Jeff Wayne - Thunder Child (Later Version) - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст и перевод песни Jeff Wayne - Thunder Child (Later Version)

Thunder Child (Later Version)
Громовой Дитя (Поздняя версия)
[People:] There were ships of shapes and sizes
[Люди:] Там были корабли разных форм и размеров,
Scattered out along the bay
Разбросанные по всему заливу.
And I thought I heard her calling
И мне показалось, я слышал её зов,
As the steamer pulled away
Когда пароход отчаливал.
The invaders must have seen them
Захватчики, должно быть, видели их,
As across the coast they filed
Когда они шли по побережью.
Standing firm between them
Стоя твёрдо между ними,
There lay Thunder Child!
Находился "Громовой Дитя"!
Moving swiftly through the waters
Быстро двигаясь по воде,
Cannons blazing as she came
С пылающими пушками,
Brought a mighty metal war lord
Она обрушила могучего металлического владыку войны
Crashing down in sheets of flame
Вниз, в море пламени.
Sensing victory was nearing
Чувствуя приближение победы,
Thinking fortune must have smiled
Думая, что удача улыбнулась им,
People started cheering,
Люди начали ликовать:
"Come on Thunder Child!"
"Давай, "Громовой Дитя"!"
"Come on Thunder Child!"
"Давай, "Громовой Дитя"!"
[Journalist:] The Martians released their black smoke, but the ship sped on, cutting down one of the tripod figures. Instantly, the others raised their Heat Rays, and melted the Thunder Child's valiant heart.
[Журналист:] Марсиане выпустили свой черный дым, но корабль мчался вперед, сбив одну из треногих фигур. Мгновенно остальные подняли свои Тепловые Лучи и расплавили доблестное сердце "Громового Дитя".
[People:] Lashing ropes and smashing timbers
[Люди:] Хлещущие канаты и разбивающиеся доски,
Flashing Heat Rays pierced the deck
Сверкающие Тепловые Лучи пронзили палубу.
Dashing hopes for our deliverance
Разбитые надежды на наше спасение,
As we watched the sinking wreck
Когда мы наблюдали за тонущим кораблём.
With the smoke of battle clearing
Когда дым битвы рассеялся
Over graves in waves defiled
Над могилами в осквернённых волнах,
Slowly disappearing
Медленно исчезающий,
Farewell Thunder Child!
Прощай, "Громовой Дитя"!
Farewell Thunder Child!
Прощай, "Громовой Дитя"!
Farewell Thunder Child!
Прощай, "Громовой Дитя"!
[Journalist:] When the smoke cleared, the little steamer had reached the misty horizon, and Carrie was safe. But the Thunder Child had vanished forever, taking with her man's last hope of victory. The leaden sky was lit by green flashes, cylinder following cylinder, and no one and nothing was left now to fight them. The Earth belonged to the Martians.
[Журналист:] Когда дым рассеялся, маленький пароход достиг туманного горизонта, и Кэрри была в безопасности. Но "Громовой Дитя" исчез навсегда, унеся с собой последнюю надежду человека на победу. Свинцовое небо освещалось зелеными вспышками, цилиндр за цилиндром, и теперь не осталось никого и ничего, чтобы сражаться с ними. Земля принадлежала марсианам.
[Martians:] Ulla!
[Марсиане:] Улла!

Авторы: Gary Osborne, Jeff Wayne

Jeff Wayne - Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds
Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds
дата релиза

1 The Artilleryman and the Fighting Machine
2 The Red Weed (Mister Joy Boy Remix)
3 The Eve of the War (1980 Disco Steve Thompson Remix)
4 The Spirit of Man (Max Mondo Remix)
5 The Eve of the War (Ben Liebrand Remix)
6 Brave New World (Dario G Remix)
7 The Eve of the War (Original Unused Intro)
8 The Eve of the War (Early Band Take)
9 The Eve of the War (Stripped Down Mix)
10 Forever Autumn (Original 1972 Version)
11 Brave New World (Todd Terry Remix)
12 The Eve of the War (Hybrid's Fire In the Sky Mix -)
13 The Eve of the War (Hani Remix)
14 Horsell Common and the Heat Ray (Early Version)
15 The Artilleryman and the Fighting Machine (Early Band Take,
16 Forever Autumn (Early Version)
17 The Artilleryman and the Fighting Machine (Max Mondo Remix)
18 Horsell Common and the Heat Ray (Max Mondo Remix)
19 Forever Autumn (N-Trance remix)
20 The Eve of the War
21 The Spirit of Man (Beth & Parson Out-Takes, Including Original Unused Script)
22 The Spirit of Man (Beth Is Killed - Original Out Take)
23 Dead London (Early Version,
24 The Spirit of Man (Guitar Solo)
25 Parson Nathaniel (Original Unused Song)
26 Brave New World (Early Band Take)
27 Brave New World (Acoustic Alternative)
28 Brave New World (Early Piano Demo)
29 The Spirit of Man (Jerry, Doreen & Phil Acting Out-Takes)
30 Thunder Child (Later Version)
31 The Spirit of Man (Early Version Guide Vocals)
32 Dead London (Mister JoyBoy Remix)
33 The Spirit of Man (Early Version With Unused Acting Parts)
34 The Red Weed (Early Version)
35 Thunder Child
36 Forever Autumn
37 The Spirit of Man
38 Dead London
39 Brave New World
40 The Artilleryman Returns
41 Epilogue, Pt. 2 (N.A.S.A.)
42 Forever Autumn (Dark Autumn Dub Tom Frederikse / Gaëtan Schurrer Remix)
43 Original Spanish Parson Scream Out-takes
44 Original Parson Scream Out-takes
45 Parson Nathaniel Scream Out-Takes (From the Spirit of Man)
46 Tea for Two: Jerry & Phil's Late Night Cabaret
47 The Spirit of Guitars (guitars and strings from The Spirit of Man)
48 The Spirit of Man (Beth Out-Takes)
49 The Spirited Man (strings and acoustic guitar alternative)
50 German Journalist and Parson Out-takes
51 'Outcries' (from The Spirit of Man)
52 The Spirit of Man (Beth is killed)
53 The Spirit of 'Mayan' (Parson outtakes)
54 The Spirit of Man (Out-Takes, Including Original Unused Script)
55 "Are You Ready Jeff?" (Acting Out-Takes from the Spirit of Man)
56 The Spirit of Man (Alternate Version)
57 Spanish Journalist and Parson Scream Out-take
58 "And There Was Nothing I Could Do to Prevent It" (out-takes and master)
59 Murderous Out-Takes (From Dead London)
60 Dead London (Early Band Run-Through)
61 Regressing Bar Count
62 Original 40" Radio Commercial
63 Acting Out Takes (From Brave New World)
64 The Spanish Artilleryman's Plan (from Brave New World)
65 Brave New World (Alternate Version)
66 The Artilleryman's "I've Got a Plan!" Out-takes (from Brave New World)
67 The the Artilleryman's Out-Takes (From Brave New World)
68 The Artilleryman's Out-Takes (From Brave New World) [Continued]
69 The Artilleryman's Out-Takes (From Brave New World)
70 The Artilleryman Returns (With Unused Parts)
71 "Less Piano and More Air, Please!"
72 Parson Nathaniel (2005 revisited version)
73 The Eve of the War Versus Animal and Man (Forrest / Schurrer / Wayne remix)
74 The Spirt of Destiny (The Parson Versus Palene) [Cassidy / Langan / Wayne Remix]
75 The Spirit of Man: Spirit of Dub (Tom Frederikse / Gaëtan Schurrer remix)
76 ULLAdubULLA (Papa Ootzie remix)
77 Epilogue, Pt. 1
78 The Red Weed, Pt. 2
79 The Red Weed, Pt. 1
80 Horsell Common and the Heat Ray
81 The Four Narrators (opening passage)
82 Bar Count (from Dead London)
83 'That' Laugh
84 Out-Takes (From Horsell Common and the Heat Ray)
85 Original 75" Radio Commercial
86 Jeff's "Worth A Listen" Red Weed Alternative
87 The Red Weed (Original Unused Parts)
88 Unused Out-Take (From The Red Weed)
89 The Four Narrators (The Red Weed)
90 The Four Narrators (The Earth Belonged to the Martians)
91 Thunder Child (Early Version Version)
92 "Ugly Brutes!" and "See Them" (Original Unused Out-Takes)
93 Paperboy Shouts and Panicking Crowd (Original Unused Out-Take from Forever Autumn)
94 Paperboys (Original Unused Out-Take)
95 Bar Count Continues (from Forever Autumn)
96 Bar Count - Under Attack (from Forever Autumn)
97 Lego Toys (Original 1969 Radio Commercial)
98 Richard Burton Out-take
99 The Heatray Versus the Jangle Piano (Martian Versus Man)
100 Out-Takes (From Horsell Common)
101 Horsell Common and the Heat Ray (Original Narration and Acting Parts)
102 The Falling Star (Original Narration and Acting Parts)
103 The Eve of the War (Original Narration and Acting Parts)
104 Spanish Narrator Out-Takes
105 NASA Epilogue Spanish Version
106 Unused Alternate N.A.S.A. Epiliogue Out-Takes
107 The Four Narrators (Epiliogue)
108 Epilogue 1 (Early Bird Take)
109 Breathless Out-take (from Dead London)

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