Jerry.k feat. Paloalto, the Quiett, Deepflow & Dok2 - We All Made Us - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jerry.k feat. Paloalto, the Quiett, Deepflow & Dok2 - We All Made Us

We All Made Us
We All Made Us
중지를 들어 너희가 하던
Listen to the stop, whatever you're doing.
경쟁이 안돼 하는 짓이 너무 뻔하군
It's too obvious that you can't compete.
이건 battle 아닌 자신과의 싸움
This is not a battle, it's a fight against myself
병신들아 빨리 뛰어
Assholes, run fast.
진짜인 그만해 애들 앞에서 그만 사기
Stop pretending to be real. Stop buying in front of the kids.
내가 너희들의 role model
I'm your role model
스스로 해낸 남자다운 나를 본받어
Look at me as a manly man who did it himself.
척만 하는 rapper들은 비겁해
rappers who pretend to be sen are cowardly.
갖고 장난치지마
Don't mess with the money.
너흰 땜에 비겁하게 팔어
You're gonna sell your money cowardly.
내가 하는 일은 여러 개라 정신 없지
There are a lot of things I do. It's crazy.
HI-LITE 우리 팀원 중엔 병신 없지
HI-LITE There's no asshole in our team.
몇몇은 병신같이 인기를 구걸해, 귀여운척해
Some beg for popularity like assholes, pretend to be cute.
음악이랑 너는 왜이리 달라
Why is your music and you different?
발악 말고 삶으로 증명해
Don't fire, prove it with life.
근본 없는 것들 엿먹어
Fuck all the fundamental things.
걔네 지지하는 팬들도 꺼져버려
All those fans who support them are turned off.
이건 힙합, 다른 수식어는 필요 없어
This is hip hop, I don't need another modifier.
느낌 아는 사람들만 손을 위로 번쩍
Only those who know this feeling flashed their hands up
Yeah I made this, I made that
Yeah I made this, I made that
아마도 게임에 50프로는 내가 만든 같애 babe
Maybe this game is 50 pro I think I made a babe
동의한다면 say yeah, 아님 stop hatin'
If you agree, say yeah,or stop hatin'
니가 인정할 없대도 괜찮아 대인배
It's okay if you can't admit it. I'm a big man.
Mercedes drop top, Louboutin high top
Mercedes drop top, Louboutin high top
Rolex my time, motherfucker 바빠
Rolex my time, motherfucker I'm busy.
어딜 가든 이용하려는 얍삽한 놈들뿐
Just the yap-shovels who want to use me wherever they go.
모르는 번호 featuring 부탁 who the fck?
Don't know the number featuring favor who the fck?
드러워, 게임은 여전히 꼰대스러워
Drum up, this game is still twisted.
꼰대들은 내가 부러워 너희들이 부끄러워
I envy you guys. I'm ashamed of you guys.
이제 와서 내게 친한척하려 하다니
Now you're trying to come and pretend to be friendly to me.
그렇게 욕하더니 정말로 가관이야
You're swearing at me like that, and it's really a spectacle.
상관은 해, 길은 아직 멀기에
It doesn't matter, my way is still a long way to go.
놈들과 엮이기엔 너무 많은 돈을 벌기에
Because I make too much money to get involved with them.
Fast car, fast money, fast flow & fast life
Fast car, fast money, fast flow & fast life
That's 1llionaire fckin' way, let's ride
That's 1llionaire fckin' way, let's ride
We made us 우린 닮아가 모두의 어머니를
We made us look like everyone's mother
노란 피부에 심장은 검은 이들
Yellow Skin Heart Black These
겁을 잃은 우리, 변두리를 걷는 이유를
We lost our Fear, Why walk on the fringes
굳이 묻지마 존심을 건드리는 것뿐임을
Don't ask me. I'm just touching your respect.
누군 쓸어 담고 벌어, 엄지를 치켜줘
Somebody sweep it, earn it, give me your thumb.
누군 안개 길을 걸어, 그냥 앞길을 비켜줘
Who, walk down the fog road, just get out of the way.
둘의 높고 낮음을 누가 가르지
Who teaches them both high and low.
We made us 우린 모두 성을 쌓을 돌을 나르지
We made us We all carry stones to build castles.
Master plan is born, Big Deal, Soulcom
Master plan is born, Big Deal, Soulcom
10년간을 지켜내, 이건 난쟁이가 쏟은
Keep it for 10 years, this is a ball poured by a dwarf.
Sun comes up 빛이 밝아
Sun comes up Light brightens
우린 다음 미래를 봤지 1llionaire, Hi-lite
We saw the next future. 1llionaire, Hi-lite
그래 여긴 놀이터 매일 땀방울이 튀어
Yeah, this is the playground, and every day there's a drop of sweat.
때때론 옭아매는 거미숲, 당장 불을 피워
Sometimes the spider forest that knocks you out, let's start a fire right now.
부둥켜안고 두들겨 박수를
Hold it all up, beat it on your back, and you clap.
여기까지란 뒤엔 오직 물음표
This is the only question mark after that.
힙합 하면 배고픔, 3류 가수 짭퉁 연예인 되고픈
Hip hop makes you hungry, 3rd-class singer Jap Tong want to become a celebrity
그런 머리 어린 날에 하다마는 객기
Hadama on such an empty young day with a head
모두 혀를 차던 유행일
It's all a tongue-in-cheek fashion.
But I made it foo from nothin' to somethin'
But I made it foo from nothin' to somethin'
눈을 뜨면 쓰고 뱉어 앨범 녹음
When you open your eyes, write and spit, always record a new album.
지치면 냉수 모금 그거면 돼, It's all good
If you're tired, take a sip of cold water, It's all good
프로면 4곡을 마쳐 I'll be tearing the booth
I'll be tearing the booth
담엔 drop-top-got sold out get money
drop-top-got sold out get money
Ain't nutthin but a real rap take it to the summit
Ain't nutthin but a real rap take it to the summit
One hunnit for my people I'm outchea
One hunnit for my people I'm outchea
끝나기 전엔 아무도 몰라 닥쳐
No one knows until it's over. Shut up.
낙천적으로 사는 것뿐
I'm just living optimistically.
I'm doin' me doin' big while u ain't doin' shit
I'm doin' me doin' big while u ain't doin' shit
알어 내가 누구인지 모르면 물어봐 누구인지
If you don't know who I am, ask me who I am.
I'm a Mr.1llionaire rapstar young boss
I'm a Mr.1llionaire rapstar young boss
힙합만으로 웬만한 연예인보단 돈도 벌고
Hip-hop makes better money than a tolerable celebrity
세계를 돌고 돌아 at the end of the day 무대
The world revolves around at the end of the day I'm on stage
U dream it? I live it hell yeah I do that b! tch
U dream it? I live it hell yeah I do that b! tch
We made us 우린 닮아가 모두의 어머니를
We made us look like everyone's mother
노란 피부에 심장은 검은 이들
Yellow Skin Heart Black These
겁을 잃은 우리, 변두리를 걷는 이유를
We lost our Fear, Why walk on the fringes
굳이 묻지마 존심을 건드리는 것뿐임을
Don't ask me. I'm just touching your respect.
누군 쓸어 담고 벌어, 엄지를 치켜줘
Somebody sweep it, earn it, give me your thumb.
누군 안개 길을 걸어, 그냥 앞길을 비켜줘
Who, walk down the fog road, just get out of the way.
둘의 높고 낮음을 누가 가르지
Who teaches them both high and low.
We made us 우린 모두 성을 쌓을 돌을 나르지
We made us We all carry stones to build castles.
Master plan is born, Big Deal, Soulcom
Master plan is born, Big Deal, Soulcom
10년간을 지켜내, 이건 난쟁이가 쏟은
Keep it for 10 years, this is a ball poured by a dwarf.
Sun comes up 빛이 밝아
Sun comes up Light brightens
우린 다음 미래를 봤지 1llionaire, Hi-lite
We saw the next future. 1llionaire, Hi-lite
그래 여긴 놀이터 매일 땀방울이 튀어
Yeah, this is the playground, and every day there's a drop of sweat.
때때론 옭아매는 거미숲, 당장 불을 피워
Sometimes the spider forest that knocks you out, let's start a fire right now.
부둥켜안고 두들겨 박수를
Hold it all up, beat it on your back, and you clap.
여기까지란 뒤엔 오직 물음표
This is the only question mark after that.
Rapper가 되기 전에 힙합을 먼저
Before you become a Rapper, do hip-hop first.
니가 멋지다고 느꼈던 그대로 행동
Act as you felt cool.
왜, 기집애처럼 찡얼찡얼대면서
Why, you're squealing like a sissy.
Rap 한다고 잡을 때만 거친 남자가 해?
Do you pretend to be a rough man only when you catch a form of Rap?
귀요미는 필요 없지 club은 19금
You don't need to be cute. This club is 19 gold
재롱잔치는 끝났어
The feast is over.
식구들 앞에서 개다리춤 추는 끊었을
When I stopped dancing dog legs in front of your family, I was like, " Oh, my god."
아직도 그러고 싶어? 그럼 뽀뽀뽀라도 연습해
You still want to do that? Then you can practice kissing.
흐리는 미꾸라지들이 불평뿐이군
The water-clouded loach always complains.
진짜 죽이는 punchline 놀이를
Real killing punchline play
이해 못하고 씨부리는 한풀이들
I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't understand.
맨날 똑같지 관객들도 알어
It's the same all the time. The audience knows it.
구린 음악은 우리들 누가 들어도 티가 난다고
Gurin's music, no matter who of us hears it, tees up.
니가 어디에서 누구에게 가르쳐?
What do you teach where and to whom?
It ain't black 수가 없지 검정 교과서
It ain't black can't be black textbook
Paloalto, Deepflow, The Q and Gonzo
Paloalto, Deepflow, The Q and Gonzo
그리고 Jerry.k, 우릴 듣고 배워, WE MADE US
We made us 우린 닮아가 모두의 어머니를
We made us look like everyone's mother
노란 피부에 심장은 검은 이들
Yellow Skin Heart Black These
겁을 잃은 우리, 변두리를 걷는 이유를
We lost our Fear, Why walk on the fringes
굳이 묻지마 존심을 건드리는 것뿐임을
Don't ask me. I'm just touching your respect.
누군 쓸어 담고 벌어, 엄지를 치켜줘
Somebody sweep it, earn it, give me your thumb.
누군 안개 길을 걸어, 그냥 앞길을 비켜줘
Who, walk down the fog road, just get out of the way.
둘의 높고 낮음을 누가 가르지
Who teaches them both high and low.
We made us 우린 모두 성을 쌓을 돌을 나르지
We made us We all carry stones to build castles.
Master plan is born, Big Deal, Soulcom
Master plan is born, Big Deal, Soulcom
10년간을 지켜내, 이건 난쟁이가 쏟은
Keep it for 10 years, this is a ball poured by a dwarf.
Sun comes up 빛이 밝아
Sun comes up Light brightens
우린 다음 미래를 봤지 1llionaire, Hi-lite
We saw the next future. 1llionaire, Hi-lite
그래 여긴 놀이터 매일 땀방울이 튀어
Yeah, this is the playground, and every day there's a drop of sweat.
때때론 옭아매는 거미숲, 당장 불을 피워
Sometimes the spider forest that knocks you out, let's start a fire right now.
부둥켜안고 두들겨 박수를
Hold it all up, beat it on your back, and you clap.
여기까지란 뒤엔 오직 물음표
This is the only question mark after that.

Авторы: Seung Heon Yoon, Jun Kyung Lee, Dong Gab Shin, Sang Hyun Jeon, Jin Il Kim, Sang Goo Ryu

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