Jelena Rozga - Žileti - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jelena Rozga - Žileti

Kako da se radujem
How can I rejoice
Sama novim ljetima
On my own in the new year
Lete suze kao da
Tears fall as if
Gađam se žiletima.
I'm cutting myself with blades.
Znaš li da smo sada mi
You know that we are now
Dvoje što se rastaju
Two who are parting ways
A mogli smo gledati djecu kako nam odrastaju.
And we could have watched our children grow up together.
Navila sam sat za hrabre
I set the clock for the brave
Ali niko budan nije
But no one is awake
Srce ti se iza ponosa vješto krije.
Your heart hides behind your pride with skill.
Sama, sama skoro podne
Alone, alone almost noon
Tebe nema preko puta
You are not across the street
Kava ti se već ohladila 10 puta.
Your coffee has already cooled down 10 times.
Kasniš na mjesto gdje skupa sanjamo,
You're late for the place where we dream together,
Kako kroz kuću dječije korake nemirne ganjamo.
How we chase our children's restless steps through the house.
Kako da se radujem
How can I rejoice
Sama novim ljetima
On my own in the new year
Lete suze kao da
Tears fall as if
Gađam se žiletima.
I'm cutting myself with blades.
Znaš li da smo sada mi
You know that we are now
Dvoje što se rastaju,
Two who are parting ways,
A mogli smo gledati djecu kako nam odrastaju.
And we could have watched our children grow up together.
Kasniš na mjesto gdje svoje dlanove
You're late for the place where you put your palms
Staviš pod moje pa sretni pravimo
Under mine, and happy, we make
Za život planove.
Plans for life.
Kako da se radujem
How can I rejoice
Sama novim ljetima
On my own in the new year
Lete suze kao da
Tears fall as if
Gađam se žiletima.
I'm cutting myself with blades.
Znaš li da smo sada mi
You know that we are now
Dvoje što se rastaju
Two who are parting ways
A mogli smo gledati djecu kako nam odrastaju.
And we could have watched our children grow up together.
Lako bi da si zub što boli,
It would be easy if you were a tooth that hurts,
A' što će žena koja teško prestaje da voli.
But what about a woman who finds it hard to stop loving?
Kako da se radujem
How can I rejoice
Sama novim ljetima
On my own in the new year
Lete suze kao da
Tears fall as if
Gađam se žiletima.
I'm cutting myself with blades.
Znaš li da smo sada mi
You know that we are now
Dvoje što se rastaju
Two who are parting ways
A mogli smo gledati djecu kako nam odrastaju.
And we could have watched our children grow up together.

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