Jay Fung feat. 黃淑蔓 - 尋找白金漢 (合唱版) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jay Fung feat. 黃淑蔓 - 尋找白金漢 (合唱版)

尋找白金漢 (合唱版)
Searching for Buckingham Palace (Chorus Version)
你立志 散落世間 的金粉 都想看
You aspire to see all the gold dust scattered in the world
金卡過客 每日來回地 搭上客機升降
A gold-card traveler, going back and forth every day, boarding and disembarking airplanes
臂胳借你 暫歇的 這踏實單身漢
Lending you my arm to support you, this steady bachelor
何來 羅浮 壁畫般瑰麗
Where is the Louvre's mural-like magnificence
如何能 如白宮砥柱堅壯
How can it be as strong as the pillars of the White House
宇宙再壯濶 你是我的燦爛
No matter how vast the universe, you are my brilliance
只可惜 暫時未 想靠站
It's just a pity, you don't want to make a stop for now
請不要 猜測我 怕平凡
Please don't speculate, I'm afraid of being ordinary
華麗披風 一脫就冷 (淪落公主怎會習慣)
Once the gorgeous cloak is taken off, it becomes cold (How can a fallen princess get used to it)
早知 不配做你 宮殿 (花多眼亂)
I knew from the beginning that I was not worthy of being your palace (too dazzling)
只可 當你 落腳點 (青春太短)
I can only be your foothold (youth is too short)
感激貴族 來蝸居化緣
I'm grateful that you, a noble, came to beg
這世界 其實不只我 這階磚
This world is actually not just me, this brick
一生 得到伴你 一段 (相戀太易)
I have a part of you in my life (love is too easy)
曾擁有 不要在意短 (約誓很遠)
I used to have it, don't mind it being short (oath is too far)
一世緣 一晚完
A lifetime's fate ends in one night
哪邊好 怎麼計算
Which side is better, how do you calculate
被鋪 早小心儲起 你那份喛
I have carefully kept the quilt, your warmth
To remember forever
十年後 若然尚有 等我這單身漢
Ten years later, if you are still waiting, wait for me, this single man
翱翔回來 始終想泊岸
Soaring back, I always want to dock
然而誰 肯專一守望
However, who would be willing to wait faithfully
你令我暢快 我令你跑太慢
You make me feel happy, I make you run too slowly
當溫馨 是成就 的制限
When warmth becomes the restriction of achievement
燭光裡 即使也有晚餐
Even in the candlelight, there is also dinner
華麗燈飾 先夠耀眼 (若你肯等 改天晚餐)
The gorgeous lighting is dazzling enough (If you are willing to wait, we can have dinner another day)
早知 不配做你 宮殿 (花多眼)
I knew from the beginning that I was not worthy of being your palace (too dazzling)
只可 當你 落腳點 (青春太短)
I can only be your foothold (youth is too short)
感激貴族 來蝸居化緣
I'm grateful that you, a noble, came to beg
這世界 其實不只我 這階磚 (你對我 其實不只算 破階磚)
This world is actually not just me, this brick (You are not just a broken brick to me)
一生 得到伴你 一段 (相戀太易)
I have a part of you in my life (love is too easy)
曾擁有 不要在意短 (約誓很遠)
I used to have it, don't mind it being short (oath is too far)
一世緣 一晚完
A lifetime's fate ends in one night
哪邊好 怎麼計算 (你好得 不忍抱怨)
Which side is better, how do you calculate (you are so good, I can't complain)
被鋪 早小心儲起 你那份暖 (背包中 只可儲起 你那份暖)
I have carefully kept the quilt, your warmth (I can only keep your warmth in my backpack)
無人可阻你 衝向前 (無人可阻我 衝向前)
No one can stop you, go ahead (No one can stop me, go ahead)
However, if one day
當天國都太亂 (當想看的看完)
When the kingdom is in chaos (When you finish seeing what you want to see)
我在這邊 (你在哪邊)
I am here (Where are you)
假使 找遍沒有 宮殿
If you search everywhere and you don't find a palace
蝸居 都會在這邊
The hut will always be here
辛酸邂逅 從此可變甜
The bitter encounter can change into a sweet one
我替你 留下這幾吋 破階磚 (你對我 其實不只算 破階磚)
I will leave you this few inches of broken brick (You are not just a broken brick to me)
天邊 海角沒有 宮殿 (你亦供暖)
There is no palace in the sky or sea (You also provide warmth)
白金漢 都會在這邊
Buckingham Palace will always be here
嬉戲完 心野完
When you're done playing and being wild
要找他 總不太遠
If you want to find it, it won't be too far
結束的戀歌 仍可以未完
The love song that ended can still be unfinished
能續多一句亦好 永遠尚遠
If we could continue with one more sentence, it would be great, but forever is still far away
I will get my wish

Авторы: Wyman Wong, Yun Qian Feng, Abby Wong

Jay Fung feat. 黃淑蔓 - 尋找白金漢 (合唱版) - Single
尋找白金漢 (合唱版) - Single
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