Jhobick Zamora feat. Azu Bautista - Déjame de Buscar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jhobick Zamora feat. Azu Bautista - Déjame de Buscar

Déjame de Buscar
Stop Looking For Me
Por que andas presumiendo que me bajaste a mi chava tal vez en este momento anda contigo por que esta confundida pero la conozco tanto y se que no te ama
Why are you bragging that you stole my girl, maybe she's with you right now because she's confused but I know her so well and I know she doesn't love you
Por que
Tu no sabes cuando esta triste o cuando algo le molesta que cosas le gustan mas o que acciones detesta cuando la invitas al antro sabes por que no contesta?
You don't know when she's sad or when something bothers her, what things she likes the most or what actions she hates, when you invite her to the club do you know why she doesn't answer?
Ella prefiere estar en casa que irse los viernes de fiesta pero "tu la haces feliz" ¡que ironia!
She prefers to stay at home than go out partying on Fridays but "you make her happy" what irony!
Que conmigo segun no lo era pero sonreia hoy note en su semblante una mirada fria
With me, according to her, it wasn't like that, but she smiled, today I noticed a cold look on her face
Pues le falta el calor del amor que conmigo tenia sus labios gritan besame su corazon palpita
Well, she lacks the warmth of the love she had with me, her lips shout "kiss me" her heart beats
Al ritmo del mio que al verla se emosiona su orgullo dice dejame aunque me necesita
To the rhythm of mine that gets emotional when he sees her, her pride says leave me even though she needs me
Mientras se va de lios sale con otra persona y ese eres tu que no la conoce ni poco
While she's out on dates, she goes out with someone else and that's you who doesn't even know her a little
Con una simple sonrisa yo sus sentimientos toco tachame de loco
With a simple smile I touch her feelings, call me crazy
Pero le enseñe amar fui su primer amor y ese no se puede olvidar
But I taught her to love, I was her first love and that can't be forgotten
Por que le marcas a mi novio solo quiero dejarte las cosas claras por ultima vez)
Why are you calling my boyfriend I just want to make things clear to you one last time)
Por que llamas di que quieres por que vuelves a buscarme despues del daño que hiciste que te da derecho a hablarme no necesito de ti ya muchas veses te lo eh dicho tal vez tu ami no me quieres y tan solo es un capricho
Why are you calling, tell me what you want, why are you looking for me again after the damage you did, what gives you the right to talk to me, I don't need you, I've told you many times, maybe you don't love me and it's just a whim
Por que si me quisieras no me habrias abandonado viste solo mis errores preferiste hacerme a un lado regresas arrepentido cuando yo ya eatoy con otro yo a ti ya no te quiero el reparo los sueños rotos
Because if you loved me you wouldn't have abandoned me, you only saw my mistakes, you preferred to push me aside, you come back repentant when I'm already with someone else, I don't love you anymore, he repaired the broken dreams
Aclara tus sentimientos piensa bien que es lo que sientes es ardor o es amor da igual ya no estas en mi mente solo te pido un favor a mi ya no me molestes si piensas que volveremos es mejor que nada intentes
Clarify your feelings, think carefully about what you feel, is it passion or is it love, it doesn't matter anymore, you're not in my mind anymore, I only ask you one favor, don't bother me anymore, if you think we'll get back together it's better that you don't even try
Vete por donde viniste no hay nada que hacer aqui el primer amor si olvida me olvide de ti no quieras arreglar todo deveria darte vergüenza ten tantida dignidad entiende ya no me interesas
Go back to where you came from there's nothing to do here, the first love is forgotten, forget about me, don't try to fix everything, you should be ashamed, have some dignity, understand that I'm not interested in you anymore
No te puedo olvidar contigo aprendi amar por mas que trato no te dejo de pensar
I can't forget you, I learned to love with you, no matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about you
Dejame de buscar no niego que un dia te ame aunque me costo bastante tu recuerdo supere
Stop looking for me, I don't deny that one day I loved you, although it cost me a lot, I overcame your memory
No te puedo olvidar contigo aprendi amar por mas que trato no te dejo de pensar
I can't forget you, I learned to love with you, no matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about you
Dejame de buscar no niego que un dia te ame aunque me costo bastante tu recuerdo supere
Stop looking for me, I don't deny that one day I loved you, although it cost me a lot, I overcame your memory
Te acordaras de mi siempre en cada madrugada cuando esperes que suene tu cel y extrañes mis llamadas
You will remember me always in every dawn when you wait for your cell phone to ring and miss my calls
No se si te diste cuenta que puse todo de mi para pintar sonrisas en tu rostro y verte feliz
I don't know if you realized that I put everything into painting smiles on your face and seeing you happy
Tal vez cuenta me di pero ya es demasiado tarde encontre a alguien mejor que tu y es lo que te arde
Maybe I realized it but it's too late, I found someone better than you and that's what burns you
Tu amor fue un fraude pero anda ya no estes triste que lo que te hago es lo que tu ayer me hiciste
Your love was a fraud but come on, don't be sad anymore what I'm doing to you is what you did to me yesterday
Aunque ya no quieras verme y mis disculpas rechaces recordaras mis besos cuando ese tipo te abrase
Even if you don't want to see me anymore and reject my apologies, you will remember my kisses when that guy hugs you
No te querra como yo pero ojala que te enamore, que te entienda, que te cuide, que te ame y te valore
He won't love you like I do, but I hope he loves you, understands you, takes care of you, loves you, and values you
No te recordare no lo use para olvidarte tu encontraras a alguien que lo mejor pueda darte
I won't remember you, don't use it to forget you, you will find someone who can give you the best
Creeme que el me da todo es por eso que estoy con el nuestro libro queda cerrado ya no hay vuelta de papel
Believe me that he gives me everything, that's why I'm with him, our book is closed, there's no turning back
No te puedo olvidar contigo aprendi amar por mas que trato no te dejo de pensar
I can't forget you, I learned to love with you, no matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about you
Dejame de buscar no niego que un dia te ame auque me costo bastante tu recuerdo supere
Stop looking for me, I don't deny that one day I loved you, although it cost me a lot, I overcame your memory
No te puedo olvidar contigo aprendi amar por mas que trato no te dejo de pensar
I can't forget you, I learned to love with you, no matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about you
Dejame de buscar no niego que un dia te ame aunque me costo bastante tu recuerdo supere
Stop looking for me, I don't deny that one day I loved you, although it cost me a lot, I overcame your memory
Ohu Azu Bautista Jhobick Zamora
Ohu Azu Bautista Jhobick Zamora

Авторы: Jhobick Zamora

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