Jay Chou - 牛仔很忙 (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jay Chou - 牛仔很忙 (Live)

牛仔很忙 (Live)
Cowboy On The Run (Live)
隨著奔騰的馬蹄 小妹妹吹著口琴
Along with the dashing horse, the young girl is playing the harmonica
夕陽下美了剪影 我用子彈寫日記
The setting sun beautifully created a silhouette, I use bullets writing a diary
介紹完了風景 接下來換介紹我自己
Introduce the scenery, now it's my turn to introduce myself
我雖然是個牛仔 在酒吧只點牛奶
Although I'm a cowboy, I only order milk in the bar
為什麼不喝啤酒 因為啤酒傷身體
Why don't I drink beer? Because beer is bad for the body
很多人不長眼睛 囂張都靠武器
Many people are blind, bullying is all about weapons
They cower as ants when empty-handed
不用麻煩了 不用麻煩了
Just don't bother, just don't bother
不用麻煩不用麻煩了 不用麻煩了
Just don't bother, just don't bother, just don't bother
你們一起上 我在趕時間
You all come at me together, I’m in a hurry
每天決鬥觀眾都累了 英雄也累了
Audiences are tired of dueling every day, and so are heroes
不用麻煩了 不用麻煩了
Just don't bother, just don't bother
副歌不長你們有幾個 一起上好了
The chorus is short, how many of you are there? Let's fight together
正義呼喚我 美女需要我 牛仔 (很忙)很累的
Justice calls me, the beauties need me, Cowboy (very busy) and tired
(心愛ㄟ 妳走去叨位 我那ㄟ攏沒看到妳)
(My love, where are you going? Why don't I see you?)
我啦啦啦騎毛驢 因為馬跨不上去
I'm riding a donkey, because I can't mount a horse
洗澡都洗泡泡浴 因為可以玩玩具
I only take bubble baths, because I can play with toys
我有顆善良的心 都只穿假牛皮
I have a kind heart, and wear only fake fur
I try not to crush the grass when I fall
槍口它沒長眼睛 我曾經答應上帝
The muzzle has no eyes, I promised God once
我曾經答應上帝 除非萬不得已
I promised God that unless it's really necessary
我曾經答應上帝 要逃命前請你 把手舉高跟著一起來
I promised God, before I run away, I'll raise my hands and invite you to come with me
不用麻煩了 不用麻煩了
Just don't bother, just don't bother
不用麻煩不用麻煩了 不用麻煩了
Just don't bother, just don't bother, just don't bother
你們一起上 我在趕時間
You all come at me together, I’m in a hurry
每天決鬥觀眾都累了 英雄也累了
Audiences are tired of dueling every day, and so are heroes
不用麻煩了 不用麻煩了
Just don't bother, just don't bother
副歌不長你們有幾個 一起上好了
The chorus is short, how many of you are there? Let's fight together
正義呼喚我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的
Justice calls me, the beauties need me, Cowboy is very busy
不用麻煩了 不用麻煩
Just don't bother, just don't bother
Just don't bother
Just don't bother, just don't bother
Just don't bother
不用麻煩 阿不用麻煩了
Just don't bother, oh just don't bother
不用麻煩了不用麻煩 不用麻煩了
Just don't bother, just don't bother, just don't bother
不用麻煩了 不用麻煩了
Just don't bother, just don't bother
副歌不長你們有幾個 一起上好了
The chorus is short, how many of you are there? Let's fight together
正義呼喚我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的
Justice calls me, the beauties need me, Cowboys are very busy

Авторы: Jay Chou

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