Jay Chou - 麥芽糖 (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jay Chou - 麥芽糖 (Live)

麥芽糖 (Live)
The Malt Candy (Live)
這蜿蜒的微笑 擁抱山丘溪流 跟風唱起歌
This winding smile embraces the hills and streams, and sings with the wind.
我像田園詩人般 解讀眼前的生活
Like a pastoral poet, I interpret life before me.
麥田彎腰 低頭在垂釣 溫柔這整座山谷 都是風笛手
The wheat fields bend down, fishing gently. The tenderness of this valley is accompanied by bagpipes.
我在啞口聆聽著傳說 跟著童話故事走
In the silence, I listen to the legends, and follow the fairy tales.
遠方的風車 遠距離訴說 那幸福在深秋 滿滿的被收割
The windmills in the distance tell of happiness in the depths of autumn, to be fully harvested.
老倉庫的角落 我們數著 一麻袋的愛跟快樂 初戀的顏色
In the corner of the old warehouse, we count a bag of love and joy, the color of first love.
我牽著你的手經過 種麥芽糖的山坡
I hold your hand as we pass by the slopes where malt candy is grown.
香濃的 誘惑 你臉頰 微熱 吐氣在我的耳朵
The rich fragrance makes your cheeks slightly warm, and whispers in my ear.
摘下麥芽糖熟透 我醒來還笑著
The malt candy is ripe, and when I wake, I still smile.
開心的 被黏手 我滿嘴 都是糖果
The sticky candy melts in my mouth, bringing joy.
我牽著你的手經過 種麥芽糖的山坡
I hold your hand as we pass by the slopes where malt candy is grown.
甜蜜的 四周 我低頭 害羞 我們愉快的夢遊
Sweetness surrounds us, I look down shyly as we dream happily.
我在草地上喝著 麥芽糖釀的酒
I drink malt candy wine on the meadow.
鮮嫩的 小時候 我好想 再咬一口
My tender childhood, I want to take another bite.
這蜿蜒的微笑 擁抱山丘溪流 跟風唱起歌
This winding smile embraces the hills and streams, and sings with the wind.
我像田園詩人般 解讀眼前的生活
Like a pastoral poet, I interpret life before me.
彎腰低頭 在垂釣 溫柔這座城市 都是風笛手
Bending down, fishing gently, the tenderness of this city is accompanied by bagpipes.
Hold up your glow sticks and sway with me, left and right.
遠方的風車 遠距離訴說 滿滿的被收割
The windmills in the distance tell of fullness, to be harvested.
老劇情的角落 我們數著 一麻袋的愛跟快樂
In the corner of the old drama, we count a bag of love and joy.
(Bring your hands together)
我牽著你的手經過 種麥芽糖的山坡
I hold your hand as we pass by the slopes where malt candy is grown.
甜蜜的 四周 我低頭 害羞 我低頭我的耳朵
Sweetness surrounds us, I look down coyly, and I whisper in your ear.
麥芽 麥芽糖熟透 我醒來還笑著 開心的 被黏手 我滿嘴 都是糖果
Malt, malt candy is ripe, when I wake, I still smile. The sticky candy melts in my mouth, bringing joy.
娃娃國 娃娃兵 金髮藍眼睛 娃娃國王 鬍子長 騎馬去當兵
Doll nation, doll soldiers, golden hair and blue eyes. The doll king, with a long beard, rides his horse to war.
娃娃國 娃娃兵 金髮藍眼睛 娃娃國王 鬍子長 騎馬出王宮
Doll nation, doll soldiers, golden hair and blue eyes. The doll king, with a long beard, rides his horse from the palace.
我牽著你的手經過 種麥芽糖的山坡 甜蜜的 四周 我低頭 害羞
I hold your hand as we pass by the slopes where malt candy is grown. Sweetness surrounds us, I look down shyly.
我牽著你的手經過 種麥芽糖釀的酒 鮮嫩的 小時候 我好想 再咬一口
I hold your hand as we pass by the slopes where malt candy is made. My tender childhood, I want to take another bite.

Авторы: 方 文山, Chou Chieh Lun, 方 文山

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