周杰倫 - 蘭亭序 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 周杰倫 - 蘭亭序

Orchid Pavilion Preface
蘭亭臨帖 行書如行雲流水
Orchid Pavilion running script as flowing clouds and water
月下門推 心細如妳腳步碎
Moonlight door pushed, your heart as delicate as your footsteps
忙不迭 千年碑易拓卻難拓妳的美
Without hesitation, the thousand-year-old stele is easy to rub, but your beauty is hard to capture
真跡絕 真心能給誰
True masterpiece is gone, who can I give my true heart
牧笛橫吹 黃酒小菜又幾碟
The shepherd's flute plays, yellow wine and snacks are arranged
夕陽餘暉 如妳的羞怯似醉
The afterglow of the setting sun is like your shy and slightly intoxicating
摹本易寫 而墨香不退與妳共留餘味
The copybook is easy to write, but the ink fragrance does not fade and stays with you
一行硃砂 到底圈了誰
A line of red cinnabar, who is circled after all
無關風月 我題序等妳回
Irrelevant to romance, I inscribe the preface and wait for your reply
懸筆一絕 那岸邊浪千疊
A unique and exceptional writing brush, the waves on the other side are thousands of layers
情字何解 怎落筆都不對
The word "love" is difficult to understand, how can it be wrong to write
而我獨缺 妳一生的了解
And I am the only one missing your lifelong understanding
無關風月 我題序等妳回
Irrelevant to romance, I inscribe the preface and wait for your reply
懸筆一絕 那岸邊浪千疊
A unique and exceptional writing brush, the waves on the other side are thousands of layers
情字何解 怎落筆都不對
The word "love" is difficult to understand, how can it be wrong to write
而我獨缺 妳一生的了解
And I am the only one missing your lifelong understanding
無關風月 我題序等妳回
Irrelevant to romance, I inscribe the preface and wait for your reply
懸筆一絕 那岸邊浪千疊
A unique and exceptional writing brush, the waves on the other side are thousands of layers
情字何解 怎落筆都不對
The word "love" is difficult to understand, how can it be wrong to write
獨缺 妳一生了解
Only missing your lifelong understanding
彈指歲月 傾城頃刻間湮滅
Time flies by, and the city is destroyed in an instant
青石板街 回眸一笑妳婉約
On the bluestone slab street, a glance back and your smile is graceful
恨了沒 妳搖頭輕嘆誰讓妳蹙著眉
Are you resentful? You shake your head and sigh, who let you frown
而深閨 徒留胭脂味
And in the boudoir, only the smell of rouge
人雁南飛 轉身一瞥妳噙淚
People and geese fly south, a glance back and you are in tears
掬一把月 手攬回憶怎麼睡
Scooping up a handful of moon, holding memories in your hand, how can you sleep
又怎麼會 心事密縫繡花鞋針針怨懟
And how can it be that your worries are sewn into your embroidered shoes, each stitch filled with resentment
若花怨蝶 你會怨著誰
If flowers resent butterflies, who will you resent
無關風月 我題序等妳回
Irrelevant to romance, I inscribe the preface and wait for your reply
懸筆一絕 那岸邊浪千疊
A unique and exceptional writing brush, the waves on the other side are thousands of layers
情字何解 怎落筆都不對
The word "love" is difficult to understand, how can it be wrong to write
而我獨缺 妳一生的了解
And I am the only one missing your lifelong understanding
無關風月 我題序等妳回
Irrelevant to romance, I inscribe the preface and wait for your reply
手書無愧 無懼人間是非
Handwriting is guiltless, fearless of right and wrong in the world
雨打蕉葉 又瀟瀟了幾夜
Rain hits the banana leaves, how many nights has it drizzled
我等春雷 來提醒妳愛誰
I wait for the spring thunder to remind you who to love

Авторы: Jay Chou

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