people whisper..."
Bum, Bum
Boom, Boom
A šum...
And hum...
Všichni lidi podělili se o emoce nekrotce a hluboce se zamysleli, zda dostali divný lidi do kotce,
All people shared emotions recklessly and deeply wondered if they had put strange people in a cage,
Kde se někdo deptá,
Where someone is depressed,
Kdo tu bude považován za tupce,
Who will be considered a fool,
Ve slupce, hladoví dovolili by,
In the pod, the hungry would allow,
Stejně to je ta mechanická reakce,
It's the same mechanical reaction,
Bylo či nebylo, mělo právo veta,
Was or was not, had veto power,
Všechno se točilo, narodila se pirueta,
Everything spun, and a pirouette was born,
Bylo či nebylo, stačila věta
Was or was not, one sentence was enough
Něco tady zbylo, zbyla jenom silueta
Something was left here, only a silhouette remained
Něco tady zbylo, z dechu toho světa,
Something left here, from the breath of this world,
Žilo se nežilo, poeta nepoeta
Life was lived or not, poet or not
Jak to teda bylo ve spěchu toho světa,
How was it in the rush of that world,
Čemu se věřilo, kde byla života meta
What was believed in, where was the goal of life
Bum, bum, celý dům, zaplňuje tlukot mýho srdce a šum, čím dál tím tvrdší song, rozvibruje tupce tak jako gong, dob pár a billiard, bomba, amulet a nebo pidi svár, zpívám v otáčkách, že kdo pije, ten zabije v zatáčkách svý lidi...
Boom, boom, the whole house, my heart's pounding and buzzing, louder and louder song, shaking the fools like a gong, a few aces and billiard, a bomb, an amulet, or a tiny quarrel, I sing at such a speed, that whoever drinks will kill in the corners their people...
Dokola okolo hlavy toky moudrosti, se poštěstí,
Tokyo tokens of wisdom all around my head, it's going to happen
Že zapomeneme na všechny lidi, co mají daleko k lítosti,
That we will forget about all the people who are far from regret
Vada to není drobná.
Defect is not a minor one.
Dokola si pěstujeme malý neřesti, k radosti
All around we cultivate minor vices, for joy
A nezapomeneme na všechny lidi, co mají v hlavě bolesti, z bolestí...
And we will not forget about all the people who have pain in their heads, from pain...
Bylo či nebylo, mělo právo veta,
Was or was not, had veto power,
Všechno se točilo, narodila se pirueta,
Everything spun, and a pirouette was born,
Bylo či nebylo, stačila věta
Was or was not, one sentence was enough
Něco tady zbylo, zbyla jenom silueta
Something was left here, only a silhouette remained
Něco tady zbylo, z dechu toho světa,
Something left here, from the breath of this world,
Žilo se nežilo, poeta nepoeta
Life was lived or not, poet or not
Jak to teda bylo ve spěchu toho světa,
How was it in the rush of that world,
Čemu se věřilo, kde byla života meta
What was believed in, where was the goal of life
Bylo či nebylo, mělo právo veta,
Was or was not, had veto power,
Všechno se točilo, narodila se pirueta,
Everything spun, and a pirouette was born,
Bylo či nebylo, stačila věta
Was or was not, one sentence was enough
Něco tady zbylo, zbyla jenom silueta
Something was left here, only a silhouette remained
Něco tady zbylo, z dechu toho světa,
Something left here, from the breath of this world,
Žilo se nežilo, poeta nepoeta
Life was lived or not, poet or not
Jak to teda bylo ve spěchu toho světa,
How was it in the rush of that world,
Čemu se věřilo, kde byla života meta
What was believed in, where was the goal of life
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