Jasmine Saraj feat. Mario Fresh - Alo, Alo! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Jasmine Saraj feat. Mario Fresh - Alo, Alo!

Alo, Alo!
Hello, Hello!
Ai poza noastra la tine pe wall
I have our picture on my wall
Povestea noastra e gen Gossip Gril
Our story is like Gossip Girl
Tu baiatul rau, eu fata buna
You're the bad boy, I'm the good girl
Ma intreaba prietenii mei
My friends ask me
De ce m-am oprit la tine
Why I stopped at you
Tu nu esti cum vor ei
You're not what they want
Dar esti unic pentru mine
But you're unique to me
Da-Da-Da-Dar o sa-ti fie greu
Yes-Yes-Yes-But it will be difficult for you
A-A-A-Ai-Ai noroc ca-mi place de tine
L-L-L-Lucky you that I like you
Da-Da-Da-Dar o sa-ti fie greu
Yes-Yes-Yes-But it will be difficult for you
Chiar daca tipu-i cel mai tare din liceu
Even though that guy is the coolest in high school
El m-a sunat cand a primit mesajul meu
He called me when he got my message
Ne facem selfie
We take selfies
Noi avem filmul nostru
We have our own movie
Zici ca suntem crazy
You say we're crazy
Imi spui intr-una
You always tell me
Ca sunt o lady
That I'm a lady
Si, fiindca iti dau credit
And because I give you credit
Call me, maybe
Call me, maybe
Ma intreaba prietenii mei
My friends ask me
De ce m-am oprit la tine
Why I stopped at you
Tu nu esti cum vor ei
You're not what they want
Dar esti unic pentru mine
But you're unique to me
Ai tot timpul telefonul in mana
You always have your phone in your hand
Hai raspunde, fiind ca vreau sa-ti dau o veste buna
Come on, answer because I want to give you some good news
Ai mei pleaca in vacanta peste o saptamana
My parents are going on vacation in a week
Raman cu bona, care oricum nu stie romana
I'm staying with the nanny, who doesn't know Romanian anyway
Am pregatit niste filme de groaza
I have prepared some horror movies
Sa ma tii de mana atunci cand vine o faza
To hold my hand when a phase comes
Tu imi faci ziua mai buna
You make my day better
Dar nimeni nu intelege cum de suntem impreuna
But nobody understands how we're together
Da-Da-Da-Dar o sa-ti fie greu
Yes-Yes-Yes-But it will be difficult for you
A-A-A-Ai-Ai noroc ca-mi place de tine
L-L-L-Lucky you that I like you
Da-Da-Da-Dar o sa-ti fie greu
Yes-Yes-Yes-But it will be difficult for you
N-am vrut sa fie asa
I didn't want it to be like this
Dar inima face cum vrea
But the heart does what it wants
Cum vrea ea
What it wants
N-am vrut sa fie asa
I didn't want it to be like this
Dar inima face cum vrea
But the heart does what it wants
Cum vreau eu, exact asa vrea si ea
What I want, exactly what she wants too
Da-Da-Da-Dar o sa-ti fie greu
Yes-Yes-Yes-But it will be difficult for you
A-A-A-Ai-Ai noroc ca-mi place de tine
L-L-L-Lucky you that I like you
Da-Da-Da-Dar o sa-ti fie greu
Yes-Yes-Yes-But it will be difficult for you
Da-Da-Da-Dar o sa-ti fie greu
Yes-Yes-Yes-But it will be difficult for you
A-A-A-Ai-Ai noroc ca-mi place de tine
L-L-L-Lucky you that I like you
Da-Da-Da-Dar o sa-ti fie greu
Yes-Yes-Yes-But it will be difficult for you
Da-Da-Da-Dar o sa-ti fie greu
Yes-Yes-Yes-But it will be difficult for you

Авторы: Sandor Biro, Ropcea Andrei

Jasmine Saraj feat. Mario Fresh - Alo, Alo!
Alo, Alo!
дата релиза

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