Jeremiah Paltan - Dime Si Recuerdas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jeremiah Paltan - Dime Si Recuerdas

Dime Si Recuerdas
Tell Me If You Remember
Una pregunta en esta noche yo te hago
I ask you one question tonight
No te molestes, solo escuchas please no seas vago
Don't bother, just listen, please don't be lazy
Solo dime si recuerdas todos esos dias
Just tell me if you remember all those days
Cuando caminar conmigo era la mejor via
When walking with me was the best way
Solo dime si recuerdas
Just tell me if you remember
Solo dime si recuerdas
Just tell me if you remember
Solo dime si recuerdas
Just tell me if you remember
Solo dime, solo dime
Just tell me, just tell me
Solo dime si recuerdas cuando yo fui tu lumbre
Just tell me if you remember when I was your light
Recuerda que te saque de casa de servidumbre
Remember that I took you out of a house of servitude
Solo dime porque en ti ya se hizo costumbre
Just tell me why it has become a habit in you
Esconderte de mi, aunque mi gracia sobreabunde
To hide from me, even though my grace abounds
Ahora respondeme, no me pases por aludido
Now answer me, don't ignore me
No puedes olvidar lo que conmigo haz vivido
You can't forget what you have lived with me
Yo se que tu haz caido y mucho haz sufrido
I know you have fallen and suffered a lot
Pero yo sigo esperando que vuelvas arrepentido
But I'm still waiting for you to come back repented
Es que eres orgulloso y
It's that you are proud and
No puedes entenderme
You can't understand me
Despues de tanto tiempo no has llegado a conocerme
After so long you haven't gotten to know me
Yo se que tienes de no poder complacerme
I know that you are unable to please me
Pero yo solo pido que tu puedes creerme
But I only ask that you believe me
Cuando digo que te amo y no puedes ver la anchura
When I say that I love you and you can't see the breadth
La profundidad y altura
The depth and height
Yo te amo con locura
I love you madly
De muerte no hay aguijon
Of death there is no sting
Ni poder de sepultura
Nor power of the grave
Búscame en la intimidad tu sabes que no censura
Seek me in intimacy you know that it doesn't censor
Una pregunta en esta noche yo te hago
I ask you one question tonight
No te molestes, solo escuchas please no seas vago
Don't bother, just listen, please don't be lazy
Solo dime si recuerdas todos esos dias
Just tell me if you remember all those days
Cuando caminar conmigo era la mejor via
When walking with me was the best way
Solo dime si recuerdas
Just tell me if you remember
Solo dime si recuerdas
Just tell me if you remember
Solo dime si recuerdas
Just tell me if you remember
Solo dime, solo dime
Just tell me, just tell me
Quiero que lo recuerdes
I want you to remember
Pues como que lo olvidaste
Well, like you forgot
Como que todo borraste
Like you erased everything
Todo lo desechaste
You threw everything away
Lo que hago
What I do
No es para que vivas en tu memoria
It's not for you to live in your memory
Sino para que hoy vivas de gloria en gloria
But for you to live from glory to glory today
Gloria - para que tengas pendiente
Glory - so that you have pending
Que mi poder es perfecto
That my power is perfect
En lo que el diablo te tiente
In what the devil tempts you
Abre tus ojos hijo, quiero aclarar tu mente
Open your eyes son, I want to clear your mind
Entiéndeme que te anhelo celosamente
Understand that I long for you jealously
Que no soy hombre para herirte por tus errores
That I am not a man to hurt you for your mistakes
Yo soy el Dios que hace las cosas mejores
I am the God who does the best things
Revive la pasiones y vive sin temores
Revive the passions and live without fear
Que con mi diestra yo sanaré tus dolores
That with my right hand I will heal your pains
Ahora acercate a mi
Now come closer to me
Decídete por volver
Decide to return
No vas a creer lo que contigo puedo hacer
You won't believe what I can do with you
Porque aunque pienses que moriste
Because even if you think you died
Y que ya no hay salida
And that there is no way out
Una pregunta en esta noche yo te hago
I ask you one question tonight
No te molestes, solo escuchas please no seas vago
Don't bother, just listen, please don't be lazy
Solo dime si recuerdas todos esos dias
Just tell me if you remember all those days
Cuando caminar conmigo era la mejor via
When walking with me was the best way
Solo dime si recuerdas
Just tell me if you remember
Solo dime si recuerdas
Just tell me if you remember
Solo dime si recuerdas
Just tell me if you remember
Solo dime, solo dime
Just tell me, just tell me

Авторы: Jeremiah Paltan

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