周杰倫 - 外婆 - Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 周杰倫 - 外婆 - Live

外婆 - Live
Grandmother - Live
今天是外婆生日 我換上復古西裝 載著外婆開著拉風的古董車兜兜兜風
Today is Grandmother's birthday. I put on a retro suit, took Grandmother for a ride in a cool vintage car, and drove around.
車裡放著她的最愛 找回屬於是她的年代
The car played her favorites, taking her back to her time.
往大稻程碼頭開去把所有和外公的往事靜靜回憶 外婆她臉上的漣漪
Driving to Dadu Cheng Wharf, where Grandmother quietly recalled all the past events with Grandfather, the ripples on her face
美麗但藏不住壓抑 失去了愛情只盼望親情 彌補回應
Beautiful but cannot hide the depression; losing love, only looking forward to affection and response.
大人們以為出門之前桌上放六百就算是孝敬 一天到晚拼了命
The adults thought that putting six hundred dollars on the table before going out was considered filial piety; they worked hard all day long
Earning money and less care, what's the point?
外婆她的期待 慢慢變成無奈 大人們始終不明白
Grandmother's expectations slowly turned into helplessness; the adults never understood
她要的是陪伴 而不是六百塊 比妳給的還簡單
What she wanted was company, not six hundred dollars; it's simpler than what you gave
外婆她的無奈 無法變成期待 只有愛才能夠明白
Grandmother's helplessness cannot be turned into expectation; only love can understand.
走在淡水河畔 聽著她的最愛 把溫暖放回口袋
Walking by the Tamsui River, listening to her favorites, putting the warmth back in her pocket.
記得去年外婆的生日 表哥帶我和外婆參加 她最最重視的頒獎典禮
I remember last year on Grandmother's birthday; my cousin took Grandmother and me to her most important awards ceremony.
結果卻拿不到半個獎 不知道該笑不笑 我對著鏡頭傻笑 只覺得自己可笑
But she didn't get any awards; I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and I smiled awkwardly at the camera, only feeling ridiculous.
我難過 卻不是因為沒有得獎而難過 我失落 是因為看到外婆失落而失落
I was sad, but not because I didn't win an award; I was disappointed because I saw Grandmother's disappointment.
大人們根本不能體會 表哥他的用心 好像隨他們高興就可以徹底的否定
The adults couldn't understand my cousin's intentions; it seemed that they could completely negate it as they pleased.
否定我的作品 決定在於心情 想堅持風格他們卻覺得還歐顆
Negating my work, deciding on a whim; they thought my style needed to change, but I believe in Grandmother, and I won't lose; I don't need to change.
沒驚喜沒有改變 我已經聽了三年 我相信外婆 我沒輸 不需要改變
No surprises, no changes; I've heard it for three years; I believe in Grandmother; I didn't lose; I don't need to change.
表哥說不要覺得可惜 這只是一場遊戲 只要外婆覺得好聽 那才是一種鼓勵
My cousin said not to feel sorry; it was just a game; only if Grandmother thought it sounded good, that would be encouragement.
外婆露出了笑容說她以我為榮 淺淺的笑容 就讓我感到比得獎它還要光榮
Grandmother smiled and said she was proud of me; her light smile made me feel more honored than winning an award.
外婆她的期待 慢慢變成無奈 大人們始終不明白
Grandmother's expectations slowly turned into helplessness; the adults never understood
她要的是陪伴 而不是六百塊 比妳給的還簡單
What she wanted was company, not six hundred dollars; it's simpler than what you gave
外婆她的無奈 無法變成期待 只有愛才能夠明白
Grandmother's helplessness cannot be turned into expectation; only love can understand.
走在淡水河畔 聽著她的最愛 把溫暖放回口袋
Walking by the Tamsui River, listening to her favorites, putting the warmth back in her pocket.
外婆她的期待 慢慢變成無奈 只有愛才能夠明白
Grandmother's expectations slowly turned into helplessness; only love can understand
她要的是陪伴 而不是六百塊 比妳給的還簡單
What she wanted was company, not six hundred dollars; it's simpler than what you gave
外婆她的無奈 無法變成期待 只有愛才能夠明白
Grandmother's helplessness cannot be turned into expectation; only love can understand.
走在淡水河畔 聽著她的最愛 把溫暖放回口袋
Walking by the Tamsui River, listening to her favorites, putting the warmth back in her pocket.

Авторы: Jay Chou

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