Jesus Palma - El Corrido de los Ovnis - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jesus Palma - El Corrido de los Ovnis

El Corrido de los Ovnis
The Ballad of the UFOs
Una noche de loquera
One crazy night, babe,
Andaba echando cerveza
I was downing some beers,
De repente se paro
Suddenly, it stopped,
Una nave en mi cabeza
A ship above my head, dear.
Pero a me valió madre
But I didn't give a damn,
Le eche un trago a mi cerveza
Took another swig of my beer.
Me aventó una lucesota
It shot a bright light at me,
Se me aguadiaron las piernas
My legs turned to jelly, you see,
Sentí ganas de correr
I felt like running,
Y nomas me fui de getas
And I just took off, honey.
Mis piernas no se movían
My legs wouldn't move,
Me sudaban las orejas
My ears were sweating, too.
Me subieron a su nave
They took me aboard their ship,
Y me esculcaron la ropa
And searched my clothes, tip to tip.
Quien sabe cómo me hablaban
Who knows how they spoke to me,
Pues no movían la boca
'Cause their mouths didn't move, see?
Me encontraron una bolsa
They found a bag on me,
Repleta de pura coca
Full of pure coke, baby.
Te hemos estado siguiendo
"We've been watching you, friend,"
Queremos que nos expliques
"We want you to explain, pretend,"
Por qué comes con la boca
"Why you eat with your mouth so wide,"
Y también con las narices
"And also with your nose inside."
A como serán pendejos
What a bunch of idiots they are,
Con la mente se los dije
I told them with my mind, from afar.
Presta pa' ca la bolsita
"Hand over the little bag, sweetheart,"
Que ahorita voy a enseñarte
"I'm gonna show you a brand new start,"
Voy a bajarme el pedote
"I'm gonna get rid of this high,"
Que hace rato me sacaste
"That you just gave me, way up high."
Con esto vuelo más alto
"With this, I fly higher, you know,"
Que chingada madre
"Than your damn mother, so and so."
Me avente 3 pericasos
I took three bumps, quick and fast,
Y me sentí como nuevo
And felt like new, built to last.
Les dije pruébenla weyes
I said, "Try it, guys, don't be shy,"
O acaso no tienen huevos
"Or don't you have the balls to try?"
Se acabaron la bolsita
They finished the whole bag, you see,
Aquellos mis clientes nuevos
Those new clients of mine, happy as can be.
De ahí no fuimos pa' Colombia
From there we went to Colombia, straight,
Por qué quedaron picados
'Cause they were hooked, it was their fate.
Llegamos en 2 segundos
We got there in two seconds flat,
Yo por poquito me cago
I almost shit myself, just like that.
Esa pinche navecita
That damn little ship, so fast,
Traía el motor alterado
Had a souped-up engine, built to last.
Aprovechando la vuelta
Taking advantage of the ride,
Me traje una tonelada
I brought back a ton, inside.
La bajamos en Chicago
We landed in Chicago, no fuss,
No hubo retenes ni nada
No checkpoints, nothing for us.
A ellos les di varios kilos
I gave them several kilos, you bet,
Por qué esa fue su mochada
'Cause that was their cut, I couldn't forget.
Ahora me buscan seguido
Now they look for me often, it's true,
Y cada vez vienen más
And each time, more of them come through.
Hasta una nave me dieron
They even gave me a ship of my own,
Pa' que pueda trabajar
So I can work, all alone.
Ahora son clientes y amigos
Now they're clients and friends, it's a blast,
Quien se lo iba a imaginar
Who would have thought it would last?
Los ovnis vienen conmigo
The UFOs come with me, day and night,
Y un consejo voy a dar
And I'll give you some advice, alright?
Si los miran por los cielos
If you see them in the sky so vast,
No se vayan a espantar
Don't be scared, they'll fly right past.
Andan llevando perico
They're taking coke, it's a known fact,
A su planeta natal
To their home planet, that's their track.
Ya no peleo con soldados
I no longer fight with soldiers, you see,
Ni ando comprando al gobierno
Nor do I bribe the government, free.
Ni les temo a embajadores
I don't fear ambassadors, not me,
Con esta nave que tengo
With this ship I have, I'm carefree.
De los que debo cuidarme
The ones I have to watch out for, though,
Es de los hombres de negro
Are the men in black, as you know.

Авторы: Jesus Rosario Beltran Palma

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