It feels a bit terrible when your feelings are misplaced, Refusing to leave, and leaving the person affected feeling really put out.
I am fully aware of this truth,
我將不該犯的錯都默背好 仔細觀察習慣她的喜好
Internalising all the mistakes I should avoid, Observing her preferences closely.
而我緊繃的外表 像上緊後的發條 等她的答案揭曉
While I am uptight on the surface, Like a spring waiting to be released, Expecting her answer to be revealed.
她的睫毛 彎的嘴角 無預警的對我笑
Her eyelashes, the corners of her mouth curved upwards, Smiling at me unexpectedly.
沒有預兆 出乎預料 竟然先對我示好
Unforeseen, unexpected, She actually approached me first.
她的睫毛 彎的嘴角 用眼神對我拍照
Her eyelashes, the corners of her mouth curved upwards, Using her eyes to take a picture of me.
我戒不掉 她的微笑 洋溢幸福的味道
I am addicted to her smile, Which exudes the taste of happiness.
有些事沒辦法教 表錯情的感覺有一點糟 賴著不走 會讓人 很感冒
There are some things that cannot be taught, It feels a bit terrible when your feelings are misplaced, Refusing to leave, and leaving the person affected feeling really put out.
I am fully aware of this truth,
戀愛的方式無法拿筆來抄 也沒有規則可以取巧
There is no way to read about the ways of love, And there are no tricks to get around the rules.
被動的緣分很不可靠 喜歡的對象要自己挑
Passive relationships are unreliable, I must choose the objects of my affection myself.
她粉嫩清秀的外表 像是多汁的水蜜桃 誰都想咬
Her pretty, fresh appearance Is like a juicy peach, that everyone wants to bite.
她嘴上亮麗的脣膏 有一股自信的驕傲 我看得到
Her lipstick is bright and shiny, Holding an air of proud confidence, I can see it.
她粉嫩清秀的外表 像是多汁的水蜜桃 誰都想咬
Her pretty, fresh appearance Is like a juicy peach, that everyone wants to bite.
她嘴上亮麗的脣膏 有一股自信的驕傲 我看得到
Her lipstick is bright and shiny, Holding an air of proud confidence, I can see it.
她粉嫩清秀的外表 像是多汁的水蜜桃 誰都想咬
Her pretty, fresh appearance Is like a juicy peach, that everyone wants to bite.
她嘴上亮麗的脣膏 有一股自信的驕傲 我看得到
Her lipstick is bright and shiny, Holding an air of proud confidence, I can see it.
她粉嫩清秀的外表 像是多汁的水蜜桃 誰都想咬
Her pretty, fresh appearance Is like a juicy peach, that everyone wants to bite.
她嘴上亮麗的脣膏 有一股自信的驕傲 我看得到
Her lipstick is bright and shiny, Holding an air of proud confidence, I can see it.
她的睫毛 彎的嘴角 無預警的對我笑
Her eyelashes, the corners of her mouth curved upwards, Smiling at me unexpectedly.
Oh (沒有預兆 出乎預料 竟然先對我示好)
Oh (Unforeseen, unexpected, She actually approached me first).
她的睫毛 彎的嘴角 用眼神對我拍照
Her eyelashes, the corners of her mouth curved upwards, Using her eyes to take a picture of me.
我戒不掉 她的微笑 洋溢幸福的味道
I am addicted to her smile, Which exudes the taste of happiness.
她的睫毛 彎的嘴角 無預警的對我笑
Her eyelashes, the corners of her mouth curved upwards, Smiling at me unexpectedly.
沒有預兆 出乎預料 竟然先對我示好
Unforeseen, unexpected, She actually approached me first.
她的睫毛 彎的嘴角 用眼神對我拍照
Her eyelashes, the corners of her mouth curved upwards, Using her eyes to take a picture of me.
我戒不掉 她的微笑 洋溢幸福的味道
I am addicted to her smile, Which exudes the taste of happiness.
Her eyelashes
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