Jarfaiter - Joven Inquieto - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jarfaiter - Joven Inquieto

Joven Inquieto
Restless Young Man
Estás con el agua al cuello
You're in deep water
Multas, cuenta embargada
Fines, your account is frozen
En serio, tienes que cambiar
Seriously, you need to change
Lo se Mama ya estoy en ello
I know, Mom, I'm already working on it
Coche alemán de segunda mano
Second-hand German car
Escuchando Tony el Gitano
Listening to Tony el Gitano
Delincuencia no, alto grado
Not delinquency, high grade
Teníamos to' Madrid quemado
We had all of Madrid burning
Tranquilo muchacho
Relax, kid
no sabes to' lo que queda
You don't know what's left
Yo se que con la peda estabas perdido como el que anhela
I know you were lost in the booze like someone who yearns
Torna cutter en el bolsillo
A cutter in your pocket
Puro demonio desde chiquillo
Pure demon since you were a kid
Niño con ropa del mercadillo siempre has tenido tu propio brillo
Kid with clothes from the flea market, you've always had your own shine
Siempre estuviste solo esa puta nunca te quiso
You were always alone, that bitch never loved you
Siempre lo tuviste bien claro
You always knew it clear as day
Major pedir perdón que permiso
Better to ask for forgiveness than permission
How many times in fucking problems
How many times in fucking problems
Familia obrera pueblo pobre
Working-class family, poor town
Muchos puñales en la espalda
Many daggers in the back
Te deshiciste de los traidores
You got rid of the traitors
Mamá y la abuela llorando una vida de sufrimiento
Mom and grandma crying, a life of suffering
Nadie entiende tus sentimientos te lo guardas todo pa' dentro
No one understands your feelings, you keep it all inside
Los problemas son solo tuyos
The problems are all yours
La única celda es tu cuerpo
The only cell is your body
A veces has pensao' en saltar volar libre como el viento
Sometimes you've thought about jumping, flying free like the wind
Aguanta joven inquieto eres fuerte puedes con esto
Hang in there, restless young man, you're strong, you can handle this
Sobrevive a los malos tiempos aún no ha llegao' tu momento
Survive the bad times, your time hasn't come yet
Tienes que cuidar de tu gente, demostrar que sigues potente
You have to take care of your people, show them you're still powerful
Esto es una guerra de verdad no dará pena a esos cerdos
This is a real war, it won't make those pigs feel sorry
Esos ojos han visto mucho puedo ver el dolor en ellos
Those eyes have seen a lot, I can see the pain in them
nunca gastas saliva to' lo que dices va en serio
You never waste your breath, everything you say is serious
Ellos no tienen ni puta idea de lo que es esta puta vida
They have no idea what this fucking life is like
No han vivido el 1% de todas esas movidas
They haven't lived 1% of all those moves
Mil peleas, decepciones, muerte familia en prisiones
A thousand fights, disappointments, family in prison
Lío, juicio, detenciones, quilombos y moratones
Trouble, trial, arrests, chaos and bruises
Negocios y sabotajes, escalar desde la ruina
Deals and sabotage, climbing from ruin
Los "shh" nunca descansan, buscarse la vida es rutina
The "shh" never rest, making a living is routine
no sabes lo que te espera, esta mierda solo empieza
You don't know what awaits you, this shit is just beginning
No te fíes ni de tu sombra y prepara bien tu cabeza
Don't trust your own shadow and prepare your head well
Lo que viene no va a ser fácil, procura andar en sigilo
What's coming won't be easy, try to stay stealthy
Y espero que algún día consigas vivir tranquilo
And I hope one day you can live peacefully
no sabes lo que te espera, esta mierda solo empieza
You don't know what awaits you, this shit is just beginning
No te fíes ni de tu sombra y prepara bien tu cabeza
Don't trust your own shadow and prepare your head well
Lo que viene no va a ser fácil, procura andar en sigilo
What's coming won't be easy, try to stay stealthy
Y espero que algún día consigas vivir tranquilo
And I hope one day you can live peacefully

Авторы: Olmo Suárez

Jarfaiter - Joven Inquieto - Single
Joven Inquieto - Single
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